Thank you for your emails, calls, and on-site meetings providing feedback on NW Overton Street. The project team has been working hard to evaluate traffic operations and access challenges since the changes on NW Overton Street between NW 9th and NW 10th avenues were constructed in September as part of the NW Pettygrove Neighborhood Greenway project.
As a result of both communication with area stakeholders and on-site evaluations, the project team will be moving the NW Overton traffic pattern change from NW 9th Ave to NW 11th Ave to improve traffic operational issues. The revised design will improve access to NW Overton Street, particularly for freight vehicles and during train events, while reducing cut-through traffic on the NW Pettygrove/NW Overton neighborhood greenway.
Thank you for your patience and continued engagement in the creation of this important new link in the city’s transportation network. This neighborhood greenway connects Chapman Elementary School, the growing Slabtown area, the North Pearl District, and Fields Park. The route briefly uses NW Overton to connect to existing and future bikeways on NW Naito Parkway and NW 9th Ave.
About the design
Aerial view of planned design on NW Overton between NW 12th and NW 9th avenues
View link to the project map in a larger size with illustrations of planned traffic pattern changes here.
NW Overton Street between NW 11th and 12th avenues will become one-way eastbound only for auto travel to discourage cut-through traffic on the NW Overton-Pettygrove Neighborhood Greenway.
For auto vehicles driving west of NW 11th Ave, NW Northrup Street is the most direct route.
A section of bollard-protected bike lane will remain on the south side of NW Overton Street approaching NW 9th Avenue to allow people biking to bypass vehicle queues.
No changes will be made to the current amount of on-street parking on NW Overton Street between NW 12th and NW 11th avenues. No changes will made to NW Overton St between NW 11th and NW 10th avenues.
On-street parking on NW Overton Street between NW 9th and NW 10th avenues will be restored on both sides of the street, except where the short bike lane will remain.
PBOT’s Maintenance Operations crews will preform this work on the NW Pettygrove Neighborhood Greenway Project. Work is weather and resource dependent.
Vehicle movements near the NW Pettygrove Neighborhood Greenway between NW 15th and NW 9th Avenues. The traffic pattern changes shift cars off the neighborhood greenway while still allowing people driving to access businesses and residences.
Additional speed bumps, sharrows, and neighborhood greenway signage will be installed on NW Pettygrove in the winter as weather allows. At the conclusion of the project sharrows and neighborhood greenway signage will be removed from NW Overton St west of NW 14th Ave.
About the NW Pettygrove Neighborhood Greenway Project
The NW Pettygrove Neighborhood Greenway will replace the greenway currently on NW Overton Street in the Northwest District.
PBOT will build new speed bumps, change traffic patterns to limit cut-through traffic, and make pedestrian crossings safer. These improvements will make these streets safer for pedestrians and people biking while preserving the ability of people driving to access area homes and businesses.
The project was identified by the Northwest in Motion Plan, which represents over two years of analysis, community outreach, and problem-solving to improve walking, biking, and public transit in the Northwest District and surrounding area.
View the project map with illustrations of the planned greenway enhancements and other information about the project on the project web page.
Scott Cohen, Neighborhood Greenway Program Coordinator 503-823-5345