Project Update: Brentwood Darlington Multimodal Improvements
Happy New Year! The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is happy to share some exciting news about the Brentwood Darlington Multimodal Improvements project. After years of advocacy from neighborhood residents, and additional years of design and property acquisition, the project is now preparing to begin construction. Work is expected to start in the next month or two, and will continue through 2024.
This project will fill gaps in the sidewalk network on both sides of SE Duke and Flavel streets between SE 52nd and 82nd avenue, as well as stripe additional crosswalks. It will also install a new neighborhood greenway on portions of Knapp and Ogden streets between SE 52nd and SE 87th avenues, including a new signalized crossing of SE 82nd Avenue at SE Knapp Street and an enhanced crossing of 72nd Avenue at SE Ogden Street. Neighborhood greenways are low-traffic and low-speed streets that prioritize people walking, bicycling, and rolling. The new striping, crossings, speed bumps, and wayfinding signage will provide connectivity to the existing and/or funded 60s, 70s and 80s neighborhood greenways. Overall, the Brentwood Darlington Multimodal Improvements project will improve access to schools, transit and other neighborhood amenities for people walking and biking.
Click here to visit the project website, and here to see a map of the proposed improvements.
Next Steps
The construction contract was recently awarded and we are working to finalize preparations and develop a schedule of work. We anticipate crews will be working in phases throughout the next year, with work stretching a few blocks at a time. More detailed information about construction, as well as schedule updates, will be shared in follow-up newsletters.
Sidewalk gaps on SE Flavel and SE Duke streeets, such as this one near Whitman Elementary school, will be filled as part of this project.
This project is funded through Metro’s Regional Flexible Funding Allocation (RFFA) program, a federal funding allocation that was applied for in 2016. As part of the application, more than 1,000 residents signed a letter of support for the project. During the last few years, the Lower Southeast Rising Area Plan further identified the need for these improvements, as well as many others.
We thank the community for their support, and patience, and look forward to delivering these improvements to the Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood.
Bryan Poole, Project Manager Email: Phone: 503-823-1173