Intersection Safety Project Data Collection Shows Promising Results
In late 2022, PBOT installed an intersection safety project at NE Fremont and NE Alameda streets. The projects goals included:
- Reducing crashes and crash potential at the NE Alameda and NE Fremont streets intersection by reducing turning and through movements.
- Creating more crossing opportunities for people walking, biking, and rolling across NE Fremont Street.
- Reducing automobile volumes on the NE Alameda neighborhood greenway.
In addition to the project goals, PBOT wanted to ensure that other streets in the neighborhood were not significantly impacted by additional traffic after implementation. While some additional traffic to local streets was expected, PBOT committed to ensuring neighborhood streets operated as well or better than the neighborhood greenway. PBOT collected traffic data before project installation at 22 locations in the neighborhood. That information is available on the project website.
In September and October 2023 traffic data was again collected at 15 locations to determine the intersection safety project's traffic impacts. The locations correspond with pre-project data collection. The traffic data information helps show how and where traffic patterns have shifted and if any streets are experiencing traffic patterns that do not meet PBOT guidelines.
The post-project data showed:
- Significant reduction in traffic on the NE Alameda neighborhood greenway.
- No significant impacts to nearby local streets.
- No significant impact to NE Fremont Street.
The project is meeting success factors outlined before implementation. No local street in the area is experiencing more than 1,000 vehicles in a day. No local street in the project area is experiencing elevated speeds or significant speed increases. The project team will continue to monitor two streets for potential impacts:
- NE Klickitat neighborhood greenway west of NE Alameda, which saw an increase in traffic volumes approaching 1,000 vehicles per day.
- NE 38th Avenue south of NE Fremont, which saw an increase in northbound vehicles.
Join PBOT staff to discuss the project.
PBOT staff will join the Beaumont-Wilshire Neighborhood Association's December 11th, 2023 general meeting. The meeting will be held at 7pm. Please check the Beaumont-Wilshire neighborhood website for updates on location and agenda.
Scott Cohen
Capital Project Manager
(503) 823-5345