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 It’s time for fall cleaning — of your PERS account
Every fall, all employers take steps to clean up their PERS accounts. That is, they correct unposted records, prevent errors that may be about to happen, and complete steps that they have missed throughout the year. We call this year-end reconciliation. The goal is for 100% of employers to clean up 100% of their errors and issues and get 100% of their unposted reports posted by year end.
Finding and correcting errors
To find unposted reports and other issues, take the following steps:
- Go to the Work on Reports function in EDX, open each unposted report, read the error message(s) in the suspended records, and correct the errors.
- Run Eligibility Reports to check part-time employees’ hours and ensure they are in line with their position type. Request a change of their position type, as needed, with a Demographic Correction Request (DCR).
- Run a Year-to-Date Wage and Contribution Summary report to search for unposted wage records. Correct wage records, as needed.
- Run an Inactive Employment report to search for employees for whom the employer has not reported wages in the last three months. Submit termination records, as needed.
Accessing instructions in employer reporting guides
Getting help
Schedule time with your ESC representative to get one-on-one help correcting errors. It can be a frustrating process when you do not know how to correct an error or when correcting one error causes another. Let ESC help.