Mount Hood
New year, new look for Employer News
Welcome to the newly streamlined Employer News — now delivered straight to your inbox. Instead of clicking a link to open the newsletter, just scroll down. You’ll find the same important news, updates, and tips in a more efficient format for faster reading.
Each monthly edition will still be linked on the Employer Newsletters webpage for future reference.
New and updated employer resources
Check out new and updated resources recently posted to the Employers website. They include legislative updates, guides, leave-without-pay FAQs, a video, and webpages.
Reporting leave without pay
NEW Reporting leave without pay FAQ. Questions about using paid time off during a leave, employees with nonstandard schedules, effect of leave on benefits, and workers’ compensation.
NEW Reporting Paid Leave Oregon FAQ. Questions about reporting a Paid Leave Oregon leave, using accrued leave in addition to Paid Leave Oregon, and employees on nonstandard schedules.
For employer reporters
Annual OPSRP loss-of-membership (LOM) status applied in January
On January 19, 2024, PERS will run a report that searches for all OPSRP members who lost their membership as of December 31, 2023.
OPSRP pension program members who are not vested (see “About Vesting” below) and who have had five consecutive calendar years with fewer than 600 hours of service may enter OPSRP LOM status. This means that the member forfeits all retirement credit accrued prior to the LOM date of December 31 and terminates their OPSRP pension program membership. (They retain their Individual Account Program (IAP) account, however.)
Recommended action
You will not be notified if a current employee enters LOM status as of December 31. However, if you enter a wage record for that employee for a pay date on or after 1/1/2024, the record may suspend. If this happens, go to the View Employee Info function in EDX and check if they have a termination date of 12/31/2023. If they do, contact your ESC representative for help starting a new employment segment.
Being “vested” means that a member cannot lose their right to their pension benefit (unless they withdraw their membership or have a pre-retirement death). Generally, to vest in their pension, an OPSRP member must do one of two things:
1. Work for five years in a PERS-qualifying position for at least 600 hours per year. The years do not need to be consecutive, but the member cannot have a gap in qualifying employment of more than five years. Hours worked during wait time count toward the 600 hours.
2. Reach normal retirement age while working in a qualifying position, which is 65 for General Service and School Employee and 60 for Police and Fire.
Salary Limit and Member Redirect 2024 changes

Every January, PERS adjusts subject salary limits and requirements in accordance with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the West Region. This ensures that our numbers keep pace with inflation and cost of living.
Salary Limit increase
The 2023 limit of $225,533/year increased on January 1, 2024. Based on a CPI increase of 3.3%, the new salary limit is:
$232,976 per year.
$19,414.59 per month.
Partial year: To access the salary limit for a partial year (i.e., one to eleven months), go to the Salary Limits webpage.
Learn more about Salary Limit.
Member Redirect threshold increase
The 2023 Member Redirect monthly salary threshold of $3,570 increased on January 1, 2024. The new threshold is:
$3,688 per month.
Qualifying members who earn over that monthly amount will have a portion of their IAP contribution redirected to their Employee Pension Stability Account.
Learn more about Member Redirect.
Learn more about Employee Pension Stability Accounts.
Voluntary contributions
Members can make additional, after-tax contributions (member-paid after tax (MPAT)) of 2.5% (Tier One/Tier Two) or 0.75% (OPSRP) into their IAP, allowing their IAP monthly contribution to equal 6%.
This option is an election available in Online Member Services (OMS).
 Shoot for the star
It’s a new year and a new chance to shoot for the star — a Gold Star Award, that is.
Every year, employers who submit 100% of their Regular reports by December 31 receive a Gold Star Award from the PERS Employer Service Center (ESC). The Gold Star is one of the ways the ESC acknowledges and recognizes the hard work and effort that goes into timely reporting.
And new for 2023, ESC will be awarding a Superhero Gold Star Award to employers who submit all their Regular reports on time (i.e., within three business days after their due date) for the whole year.
2024 EDX Regular report dates.
 2023 PERS annual reports published
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
PERS’ Annual Comprehensive Financial Report provides details and analysis of Oregon PERS’ financial performance during the previous fiscal year. The report contains financial statements for all funds over which the PERS Board has authority.
PERS by the Numbers
PERS by the Numbers provides facts and figures about the administration of PERS, including membership and demographic information, benefit payment amounts, funded status of the PERS system, revenue, and a complete list of PERS-participating employers.
For assistance
The Employer Service Center is your resource for questions and one-on-one reporting help.