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Secretary Fagan and the Oregon Audits Division Release Water Security Advisory Report
Oregon Secretary of State sent this bulletin at 01/26/2023 10:00 AM PST
Secretary of State SHEMIA FAGAN
The State of Oregon
Contact: Ben Morris, 971-209-5521, ben.morris@sos.oregon.gov
Secretary Fagan and the Oregon Audits Division Release Water Security Advisory Report
SALEM, OR — The Oregon Legislature and Governor’s Office must take decisive action to address gaps in statewide water governance that contribute to water insecurity for Oregon communities, according to an advisory report released today by the Secretary of State. The findings are outlined in the report entitled: State Leadership Must Take Action to Protect Water Security for all Oregonians.
“Water is life. And the findings in this advisory report are shocking,” said Secretary of State Shemia Fagan. “Not only are many families in Oregon dealing with water insecurity today, many more are at high-risk of becoming water insecure in the very near future. What’s shocking about this report is it shows that we don’t have a plan to address the problem. So today, I am offering the Oregon Legislature and Governor Kotek a road map to create a statewide plan to address water security in Oregon. We must take urgent action to address this crisis.”
Communities across Oregon are grappling with water insecurity, unable to reliably and routinely access adequate, safe, and clean water to meet their needs. Many factors can increase the risk of water insecurity, such as climate change, drought, overallocation of surface and groundwater, and the presence of contaminants which degrade water quality and endanger public health. Oregon is not well-prepared to systematically address these risks under its current governance model. Oregon’s institutional framework around water is fragmented and there are persistent and concerning governance gaps that undermine the state’s efforts to address water insecurity.
Oregon has made efforts to address some of these gaps in the past, to limited effect. There are notable ongoing efforts on the part of some state agencies and stakeholders, particularly around water planning and data. Yet agencies with key water responsibilities lack the appropriate resources and guidance needed to make real, sustained headway. Existing policies and political pressure may also act as a barrier to addressing these gaps and protecting water security for communities across the state.
The following aspects of water governance also need attention:
The state lacks broad, diverse, and appropriately representative community engagement in water decisions
Oregon does not have an actionable statewide water plan, or a regional framework that could tie a statewide plan to regional planning and implementation
Key water agencies and state leadership lack shared water security priorities, making coordination more difficult when agencies have distinct areas of focus
Water data is disaggregated and not set up to support regional planning needs
The state lacks a water funding strategy that ties planning to investments, sustained funding for meeting community planning and implementation needs, and state agencies lack funding and capacity to fully carry out their duties
External pressures, such as litigation from stakeholders, can sometimes prevent agencies from using their regulatory discretion to public benefit
Federally recognized Tribes are unable to ensure water security in their homelands due in part to certain ongoing agricultural and industrial practices
The state must develop a water governance model centered on meeting public needs and protecting water security. This model should build on past efforts and the ongoing work of state agencies, Tribes, communities, and stakeholder groups. There is no single existing template that will easily fit Oregon’s unique needs; however, good water governance principles such as effectiveness, efficiency, and trust and engagement, as well as certain practices used in other states, can inform how Oregon develops a more robust water governance model.
In addition to developing a regional water planning framework, state leadership should pursue the following actions to better protect Oregonians from water insecurity now and in the future:
Develop statewide priorities centered on water security shared by state leadership and agencies to guide holistic and inclusive water decisions
Connect an actionable and comprehensive state water plan to a regional planning framework to guide water decisions and policy development
Convene a formal planning and coordination body with diverse and balanced representation to guide the statewide plan and support regional planning needs
Define the state’s overall role and specific agency roles within a regional framework to support effective planning and implementation and avoid overlap and gaps in service
Increase public engagement and incorporate more diverse and balanced community feedback and needs into statewide and regional water decisions
Enhance public awareness and understanding of the state’s water challenges
Prioritize the human right to water and explore policy options to better protect community and ecosystem health
Improve water data to support strategic decision making
Adopt a strategic approach to water funding and establish a consistent funding base to support desired outcomes
Clearly support state agencies tasked with carrying out regulatory responsibilities
Integrate Oregon’s federally recognized Tribes as full and equal partners into state and regional water decision-making
While today’s report is not an audit under government auditing standards, it has undergone the same quality assurance process. Issuing an advisory report allowed the Audits Division to consider a fuller scope of water governance responsibilities beyond those of a single state agency.
Read the full [audit/report] on the Secretary of State website (https://sos.oregon.gov/audits/Pages/default.aspx).
About Secretary Shemia Fagan
Pronunciation: shuh-MEE-uh (rhymes with “Maria”) FAY-gen (rhymes with “Megan”)
Shemia Fagan is Oregon’s 28th Secretary of State. She grew up in small Oregon towns, Dufur and The Dalles, and was raised by her single dad and two older brothers. Her public service began on her local school board. She was later elected to the Oregon House of Representatives, then to the Oregon State Senate. Secretary Fagan was a civil rights attorney before being elected to Secretary of State in 2020. She stays busy keeping up with her young children, teaching her dog not to jump on people and being a fanatic for women’s basketball.
About Oregon SOS
The Oregon Secretary of State is one of three constitutional offices created at statehood. Oregon’s Secretary of State is Oregon’s chief elections officer, chief auditor, chief archivist, and oversees business and nonprofit filings. The Secretary of State also serves as one of three members of the State Land Board and as the chair of the Oregon Sustainability Board. Under Article V, Section 8a of the Oregon Constitution, if there is a vacancy in the office of Governor, the Secretary of State becomes governor. As an independently elected constitutional officer, the Secretary of State answers directly and solely to the people of Oregon.
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