Weekly Update from the Debris Management Task Force
Crews continue debris removal work in Detroit with early phases of debris removal continuing in the Gates area.
Moving from east to west, hazard tree marking and tree removal on impacted properties continues between mileposts 54-55 and 57-60. Tree tagging and slash processing is underway at milepost 37.8.
Community members will continue to see significant differences in the landscape along the Hwy. 22 corridor. Long traffic delays are expected in the area— check TripCheck for the latest traffic updates.
Steps of Property Cleanup
Click to view larger image.
The Debris Management Task Force has put together this helpful chart to help property owners track the steps of property cleanup. In the Beachie Creek/Lionshead Fire area, crews are working on hazard tree removal and starting private property debris removal. Each property could undergo a number of assessments in preparation for ash and debris removal.
Learn More
Debris Management Task Force Hotline: (503) 934-1700 or ODOT.Wildfire@odot.state.or.us
Debris Management Task Force new blog: DebrisCleanupNews.com
Marion County Public Works: (503) 588-5036
Oregon Wildfire Recovery website: wildfire.oregon.gov/cleanup
Free well water testing available
The Oregon Health Authority will provide vouchers for private or "domestic" water testing to residential fire impacted well owners. Vouchers will cover testing for Arsenic, Nitrate, Bacteria, Lead, and, depending on damage assessment results, Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes (BTEX).
Applications for free well test vouchers are open now through May 15, as supplies last. If you need more time, please click here. Vouchers expire on June 7th, 2021.
All of the following criteria must be met:
- The property was impacted by the 2020 Oregon wildfires;
- The well water is used for things like drinking, bathing, cooking, and washing dishes; and
The well has three or fewer connections and is not part of a regulated water system.
If demand for well testing vouchers exceeds supply, OHA will prioritize vouchers for:
Households that meet certain income thresholds;
Communities that have been historically underserved including people of color;
Properties that had the greatest damage; and
Second homes and vacation rental homes will not be prioritized.
For more information and application visit the Oregon Health Authority Domestic Well Safety website.
April 9 Wildfire Recovery Town Hall Gates Community Church 7 p.m. Hosted by City of Gates
April 17 Wildfire Recovery Open House Location: TBD Noon to 2 p.m. Sign-up to receive meeting notices and updates