Happy Reef Build Season!

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South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

March 2024

Keep roasting oysters, but it's time to build some reefs!

Volunteer with the SCORE program and help rebuild our oyster reefs!

As oyster roasts start to slow down and the weather starts to warm up in the lowcountry, here at SCORE, we know that means one thing...reef building season is here!

We are gearing up for all things field days. From digging tidal creeks, to building new oyster reefs and planting marsh grass, our team will be creating new habitat until the wheels fall off (...sometimes literally)

Recyling numbers are in


So far, this roast season we have recycled 26,413 bushels of shell! And we are still going! Let's hear it for the recycling side of the SCORE team! *Buzzer sounds and the crowd goes WILD *

Keep recycling your shells and continue to help spread the word about our public recycling drop off sites

They say the grass is always greener...

Volunteer with SCDNR's SCORE program and help us restore our salt marshes!

...where the spartina is!

Come help the SCDNR SCORE program fill up their greenhouses this year. We need help planting spartina seedlings at Fort Johnson for marsh restoration this summer. This event includes sitting at tables and planting spartina seedlings in soil pots. It is relaxing and very therapeutic. 

View Event Details Here 

*more plantings to come in April!*

Volunteers are needed coast wide!

Volunteers needed coast wide!

Myrtle Area:

  • Oyster shell recycling volunteers are needed! Great news is that Myrtle Beach restaurants are on board for shell recycling. We are seeking partners and individuals who can help us collect shell from restaurants.
  • Email kighth@dnr.sc.gov for more information

Grand Strand Area:

  • Oyster shell recycling and manufactured wire reef volunteers are needed! The SCORE team is focusing on expanding our oyster recycling and restoration efforts in the Grand Strand! If you are interested in joining our volunteer shell recycling team or helping to build manufactured wire reefs please reach out!

  • Email swaink@dnr.sc.gov for more information 

Charleston Area:

  • Volunteers needed for Ashleyville/Maryville Tidal Creek Project. Volunteers will assist with excavating creek #2, building new oyster reefs and planting marsh grass for this project.
  • Email lambertk@dnr.sc.gov for more information

Beaufort Area:

  • Oyster reef building volunteers needed! We have A LOT of ground to cover on Parris Island and need all hands on deck the Spring and Summer. 
  • Email Ruchc@dnr.sc.gov fore more information 

Spe-SHELL Announcements

MEDIA MOMENT: podcast featuring the one and only, Michael Hodges

nature based exchange

Check Conversing with Nature podcast from Nature-Based Exchange featuring our very own Oy-star, Michael Hodges! 

"On this episode, we are joined by Michael Hodges, an oyster restoration biologist with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR). Michael talks all things oysters: their benefits, their history in South Carolina, and how SCDNR is managing them today. Michael also describes the South Carolina Oyster Recycling and Enhancement Program (SCORE), how important community-based restoration is, and how YOU can recycle your oyster shells!"

Listen Now


Parris Island Efforts

Parris island

Reef Builds for Parris Island started this week! A great kick off to the season. 

Volunteer for Parris Island

Cultural Day at Burke High School

TiaBurke Day

Burke Highschool had their first “Salt Marsh Career Day!

Speakers included:

  • Angela Treptow from SC Seagrant Consortium’s highlighting their new South Carolina Commercial Seafood
Apprenticeship Program
  • Commercial Fisherman David Warren gave an in depth look into the life of an SC Oysterman.
  • Tia Clark shared her amazing story on how she connected with the food she eats and the salt marsh through her business Casual Crabbing with Tia.
  • SCDNR Artificial Reef Program Coordinator Ryan Yaden spoke on his experience as a scientific diver and all the different shapes and forms marine conservation can take.

It's amazing to see all backgrounds come together to celebrate the Salt Marsh! 

Barge and in charge!


The Shellfish Management Section just built a new barge! This beauty will be used for loose shell planting and shell relay this season! This smaller barge will help access shallow areas that are difficult to reach with a traditional sized barge. 

Help in the Grand Strand

grand strand volunteers

Manufactured Wire Reef (MWRs) Fabrications have been happening in the Grand Strand area and we will have more coming up. These events have helped build relationships and will increase our reach across the state!

Grand Strand Volunteers




We've partnered with The Ordinary in  downtown Charleston on their House Martini! 

$2 from every House Martini sold is donated to SCORE, helping revitalize and enhance the South Carolina coastline!

House Martini ingredients:
-grey goose or plymouth, ocean vermouth,
sea salt, soy pickled onion

The Ordinary has been a long-time shell recycling partner for us. Cheers to creative partnerships and drinks! 




Say hello to one of our very own Spartina Specialists, Rosaria Tumminello! Through the South Carolina Aquarium, we have an internship program to help us manage our greenhouses. Rosaria makes sure our spartina seedlings are healthy and greenhouses are looking good! Thanks for all your help and commitment to our Spartina Program, Rosaria! 

Ashleyville/Maryville Tidal Creek


In January, the SCORE team added seeded oyster shell to the banks of our hand excavated tidal creek! (Check out how well the creek is holding water.) This spring and summer, we will be excavating creek #2, building new oyster reefs and planting marsh grass for this project.

Spartina in the (green) House!


The SCORE team recently constructed a greenhouse on the AMI kids Beaufort campus for the cultivation of spartina grass for restoration! Panels are the final step, then spartina grass for the cherry on top!

Thank you!

pig fly at shell pile

We can't do this work without the help of our amazing partners and volunteers. Let's have another great season creating habitat and healthy estuaries!! 

P.S. Check out our newest friend at the shell pile!