Pittsburgh, PA – CitiParks will activate six Healthy Active Living Centers as warming centers beginning Monday, January 20, through Wednesday, January 22, 2025, as Pittsburgh braces for another Arctic blast with forecasted temperatures expected to remain well below 20 degrees for the high.
Monday, January 20 (Martin Luther King Day): While centers are normally closed for the holiday, CitiParks' six warming centers will be open from 10 AM to 10 PM. Then, on Tuesday, January 21, and Wednesday, January 22, 2025, all six centers will be open from 8 AM to 10 PM.
Beechview Healthy Active Living Community Center
Brighton Heights Healthy Active Living Community Center
Greenfield Healthy Active Living Community Center
Homewood Healthy Active Living Community Center
Sheraden Healthy Active Living Community Center
South Side Market House Healthy Active Living Community Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Our five additional HAL Senior Centers are open from 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday, with the exception of Martin Luther King Day.
CitiParks Recreation Centers will be closed on Martin Luther King Day but will be open with the following hours on Tuesday, January 21, and Wednesday, January 22, 2025:
AMMON (2217 Bedford Avenue, 15219) 9 AM-9 PM
ARLINGTON (2201 Salisbury Street, 15210) 10 AM-6 PM
BROOKLINE (1400 Oakridge Street, 15226) 9 AM-7 PM
JEFFERSON (605 Redknap Street, 15212) 12 PM-8PM
MAGEE (745 Greenfield Avenue, 15217) 10 AM-8 PM
ORMSBY (79 S 22nd Street, 15203) 12 PM-8PM
PAULSON (1201 Paulson Avenue, 15206) 12-8 PM
WARRINGTON (329 Warrington venue, 15210) 9AM-7PM
WEST PENN (450 30th Street, 15219) 9 AM-9 PM
ALL are welcome!
Note: In cooperation with the City of Pittsburgh’s Public Safety & Emergency Management Teams, warming center hours for these three days have been extended due to the anticipated extreme temperatures. CitiParks is thankful to our staff members who volunteered their time to provide these extended hours as requested.
Note: CitiParks and the City of Pittsburgh typically activate warming centers when the forecasted highs are predicted to be below 20 degrees.