Thank you to everyone who completed the recent online survey
regarding street design for the Errol Heights Street Improvement Project. Survey
respondents strongly preferred the less expensive shared-street design (votes
came in 3 to 1 for this treatment).
The shared street design applies to 48th, 49th, 51st, Tenino Drive, and Nehalem Street, while SE Tenino Court and SE Malden Drive both require sidewalk on one side (see map below for properties included in the LID).
With your feedback, we were able to go in to more detail on
the design and have completed a cost estimate for the project.
It is now time for LID participants to submit petitions for the
In the next month, please expect an information and petition packet that will include:
- A petition for each
- Cost estimate details
- Individual property
assessments (costs for each property)
- Renderings of the project
- An LID boundary map
- A pre-paid envelope to
mail your petition back to PBOT by April 30, 2018
LID Info sessions – 1st week of April:
The mailer will also include details of upcoming meetings
where Errol Heights neighbors can come speak with PBOT staff about the LID process
and ask questions about their individual LID assessments. The location and
times are TBD but will be near the neighborhood, with morning, daytime, and
evening sessions. These dates will also be posted on the project website.
For any questions in the meantime, please get in touch with
us and keep an eye on the project website for the most up-to-date information.
Project contact info:
Elizabeth Mahon