Notice of Temporary Administrative Order
OAR 165-016-0000
Designating the State Voters' Pamphlet Manual and Forms
The Election Division hereby provides notice of rulemaking activity for OAR 165-016-0000. More information may be found below and on our website.
This temporary rule is in effect from August 23, 2022 through February 4, 2023, unless sooner superseded by a permanent administrative order.
FILING CAPTION: Designating temporary electronic filing system for translated voters' pamphlet statements under HB3021.
RULE TEXT: The rule text may be found at this link.
NEED FOR TEMPORARY RULE: This rule is necessary to allow for candidates and measure argument filers to submit translations of their voters' pamphlet filings for the November 8, 2022, General Election, by email to in the event the Secretary of State issues a written determination that the regularly designated electronic filing system for voters' pamphlet filings is unavailable for use.
JUSTIFICATION FOR TEMPORARY RULE: The Secretary of State finds that the failure to act promptly will result in serious prejudice to the public interest of the more than 200,000 Oregon individuals who have limited English proficiency (LEP) and speak one of the most common languages in Oregon other than English. August 30, 2022 is the state voters’ pamphlet filing deadline for federal and statewide candidates and for filers of arguments in support of or opposition to state measures. The Secretary of State has determined that ORESTAR is unavailable for candidates and measure argument filers to use. Absent this temporary rule, candidates and measure argument filers would be unable to submit translated material and the state’s LEP individuals would not be able to receive that material in a culturally appropriate way and fully exercise their voting rights in time for the 2022 General Election.
DOCUMENTS RELIED UPON & WHERE THEY ARE AVAILABLE: HB3021 (2021) available online at or from the Secretary of State Elections Division.