Effective July 2, 2018 the Philadelphia Water Department updated its Stormwater Regulations including changes to how streets are regulated. The specific changes are as follows:
- Street Maintenance
activities no longer count towards the earth disturbance threshold for
triggering the PWD Stormwater Regulations.
- New Streets must meet the Water Quality Requirement.
has also updated the Philadelphia Stormwater Management Guidance Manual.
The Manual Version 3.1 includes new
guidance about managing Street runoff, revised porous pavement guidance, new One-Sheets,
additional design examples, and other clarifying edits. Designers should begin
using the updated Manual immediately for all project submissions.
In addition, PWD introduced an updated Project Portal, which
allows multiple projects to be managed from one location. A new Online
Technical Worksheet was also introduced that can be accessed from the
portal. Designers are strongly encouraged to start using the Online
Technical Worksheet for any new Post-Construction
Stormwater Management Plan (PCSMP) submissions as it will be mandatory beginning October 1,
Want more information? PWD is hosting an information
session to review the proposed changes and provide a tutorial of the Online
Technical Worksheet and Project Portal:
Information Session
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 1:00
1101 Market Street, 5th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
required and space is limited. RSVP to pwd.planreview@phila.gov.