Dear Friends,
On the campaign trail, I often pointed to Portland Street Response as a success story. I went on to promise that, if elected, I’d double down on what already works as part of my overall strategy to end unsheltered homelessness in Portland.
I have good news and a promise kept: Portland Street Response teams can now voluntarily shuttle at-risk individuals to lifesaving shelter, day centers, addiction treatment facilities, and food pantries. These incredible, dedicated teams can now also enter certain public spaces like businesses and government buildings to help those in need.
In expanding Portland Street Response, we’ve made a strong commitment to deploying smart, impactful solutions within our existing budget, removing barriers to assistance, and doing the most good with the resources we’ve already developed.
I’m grateful to our City Council, and their near-unanimous support for this move. Our shared win is a testament to how our new form of local government can deliver immediate, effective results. This new system of an executive Mayor paired with a professional city administrator has empowered our city to run faster, better, and at a lower cost.
Portland owes a great deal to those who had the courage to fight for the creation of Portland Street Response and shepherd it through uncertain times. We owe even more to our PSR teams, who do the hard and important work of helping our most vulnerable neighbors. To every person who has contributed to this extraordinary program, I say thank you for everything you’ve given to our city.
If you—like so many of your neighbors—are looking for impactful ways to contribute to our community, please take a moment to consider one of the following opportunities:
Community Board for Police Accountability: If you are willing to serve fairly and impartially as a volunteer public servant tasked with reviewing investigations, considering evidence, and making crucial determinations regarding allegations about the conduct of sworn officers, applications are now open.
Planning Commission: If you are interested in making recommendations to the City Council on long-range goals, policies, and land use according to key economic, environmental, and social considerations, applications are now open.
Parks Oversight Committee: If you care about Portland City Parks and want to help advise the Parks and Recreation director and staff on programs, budgeting, and communications, applications are now open.
Budget Listening Sessions – to be announced soon!
 Mayor Keith Wilson
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