The Lloyd to Woodlawn Neighborhood Greenway Project will expand the citywide low-stress walking and bicycling network in Northeast Portland by creating a safe and pleasant place to walk or bike to employment centers, neighborhood destinations, schools, and nearby parks.
Beginning some time the week of September 19th, contractors working for the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will be breaking ground on the remaining components of Phase 1 of implementation of the Lloyd to Woodlawn Neighborhood Greenway project. The project also includes many elements designed to create a safer NE 7th Avenue, including an enhanced design at the intersection of NE 7th Avenue and Tillamook Street based on recent community feedback.
Among the improvements are:
- New speed bumps along the corridor, to reduce speeding
- New marked crosswalks to improve safety
- Upgraded lighting for visibility
- Removal of center line striping for a more comfortable shared roadway experience while bicycling
- New bike lanes to connect the Tillamook Neighborhood Greenway to the new Blumenauer Bridge
- Changes at the intersection of NE 7th Avenue and NE Tillamook Street, to improve visibility, formalize crosswalks and enhance the connection to the Tillamook Neighborhood Greenway
Read the Lloyd to Woodlawn Neighborhood Greenway Plan Report here. The plan was developed after years of engagement with neighbors, community groups and organizations along the corridor to help identify the preferred route and design for a neighborhood greenway.
The planned project will reduce conflict between users, improve safety for everyone, and establish a low stress walking and biking route connecting the Woodlawn, Vernon, Sabin, King, Irvington neighborhoods to the Lloyd neighborhood and Earl Blumenauer Bridge.
PBOT staff met with neighbors at the intersection of NE 7th Avenue and NE Tillamook Street to share more about the details of the proposed project and hear about ongoing traffic safety concerns at this intersection. As a result of community feedback at the meeting, PBOT has added additional intersection enhancements for safer crossings and reduced speeds, in line with the plan for a safer 7th Avenue. |
Detailed Intersection Design Plan
The design at NE 7th Avenue and NE Tillamook Street will improve connections to the Blumenauer Bridge, enhance crossing comfort and safety for folks travelling along the NE Tillamook Neighborhood Greenway, and make pedestrian crossings safer and more comfortable. The enhanced design removes an existing legacy traffic circle, and replaces it with a combination of a planter and speed bump to maintain slow speeds and prioritize people crossing the street.
Download the enhanced design here
After completion of these Phase 1 improvements, PBOT is committed to seeking funding for the Phase 2 recommendations outlined in the Lloyd to Woodlawn Neighborhood Greenway Plan Report. In addition, PBOT last week committed to neighbors along the lower portion of NE 7th Avenue that discussions about traffic management on the street would continue. This will consist of monitoring traffic volumes, speeds, and crashes after completion of the Phase I improvements, and may include follow-up mitigation if necessary. Additional future changes to NE 7th Avenue would require PBOT to re-engage the broader community to ensure that such an outcome would work for users along the entire corridor and reflect the priorities of historically disadvantaged communities.
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Nicole Peirce/Project Manager
Capital Projects
(503) 823-6186