Thursday, November 24, all Township Libraries, Offices and Facilities will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
We will reopen, Friday, November 25 to serve our residents.
Thanksgiving Holiday Refuse and Recycling Collection
A Refuse and Recycling holiday collection schedule will be in effect for November 21-November 25 due to Thanksgiving Day holiday. There will be no Refuse or Recycling Collections on Thursday, November 24th.
Election 2022 Information
Election Day is Tuesday, November 8!
Polling locations will be open from 7:00AM to 8:00PM on Tuesday, November 8. If you are in line by 8:00PM, you are eligible to vote!
Check your polling location by using the blue button below.
Mail-in Ballot Drop Box Location at Ludington Library, 5 South Bryn Mawr Ave Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Available 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. from October 29, 2022, until November 8, 2022.
*Montgomery County Staff will be present at each drop box to help educate voters on proper ballot return practices.
Collection is held from November 9th - 15th
following the election.
Lower Merion Residents may drop off at the Lower Merion Transfer Station, 1300 N. Woodbine Avenue, Penn Valley. Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Saturday 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
We want to hear your thoughts about the upcoming Township Sustainability Plan!
A survey is available now through December 13 for anyone who lives or works Lower Merion Township to weigh in on the plan priorities, goals, and strategies.
On December 8, 2022, a community meeting will be held from 5:30-7:30 PM in the Township Administration Building Board Room for members of the public to learn more about the plan and share their thoughts with staff. Click here for more information about the community meeting.
Solid Waste Fee Subscription Notice:
Every November, the Township sends residents a notice or postcard about the next year’s solid waste fees. Here is what you need to know about solid waste fees for 2023.
- There are no changes to annual solid waste fees in 2023.
- Solid waste subscriptions are set to automatically renew at each property’s current service level for the next year.
If you are satisfied with your current solid waste fee subscription level (Mini-Can, Standard, Enhanced) and collection point (Curbside or Rear Yard) you do not need to do anything.
- If you want to make a change to your subscription level or collection point you can do so by clicking on the blue button below and filling out a brief form.
- Do not send any payment to the Township for solid waste fees at this time. The solid waste fee will be incorporated into your Township/County real estate tax bill you will receive in early February 2023.
Township Advisory Board Vacancies
The Township of Lower Merion is seeking qualified Township residents to serve on the following advisory boards:
Health Advisory Council: The Health Advisory Council (HAC) is composed of 5 to 7 members and 2 alternates who serve 4-year terms of office. The HAC recommends plans and programs to the Board of Commissioners for the protection of the public health of residents within the Township and also advises Township officials concerning matters of public health. One alternate is being sought. An alternate may participate in any proceeding or discussion of the HAC but shall not be entitled to vote as a regular member of the HAC unless needed to create a quorum. Professional experience in public health is required. The HAC typically meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. More information about the HAC can be found here in the Township Code: Chapter 16: Health Advisory Council.
Historical Commission: The Historical Commission (HC) is composed of 7 members and two alternates who serve 5-year terms of office. The HC makes recommendations to the Board of Commissioners regarding the advisability of issuing permits with respect to properties listed on the Township’s Historic Resource Inventory. One alternate is being sought. An alternate may participate in any proceeding or discussion of the HC but shall not be entitled to vote as a regular member of the HC unless needed to create a quorum. Professional experience in historic preservation or working with historic buildings is required. The HC typically meets on the last Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. A full description of the HC’s duties can be found here in the Township Code: Chapter 88: Historic Districts, Article II.
Planning Commission: The Planning Commission (PC) is composed of 7 members who serve 4-year terms of office. The PC reviews all subdivision and land development plans and submits recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. Professional experience in planning, civil engineering, urban design, transportation planning or landscape architecture is required. One member is being sought. The PC typically meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. A full description of the PC’s duties can be found here in the Township Code: Chapter 34, Article II: Planning Commission.
Qualified individuals should complete the Boards & Commissions Application Form, which can be found on www.lowermerion.org under “I Want To… Apply For… Advisory Boards & Commissions.” The completed application and a current resume should be submitted to Jody L. Kelley, Township Secretary, 75 E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, PA 19003 or by e-mail to jkelley@lowermerion.org by Monday, November 28, 2022. For further information please contact the Township Secretary via e-mail at jkelley@lowermerion.org or phone at 610-645-6145.
Lower Merion LIbrary System Seeks Member-At-Large for Board
The Lower Merion Library System is currently accepting applications for a Member-At-Large to serve on the system’s Board of Directors. This is an important volunteer position requiring a minimum time commitment of one evening per month and participation in other subcommittee tasks as needed. The Library System is designated by the Township of Lower Merion to act as the township’s agent to provide library services for residents. Board directors are responsible for policymaking, stewardship, and long-range planning for the six members: Ardmore, Bala Cynwyd, Belmont Hills, Gladwyne, Ludington and Penn Wynne Libraries. Interested candidates are encouraged to submit a resume and letter of interest to the President of the Board of Directors, Lower Merion Library System, at jdeangelis@lowermerion.org or mail to 75 East Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, PA 19003. The deadline to submit resumes is November 11, 2022.

Thanksgiving Food Drive Donation Drop-Offs at the Lower Merion Public Safety Building and Township Administration Building through November 18th!
Montgomery County Health and Human Services will be collecting donations for the Thanksgiving Drive until November 18th. In addition, collecting for the Preston & Steve Camp Out for Hunger Food Drive will be November 7th through November 11th.
LMPD is assisting with both drives by providing donation collection bins in the lobby of the Public Safety Building as well as the Township Administration Building.
Giving Tuesday is November 29.
This year, please consider making a gift in support of your local Lower Merion public library. Our libraries give so much to the community - inspiring joy, promoting literacy, and providing life-long learning. Our dedicated library board members and volunteers raise over $400,000 annually to provide us with books, films, digital materials, programs, and so much more.
Refuse and Recycling Reminders for Township Residents
Refuse is collected once a week between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Refuse and recyclable containers placed for curbside collection may be put out no earlier than 7:00 p.m. on the night before and no later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection; containers must be retrieved no later than 9:00 p.m. of the day of collection.