Dear Community Members,
Happy new year! The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is excited to share these updates with you about our progress on the Lloyd-to-Woodlawn Neighborhood Greenway. We expect planning to finish up in the next few months so we can deliver on these safety improvements to your neighborhood.
In July 2018 PBOT shared a preliminary concept for a low-stress route for walking and biking that would connect the Lloyd and Woodlawn neighborhoods. Neighborhood Greenways such as this proposal are streets redesigned to have low traffic volume and speed where bicycles, pedestrians and neighbors are given priority.
In this concept, PBOT identified two potential routes and designs for a future Neighborhood Greenway – one primarily along NE Ninth Avenue and another primarily along NE Seventh Avenue. These routes are still being discussed with the community. The final route may be a combination of the two.
PBOT held a public open house in August 2018 and a virtual open house online the entire month of September 2018 to share these concepts and discuss the different route options. We were happy to see that so many of you were aware of this project. Both open houses were well attended. Read our summary report of these open houses here: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/transportation/article/700519.
Next Steps
We continue to meet with neighbors and community members, hoping to learn more about responses to the concept and identify what design and options will bring the greatest benefit to the most people.
PBOT is co-hosting focus groups with longtime community organizations Self Enhancement, Inc. (SEI) and Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives, Inc. (PCRI) to learn how this project can best serve the Northeast Portland community.
Our project team is also working with PBOT’s Safe Routes to School program to identify the safety needs of Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, a major stakeholder and community destination along our proposed routes. The King Elementary School community is welcome to join the the Traffic Safety event on January 24th See event details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/210471056525882/
We appreciate your ongoing participation in this process as well as your patience as we work to strengthen connections with community groups and identify the right project to move forward with.
We will report back to you in February.
Project Website: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/transportation/L2W
Contact: Nick Falbo, nick.falbo@portlandoregon.gov
Funded by Fixing Our Streets
On May 17th, 2016, Portland voters passed Measure 26-173, Portland’s
first local funding source dedicated to fixing our streets. PBOT is investing this money in a wide variety of street improvement and safety projects across the entire city. Learn more at:
Portland’s neighborhood greenways (formerly known as “bicycle
boulevards”) are residential streets designed to prioritize bicycling
and enhance conditions for walking. They have long represented and
fostered the best elements of Portland’s transportation culture by
creating safe streets where people want to bike, walk and play. Learn more at:
The City of Portland complies with all non‐discrimination, Civil Rights laws including Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II. To help ensure equal access to City programs, services and activities, the City of Portland will reasonably modify policies/procedures and provide auxiliary aids/services to persons with disabilities. Call 503-823-5185, TTY 503-823-6868 or Oregon Relay Service: 711 with such requests, or visit http://bit.ly/13EWaCg