Healthy Living News in Marion County! Enjoy the June 2019 Prevention Newsletter

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Health Promotion & Prevention Pieces

June 2019

Newsletter Welcome Spring 2019


We hope to increase communication with our many diverse partners within Marion County and in the community. Each quarter we highlight selected programs, share information about events & resources, and share ways you can be involved in healthy local activities. Whether you are a business owner, parent, educator, advocate, provider, or just interested in your community, we know you will find something to inspire you.

What's in this Article

Save the Date - Upcoming Events & Fun Activities


June 4th, 2019 @ 6:00pm

Regional Town Hall Meeting on Substance Misuse Prevention

Nearly 1 in 10 Oregonians ages 12 and older are estimated to have a substance use disorder (SUD), which is the fourth highest rate in the nation.

In 2018, Governor Kate Brown declared addiction and substance misuse a public health crisis in Oregon. The Oregon Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission has been charged with devloping a statewide strategic plan to: 

  • Reduce SUDs and promote recovery
  • Prevent alcohol and other drug (AOD) related deaths and injuries
  • Prevent social problems related to misuse of alcohol and other drugs

Who should attend: Anyone concerned about, impacted by, and/or working to
address substance misuse and related problems. We are looking for partners
with a wide range of interest areas, lived life experiences, and expertise!


OHA Substance Misuse Prevention


Click here to register



June 15th, 2019 @ 10:00am

QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer

Join us at the Salem Health - Community Health Education Center from 10:00am - 12:00pm for the free QPR Suicide Crisis Training. 


Like CPR, QPR is a simple process that anyone can be trained to use, to help save the life of a person who is in crisis.

During the FREE two hour training,participants will learn:

  • Myths and facts about suicide
  • How to recognize the signs that a person may be suicidal
  • How to ask Questions to assess the situation
  • How to Persuade the person to stay alive long enough to get help
  • How to Refer them to a professional for help to get them through the crisis and treat any underlying mental illness


Click here to register



June 21st, 2019 @ 7:00pm

Sally's Summer Solstice Stroll

Solstace Walk



July 11th - 14th, 2019

Marion County Fair @ the Oregon State Fairgrounds

No matter what your interest area, you'll find it at the Marion County fair. Come and see the 4H/FFA animal/project exhibits. Enter your favorite preserves, afghan, or prize photo in the Open Classes. Bring the kids for a day of crafts, carnival rides, and a visit to the petting zoo. Visit vendors for free handouts, listen to your favorite local band, and even compete in the MCF Talent Show.


Be sure to come visit the Marion County Health & Human Services booth! We will have many great giveaways, information about our programs, and a fun interactive activity for an additional prize. 



Click here for more information



August 5th - 9th, 2019

ASIST Training (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

Participants will be trained on how to deliver a 2-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid to organizations and community members. Facilitators will receive a stipend for each training they deliver. Facilitators do not need to be mental health experts, but must be comfortable presenting in front of an audience, and should intend to make a long-term (multi-year) commitment to deliver the program. 


8 people will be chosen to be trained. If you would like to be considered for one of these spots please apply by June 30th. To apply, visit: or 


Click here to register

Healthy Eating: Farmers Markets in Marion County!


Salem Community Markets

Markets include EBT Match: Spend $10 on EBT card, get $5 free!


April 6 thru October 26 ~ ​9 am to 3 pm, 865 Marion St. NE

Includes the Power of Produce (POP) Club: a farmers market-based children program that seeks to teach children about fruits and vegetables, local food systems, and healthy food preparation through fun activities.

MONDAY Hospital Market
May 6 thru September 30 ~ 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, Salem Hospital 

WEDNESDAY Farmers Market
May 1 thru September 11 ~ 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, Courthouse Square Plaza, near Cherriots Bus Transit Station

THURSDAY W. Salem Farmers Market
May 2 thru September 12 ~ 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, 1260 Edgewater St NW


Farmers Market



Woodburn Area Farmers Markets

SATURDAY Hubbard Farmers Market
June 1st opening day 9am - 12pm, 2600 D St. Hubbard, OR


TUESDAY Woodburn Farmers Market

July thru August 5:30 - 8:30 pm, near Woodburn Library Park


Farmers Market Veggies



Silverton Area Farmers Markets

SATURDAY Silverton Farmers Market

May 11th thru October 12th, 9am - 1pm, Town Square Park, corner of Main and Fiske

Includes the POP Club for kids! POP Club gives $2 in free tokens to all kids between the ages of 5 and 12 to use on any fresh produce or edible plants at the market. Note: the P.O.P. Club runs during the summer season only!


