![Portland Bureau of Transportation](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/ORPORTLAND/2016/01/721667/779534/pbot-govdeliverybanner-600x107-blue_crop.jpg) Thank you for your interest in the Red Electric Bridge project. Unfortunately, the project will be delayed for up to a year. The bids that we received at the end of November 2018 came in significantly higher than anticipated and we were not able to award the contract. This was a frustrating setback. Our approach moving forward is to value engineer/redesign several project elements and rebid in hopes of getting a better price. The design changes will include a different type of foundation and minor changes to the bridge rail. The design will fundamentally remain the same in terms of the route and the aesthetic.
We plan to rebid the project in the fall of 2019 and begin construction in spring of 2020. Design changes will be shared as they develop, and more extensive outreach will be performed once a contractor is on board and more information about construction impacts is made available.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Nicole Peirce/Capital Project Manager
(503) 823-6186