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We need your feedback
Oregon PERS is one of the most complicated pension systems in the country. We understand that our employers have a challenging job reporting employee data to PERS and helping employees understand their benefits and the laws that govern them.
Please take a few minutes to fill out the PERS Employer Satisfaction Survey and let us know how well we are supporting you in your PERS employer role.

About the survey
The PERS Employer Satisfaction Survey is an annual survey conducted by Oregon PERS to measure employer satisfaction with the resources and services provided by PERS, the agency. It is completely anonymous (unless you choose to include your name).
PERS studies the answers, ratings, and comments for three purposes:
- Benchmark our employer satisfaction ratings against those of our peers.
- Rate the effectiveness of the services and resources we provide.
- Identify services and resources that could be better.
The PERS Member Satisfaction Survey
As a PERS member, you are also invited to take the member satisfaction survey. If you did not receive an email with a link to that survey, sign up to receive PERS member emails at For instructions, go to the How to Sign Up for GovDelivery webpage.