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How to report Paid Leave Oregon benefits
Oregon employees can now apply for Paid Leave Oregon (PLO) benefits. If you have an employee who takes a PLO leave, follow the instructions in employer reporting guide 13, Family and Medical Leave, “Paid Leave Oregon” section, to report the leave and the payments, if applicable. This information is summarized below.

Determine if you should report your employee’s PLO leave
If your employee takes a PLO leave of 11 or more business days in a calendar month (days do not have to be consecutive), report this to PERS. Submit a Detail 1 Member Demographics record with a 03 – On Family Leave status code. The status date is the first day of their leave.
Exception — Do not report your employee on family leave if they are receiving paid leave from the employer; that is, employer-paid accrued leave (e.g., sick leave, vacation, or personal business) or payments from an employer-run PLO plan.
 Report PLO payments to PERS if employer-run plan
Payments from an employer-run plan are the only Paid Leave Oregon payments you need to report to PERS. Therefore, before you report an employee’s PLO payments to PERS, you need to know which type of plan your organization has.
 Report the end of the Paid Leave Oregon leave, if applicable
Upon your employee’s return, if you reported them as 03 - On Family Leave, submit a Detail 1 record with a 08 – Return From Leave status code. The status date is their first day back at work.
Note about service credit
A PERS member cannot earn service credit for any month in which they are reported as on a leave without pay.
Learn more about the effect of leave without pay on service credit in employer guide 11, Reporting a Leave, “Effect of Leave on PERS Benefits>Service Credit” section.
 Submit a Demographic Correction Request (DCR) informing us of the PLO leave, if needed
A member may be eligible for retirement credit during a PLO leave. If your employee takes a PLO leave during which they receive payments from the employer, submit a DCR to PERS. Leave a comment in the Comments box that your employee was on a PLO leave and include the date range. For instructions on submitting a DCR, read employer guide 20, Creating a Demographic Correction Request.
 Begin reporting regular wages
Before you start reporting the wages the employee earns after they are back at work, make sure you reported the end of the leave, if they were on one. Wait until the record posts before submitting wages.
PLO plans
Per the Oregon Employment Department, employers have three options for how they participate in PLO.
1. State-run plan.
This is the state’s Paid Leave Oregon plan. Payments are made by the Oregon Employment Department.
- Do not report PLO payments to PERS.
2. Third party–run equivalent plan.
This is your organization’s contracted plan, approved by the Oregon Employment Department. It is contracted through a third party, and payments are made by the third party (e.g., an insurance company).
- Do not report PLO payments to PERS.
3. Employer-run equivalent plan.
This is your organization’s plan, approved by the Oregon Employment Department. It provides benefits that are equal to or greater than the benefits Paid Leave Oregon provides. Payments are made to the employee directly from your organization.
- Do report PLO payments to PERS.
Report payments the same way you report sick leave, vacation, and other employer-paid time off. Submit the payments on a Detail 2 wage record using wage code 01 - Regular Qualifying (for qualifying positions) or 02 - Regular Non-Qualifying (for nonqualifying positions). Enter the payments in the Subject Salary (Regular) field. Include the equivalent hours and, for qualifying employees, their 6%-of-salary IAP contribution.