THURSDAY Mt. Angel Wochenmarkt

May 23rd thru September 5th, 9am - 1:30pm, near Mt. Angel Library


Farmers Market Starts


Know of another Farmers Market in Marion County? Lettuce know at ;-)

Active Living: Move Your Way


June 8th is National Family Fitness Day, and a perfect time to kick start active living with family and friends! Grab a water, put on some sunscreen, and get outside for a summer adventure! How much should we be moving? Here are some helpful hints: 


Move Your WayMove Your Way: Adults


Find more information and motivation at Need a recommendation for where to beat the heat this summer? Don't forget about one of Marion County's summer getaways: North Fork Park. Find fishing, swimming, hiking, and picnic activities there. 

Problem Gambling: Youth Art Contest Winners!

Three Salem-Keizer Students Awarded Top Honors in State of Oregon Art Contest


Walea Tombleson

Walea Tombleson's artwork chosen for 2020 Calendar Cover


Each March, the Oregon Health Authority sponsors a statewide art contest for middle school students during Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Hundreds of artists were reviewed in eleven different counties, and fifty were submitted into the statewide competition.


Congratulations to Walea Tombleson, Kelsey Schauer, and McKenna Morales for being 3 of 12 total students throughout the State of Oregon selected for the 2020 Oregon Problem Gambling Awareness Calendars.


Walea Tombleson from Claggett Creek Middle School was awarded the top state prize as the featured artist on the calendars cover. Additionally, McKenna Morales from Waldo Middle School in Salem (shown to the right) and Kelsey Schauer from Whiteaker Middle School (shown below) will be featured in the 2020 calendar as well.


McKenna Morales
Kelsey Schauer

The state estimates that about 1 in 37 youth aged 10-18 and 1 in 13 adults may have a potential gambling problem. As with alcohol or drug use, problem gambling can turn into an addiction. A person with a gambling disorder has higher rates of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and suicidal thoughts. Additionally, relationships with loved ones can suffer. Although most youth do not participate in gambling activities and most adults do not have a gambling problem, it is important for everyone to know it is an activity that carries risk. Free help and treatment is available by calling 1-877-MYLIMIT.


85 middle school students from Keizer, Salem, Mt. Angel, Jefferson, and Sublimity used these concepts to create their artwork. Marion County awarded prizes for the top five entries that moved on to the state contest and included their artwork on awareness posters. These included the three State Award winners as well as Jarrod Kohler – Marion County’s top prize winner – from Whiteaker Middle School and Emmanuel Sandoval from Mt. Angel Middle School (both shown below).


Jarrod and Emmanuel

Jarrod Kohler (left) & Emmanuel Sandoval's (right) winning Marion County artwork also considered for 2020 Calendar


If you would like to receive a poster of the students artwork, or would like to receive a 2019 Problem Gambling Awareness Calendar, please Michael Keuler at (503)576-2867 or

Health Joke of the Season

It is important for us to de-stress and take a deep breath, relax, and laugh. We hope this helps brighten up your day! 


Health Joke

Tobacco Prevention: Health Equity for All Spotlight

Each quarter, Marion County Health Promotion & Prevention will provide insight into a population that is increasingly susceptible to health inequities. The hope is to educate our various partners and frame an issue in population health in a positive way. See below this quarters segment of Health Equity for All - Tobacco Use in LGBT Communities. 


Tobacco Use in LGBT Communities


June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month. June is also a good time to bring awareness and concern for LGBT communities because they are at of increased risk for health disparities. One disparity of heightened concern is the high smoking rates for people who identify as LGBT.


The LGBT HealthLink Network is a Center for Disease Control and Prevention funded cancer and tobacco disparity network helping to reduce stigma and increase awareness, and provide resources for people who identify as LGBT, friends, families, and communities. You can also visit "Resources" below to learn more.


Did You Know … Nearly ONE IN THREE lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) adults smoke, a rate that is more than 50% higher than other adults.

  • Smoking results in significant health disparities and kills 30,000+ LGBT people per year.
  • Transgender smoking rates have been reported as high as 83%.  Transgender people who have experienced structural discrimination have 65% higher odds of being a current smoker.
  • Bisexual women have 2.6 times higher odds of smoking compared to heterosexual women.(5) 
  • LGB high school students use tobacco products at a rate of 40%, including 19% who smoke cigarettes, which is twice the rate of other students. Transgender youth smoke at a rate of 31%.

Click here to view more on LBGT Youth Tobacco Use 



Different groups within the diverse LGBT population have different risks

  • LGBT African Americans are twice as likely as white LGB adults to attempt quitting smoking, but have a third as many former smokers. Black LGB youth smoke cigars and clove cigarettes 66% more than white LGB youth and 225% more than black heterosexual youth.
  • LGB Hispanic youth are twice as likely to smoke cigarettes and 60% more likely to smoke hookah than heterosexual Hispanics.
  • American Indians & Alaska Natives smoke more than any other group at 39%. At the same time, 45.8% of LGB Alaskan Natives smoke, and LGB American Indians likely smoke at an elevated rate as well.
  • Rural LGBT people smoke at least as much as urban LGBT people and may not feel comfortable coming out to their providers or be able to access LGBT-inclusive cessation programs.
  • Low-income LGBT people and those without a college degree are more likely to be smokers.
  • People living with HIV, who are disproportionately LGBT, smoke at two to three times the rate of others, lose more years of life from smoking than from HIV,  and face compounded health risks.


