By Kevin Olineck PERS Director
Administering retirement benefits is not a static endeavor.
Changes to the investment mixes in some Individual Account Program (IAP) target-date funds (TDF) are coming in January 2024. These changes are the result of regular reviews by Oregon State Treasury staff and consultants who helped design the initial TDFs and who continue to advise Treasury on how they should evolve. These reviews ensure the TDFs meet the retirement needs of members now and in the future.
Similarly, the PERS Board oversees regular reviews of the plans they oversee.
For example, a biennial review is conducted by the board on the assumptions and methods used in actuarial valuations of PERS plans. Actuarial valuations estimate a plan’s financial position at a specific point in time to determine the plan’s financial obligations and funded status.
In its biennial review, the board works with a consulting firm, Milliman, to assess and update actuarial assumptions and methods as needed so that they accurately represent current economic conditions (e.g., inflation and salary increases) and long-term investment projections.
They also compare the plan’s “experience” — a snapshot that includes the current rate of new member enrollments, terminations, retirements, deaths, and disability retirements — to current assumptions. Regular reviews and updates help ensure that forecasts of PERS financial health are accurate and that the plans will be able to meet their obligations to PERS members.
The board’s biennial review occurs in odd-numbered years and spans multiple board meetings, allowing the board adequate time to consider any actuarial revisions. The board typically approves any changes at their fall meeting.
This year, 2023, is another odd-numbered year, meaning the board is currently conducting such a review process. Any changes the board makes to actuarial assumptions and methods this September will be used for two years’ worth of actuarial valuations: one for the year ending December 31, 2022, which will be completed in fall 2023, and another for the year ending December 31, 2023, which will be completed in fall 2024.
The completed 2023 valuation results will then be used to set overall member and employer contribution rates for 2025-27. These contribution rates are what the board uses to help balance the PERS funding equation (see the graphic above) and ensure PERS, the agency, can fulfill its mission of paying the right person the right benefit at the right time.