June updates from the Secretary of State: Election reform, praise for audits, and recognizing the Indian Citizenship Act

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Dear Oregonians,

On June 2nd, we recognized the 100-year anniversary of the Indian Citizenship Act. While this was important legislation that granted United States citizenship to all Indigenous people living in the U.S — along with the right to vote — it was not without its complications.

We tend to think of progress as a steady forward march, but the reality involves quite a bit of stumbling. The best way for us to truly honor this landmark legislation is by recognizing all of the complexity — the good and the bad.

Before 1924, approximately 175,000 Native Americans had already been granted citizenship through various avenues. The Indian Citizenship Act granted U.S. citizenship to the remaining Indigenous people. Ostensibly, this also meant granting Native peoples the right to vote in U.S. elections. However, voting rights for Native Americans remained contested in many areas until the Voting Rights Act of 1965. A full accounting of the complicated history behind the Indian Citizenship Act is available through the White House Historical Association.

In recognizing this anniversary, I want to remind all Oregonians to check their voter registration to make sure they are able to receive a ballot in November. It’s easy to take democracy for granted, but I firmly believe civic engagement through voting is a core part of our national identity.


LaVonne Griffin-Valade
Oregon Secretary of State

LaVonne Griffin-Valade Signature