Oregon Debris Management Task Force crews are hard at work in the Santiam Canyon. As of April 22, 101 properties had been cleaned with more than 18,000 tons of ash, debris, and contaminated soil removed. There are currently four crews dedicated to the Santiam Canyon.
Moving from east to west, hazard tree marking and tree removal continues along Hwy. 22 between mileposts 27-29, 51-52, and 57-59.5. Keep up to date with debris cleanup efforts at debriscleanupnews.com.
Residents can check for step 2 cleanup progress using ODOT's interactive address lookup map. Questions about wildfire cleanup? Call the wildfire debris cleanup hotline at (503) 934-1700 or email odot.wildfire@odot.state.or.us.
Still time to submit Right of Entry forms
As debris removal picks up, we want to ensure that remaining property owners not yet participating can still opt in to the state cleanup program.
If you have fire-damaged property and want help with cleanup at no cost, you’ll need to sign and submit a property access agreement called a Right of Entry form. The Right of Entry form allows crews onto your property to remove ash and debris, hazard trees, concrete foundations and burned vehicles.
 Photo credit: Oregon Dept. of Transportation
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) is accepting applications for the Wildfire Damage Housing Relief Program. The program is designed to assist households whose primary residence has been affected by a wildfire in Oregon.
Program assistance for damages is limited to $6,500 per household. To be eligible, residents must earn an annual income that is at or below 200% of the federal poverty level.
Applications are due by May 31, 2021.
➡️ Learn more about the Wildfire Damage Housing Relief Program ➡️ Apply for assistance
Those needing assistance with the application process, may contact the Santiam Service Integration Team at (503) 769-9319 or sitmobile@santiamhospital.org.