Have a say in how PBOT’s transportation funds are budgeted by applying to the Bureau and Budget Advisory Committee
 Three circles representing PBOT’S Core Goal. First circle (orange) a person riding a bike representing safety on our streets for everyone. Second circle (green) cars and buses moving people and goods. Third circle (blue) city truck, bridges & tram symbolizing asset management.
(August. 24, 2022) Help shape the Portland Bureau of Transportation Budget choices! The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is currently accepting applications for its Bureau and Budget Advisory Committee (BBAC). The committee advises PBOT Director Chris Warner on the direction of the budget and bureau priorities.
The BBAC application deadline has been extended to September 5, 2022.
The BBAC is a 24-member committee. Members meet monthly and serve a two year term, which may be renewable.
To be eligible for the advisory committee, members must live, play, worship, go to school, work and/or do business in the City of Portland.
We are looking for people from every part of Portland to share their voice on this committee! If you want to serve your community and inform PBOT’s transportation budget choices, we strongly encourage you to apply. Learn more and apply today at: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/portlandor/jobs/3655302/volunteer-non-paid-position-pbot-bureau-budget-advisory-committee-bbac
Please direct any questions you may have about this volunteer opportunity to marianna.lomanto@portlandoregon.gov or 503.823.7041.