Temporary Rule Incorporating Legislative Changes Into the Campaign Finance Manual

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Notice of Temporary Administrative Order

OAR 165-012-0005

Designating the Campaign Finance Manual and Forms


The Elections Division hereby provides notice of rulemaking activity for OAR 165-012-0005. This temporary rule only implements Section 9 of SB 1538.  Additional campaign finance reform under SB 1538 and HB 4024 will be implemented at a later date. More information may be found below and on our website. This temporary rule went into effect April 5, 2024.

RULE TEXT: The rule text may be found at this link.  

RULE SUMMARY: These revisions are necessary to incorporate legislative mandates set out in SB 1538 (2024), Section 9. This rule extends the guidance for allowable legal expenses to include using committee funds for proceedings under a campaign finance provision of a county charter or ordinance, a campaign finance provision of a city charter or ordinance, or any charter or ordinance provision adopted under the authority of ORS 260.163.

NEED FOR TEMPORARY RULE: In enacting SB 1538 (2024) the Legislative Assembly directed the Secretary of State to adopt rules to implement the legislation by updating existing language to conform with statutory changes.

JUSTIFICATION FOR TEMPORARY RULE: SB 1538 contains an emergency clause and went into effect on March 27, 2024. The Secretary of State finds that the failure to quickly update the Campaign Finance Manual will result in serious prejudice to the public interest because campaigns and political committees would not have the information and guidance needed to comply with the updated requirements. Failure to comply with the updated laws could result in civil penalties and other consequences. 

DOCUMENTS RELIED UPON & WHERE THEY ARE AVAILABLE: SB 1538 (2024) available online at oregonlegislature.gov or from the Elections Division.