Did you know local governments are required to file audits or similar reports with the Secretary of State’s Office each year?
These reports are important tools for accountability. They ensure local governments — including school districts and special districts — are accurately and fairly depicting what they do with the tax dollars they receive.
Each year, we publish a summary report with information about these municipal audits. Our summary report includes information like which governments filed their required reports on time; whether their auditor made recommendations for improvement; or whether a particular municipality is several years delinquent.
For fiscal year 2023, out of the 1,197 governments that were required to file an audit, 106 had not yet filed their report and were over one year delinquent.
You can review the complete Municipal Summary Report for fiscal year 2023 on our website here.
Not all local governments are required to undergo an audit. Some governments spending less than $500,000 a year may have been exempt from the audit requirement. However, their financial reports, along with all audit reports, can also be viewed on our website.