LGBT people can quit with proper support and interventions

  • LGB adults have the same desire to quit and, with the exception of bi women, have the same number of quit attempts as other smokers. However, LGB smokers who wanted to quit were five times less likely than others to intend to call a quitline.
  • Additionally, only 23% of LGBT folks use nicotine replacement therapy, a cessation aid that is a recommended best practice and is often covered by insurance.
  • LGBT folks benefit from LGBT-specific cessation groups, programs, and messaging.
  • LGBT people are 1.8 times as likely to prepare to quit if they are comfortable asking their doctor for help.(27) Health care professionals should create a welcoming and tobacco-free clinical environment, reach out to LGBT smokers, and connect them to services.

Suicide Prevention: Available Resources


New Website & Resources: Mid-Valley Suicide Prevention Coalition


The Mid-Valley Suicide Prevention Coalition’s website has been updated! Over the past several months, Marion County, Polk County, and various coalition members have been working hard to bring together suicide prevention programs, trainings, and positive messaging. With an updated website, you can now access information about the coalition and resources available.


Check out the new website here:


Website Features:

Suicide Awareness Videos & Prevention Resources

Suicide Awareness Video Campaigns & Prevention Resources


Suicide Prevention & Crisis Workshops & Trainings

Suicide Prevention & Crisis Workshops & Trainings


Important Crisis & Hotline Numbers

Important Crisis & Hotline Numbers


Coalition Meeting Minutes

Coalition Meeting Minutes


If you would like to stay up to date on the Mid-Valley Suicide Prevention Coalition and even become a member, be sure to join the email list

Parent Corner: Youth Alcohol Prevention Tips

Tips to Prevent Youth Alcohol Use this Summer


Underage drinking is a serious public health problem in the United States. Alcohol is the most widely misused substance among America’s young people and poses enormous health and safety risks. A recent Marion County Assessment of both use and consequences (such as DUII or hospitalization visits) found that alcohol was the most significant problem here at home, including underage drinking.


During summer break with BBQs, parties, and more free time, it’s an important time to talk with your teens about alcohol. Partnership for Drug Free Kids has many resources including a Parent Guide to help start conversations and learn how to help youth you care about avoid the negative consequences that can come from early drinking.


Click here for the Parent Guide


Parenting Practices


What Parents Can Do Parents, you hold tremendous influence on whether your child decides to drink or not. Be clear to your teen that you disapprove of underage drinking. Talk often about the dangers of alcohol (see below for tips on talking). Here are other things you can do:

If you choose to drink, model responsible drinking behavior. Sometimes we unintentionally send kids the message that we need alcohol to cope with problems or have a good time. After a long, stressful day, instead of pouring yourself a glass of wine or beer, try modeling healthy behavior like deep breathing, exercise or stretching. Find ways to celebrate without alcohol. Research shows that a child with a parent who binge drinks is much more likely to binge drink than a child whose parents do not binge drink.

Kid Talk
  • Do not make alcohol available to your child. No exceptions.
  • Be actively involved in your child’s life and have regular conversations with your teen about what’s going on and how she/he is feeling.
  • Get to know your child’s friends – as well as their parents/caregivers.
  • Encourage your teen to participate in healthy and fun activities that do not involve alcohol. If your child seeks new challenges, guide him/her toward healthy risks.

Kids ages 11-14 see approximately 1,000 alcohol ads a year. Discuss what you see and help put context around the alcohol messaging your child receives from friends and the media.

Parent Corner: Summer Screen Time Tips


Tips to Reduce Screen Time and Encourage Activity


Baby on Laptop


Summer is almost here for most of us and kids will be out of school looking for things to keep busy. For many households this could mean there will be some battles around screen time. To be clear technology is not bad and it has many important uses but as with most things moderation is important. Having clear boundaries for youth is extremely helpful in navigating the world of technology. Here are just a few tips to have a fun summer integrating technology.

  • Create the screen time rules as a family. When the kids have some say in the decisions they tend to be more invested.
  • Create a summer vision board with things that the kids would like to do this summer that doesn’t involve technology. So when the “I’m bored” comes (we all know it will) you already have a list of activities to choose from.
  • Have an “If …. Then….” List. Once kids do a certain thing then they can earn screen time.

For instance, if you empty the dishwasher then you can have 20 minutes of screen time.

  • Create a system. There are many free apps you can down load that will automatically limit the amount of screen time allowed.  
  • Use technology to learn new skills. Try movie editing, design projects or even Geocaching.
  • Be a role model. Children more often model what we do than what we say. Take a look at your technology use and see if you might benefit from a little less screen time as well.

You can find more tips on technology use at: