Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committees
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will be holding a virtual Joint Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committees meeting on Tuesday, May 17th, from 6-8:00 pm via Zoom. Please see below for details and instructions on how to join.
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
A pdf version of the agenda can be found here.
Introductions/Announcements (6:00-6:05)
Vision Zero Update (6:05-6:10)
Interstate Bridge Replacement Program (6:10-6:55)
IBR project staff and city staff will present an overview of the project, including recent work to define a modified locally preferred alternative (LPA) design. Discussion will then focus on active transportation elements of the project and how to make connections south of the slough, to Hayden Island and north into Vancouver.
Update on the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge (EQRB) Project (6:55-7:30)
Multnomah County submitted a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) in late April, starting a 45-day comment period. Project and city staff will discuss changes to the previously submitted Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Meeting focus will be on width to be allocated to the active transportation environment on the bridge and connections to the west side and Eastbank Esplanade on the east side.
Committee Business (7:30-7:45)
BAC consideration of a letter in support of the SW Capitol Highway Rose Lane Project. BAC and PAC discussion for next steps regarding membership on PBOT’s Bureau Budget Advisory Committee
Modal Committee Evaluation (7:45-7:55)
Kristin Hull with PBOT will briefly discuss and answer questions about a bureau effort to improve the modal advisory committee system.
Public Comment (7:55-8:00)
Adjourn (8:00)
Questions about this agenda or other questions about the Portland Bicycle Advisory Committee please contact:
Questions about this agenda or other questions about the Portland Pedestrian Advisory Committee please contact: