LID Petition Packets Mailed Week of April 16th
In the next week, expect an information and petition packet that will include:
- A petition for each
- Individual property
assessments (costs for each property)
- Renderings of the project
- An LID boundary map
- A pre-paid envelope to
mail your petition back to PBOT by May 30, 2018
LID Informational Sessions at Errol Heights Park
Questions about the LID or your individual assessment? Meet with PBOT project team (and also have the chance to turn in your vote in person). All meetings will be in the park across from the Community Garden. Look for the white tent and drop in anytime during the hours below.
- April 30, 7 AM - 9 AM
- May 3, 5 PM - 7 PM
- May 4, 11 AM - 1 PM
Unable to make any of the meeting times? Let us know and we can set up a phone call or in-person meeting at a separate time.
Next Steps and Timeline
May 30: Petitions due to PBOT. If over 50% of property owners in proposed LID support its formation, a City Council hearing date will be set.
June 27: Target City Council hearing date
- 21 calendar days prior to council hearing: mailers will be sent out to each property owner with hearing and LID details
- 14 calendar days prior to council hearing: two notices of intent to form LID published in a paper of general circulation in the City and two signs placed within the LID boundary
- 7 calendar days prior to council hearing: remonstrances against LID formation due to City Auditor in writing (delivered in person or by first class U.S. mail to: 1221 SW 4th AVE. Room 310, Portland OR 97204)
Project contact info:
Elizabeth Mahon, Project Manager: 503.823.0396
David Backes, Capital Project Assistant: 503.823.5811
NOTE: Elizabeth will be out of the office April 6-24. David will be answering questions in her absence.
Note: Map is ONLY to show which properties are included in LID. It does not show future alignment of SE Tenino CT or other street reconfigurations.