Happy Birthday, Oregon! Here's our all-new Blue Book cover just in time to celebrate.

Oregon Secretary of State Seal

OBB 2023-2024 Header 2

800 Summer Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97310  -  oregon.bluebook@sos.oregon.gov

It's Oregon's 164th birthday! To celebrate, we are revealing the cover photographs for the 2023-2024 Oregon Blue Book! We hope our new cover inspires you to pre-order your very own limited-edition copy. Click here to pre-order your copy.

2023-24 Oregon Blue Book front cover

The front cover image was made by Micah Lundstedt of Eugene and is titled, "Morning Magnificence." Micah made this stunning image at sunrise on the Oregon side of the Columbia River Gorge near Rowena Crest.

OBB Cover Back

The back cover was made by Dale George, a retired mechanic who lives in Grants Pass. Dale's beautiful image of three colorful rockfish was made at the Oregon Coast Aquarium and is titled, "The Master's Voice."

The 2023-2024 Oregon Blue Book tells the story of Oregon through factual information and data. But it also tells our state’s story through the amazing images captured by Oregon photographers. Pre-order your copy by clicking here. It’s just $18, plus $8 shipping and handling.

Questions? Email us at Oregon.BlueBook@sos.oregon.gov.