Cornerstone Apartments, the new 180-unit affordable housing project
on Portland Road NE, is taking shape, following the groundbreaking ceremony on
August 10. The project, spearheaded by Mountain West Investment Corporation and
its nonprofit collaborator Community Resource Trust, is slated to begin
accepting rental applications in June 2018. They expect to begin leasing units
in July 2018 and be fully leased by December 2018.
The project features 12
studio units, 25 one-bedroom units, 95 two-bedroom units and 48 three-bedroom
units. According to Community Resource Trust CEO Beth Hays, the organization plans
to set aside 36 units for families receiving Oregon Department of Human
Services support. Homeless families living at St. Francis shelter will also be
given priority on the wait list. A large number of units will remain available
to members of the general public who simply need an affordable place to live,
Hays noted.
Valued social service partners will provide onsite services
and resident activities. Examples include financial literacy and rental classes,
offered by Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action Agency, and fitness classes in
their large multi-purpose room. Marion-Polk Food Share will develop community
gardens on the property, stock a pantry of healthy food items, and include the
building in their forthcoming mobile pantry route. Catholic Community Services
is designing resident supportive services through its Collective Impact Model.
According to Hays, the project is an example of this
community’s ability to collaborate well and serve its people. She noted that the
number of organizations and individuals who have come together behind this
common goal has been “truly inspiring.”
 The Behavioral Care Network (BCN) is hosting a job fair for individuals
seeking employment with agencies providing mental health and addictions
services in Marion and Polk counties.
When: October 10, 2017 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Where: Winema Place - Chemeketa Community College 4001 Winema Place, Building 48/Room 210 Salem
This is a great opportunity for graduates, interns and experienced
professionals to meet with numerous public and private sector agencies at one
time. Job seekers are encouraged to bring multiple copies of their resumes. For more information, visit mvbcn.org.
facing the threat of homelessness have few resources to access in the Salem
area. Salem Interfaith Hospitality Network has offered homeless parents and
their children shelter and permanent housing for nearly two decades. After
recognizing homelessness is a driver of lasting poverty, Salem Interfaith
Hospitality Network added prevention to its continuum of services. As Executive
Director T.J. Putman asserted, “Kids are better when they are in their home,
rather than on the streets or in a shelter.” He believes that early
intervention to prevent homelessness is the best solution for parents,
children, and the community.
After being
awarded $10,000 from parent organization National Family Promise, the agency
successfully raised an additional $15,000 in matching funds. The flexibility of
the funding, which lacks the characteristic restrictiveness of government
dollars, makes it unique. Putman foresees emergency rental assistance, utility
assistance, case management, and close partnerships with landlords as building
blocks to prevent homelessness. Any family can be eligible for assistance, as
long as they have at least one minor child.
Interfaith Hospitality Network is looking for a business partner in the
community that can contribute to long-term project sustainability. Interested
organizations can contact Putman at tj@salemihn.org. To refer a family in need, contact
the agency’s day center at (503) 370-9752.
Homelessness in Marion and Polk counties increased by 61% from 2016 to 2017 – according to data from the 2017 Homeless Point in Time count. This data underlines the urgency of addressing homelessness. Jimmy Jones, Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action Agency Community Resource Program Director, credits the sharp increase to both a rise in people on the streets and more effective rural outreach. Many of those captured in the 2017 numbers were homeless in previous years, but had simply never been counted.
Noteworthy statistics from the recent count include a 60% increase in homeless unsheltered females and an increase of 130 persons in emergency shelters and transitional housing from the prior year. Polk County homeless persons rose from 45 to 102, a more than 100% increase.
The count does include a critical error. The Oregon Housing and Community Services reporting system reflected zero chronically homeless individuals in the area. According to Jones, this reporting error resulted from a technical glitch, which he is working with the state to resolve. This statistic is critical to garnering additional federal and state housing funds, for which chronically homeless persons are the highest priority. Jones is hopeful that the upcoming 2018 count will continue to improve on previous years’ efforts as additional volunteers are recruited and more effectively trained. A group convened by Community Action has begun revamping the 2018 Point in Time count strategy. Those interested in participating can contact Diane Merry at diane.merry@mwvcaa.org.
The full 2017 Point In Time Count can be found on Community Action website.
 Homeless youth under the age of 18 have no place to go in the
Salem area — a fact many local residents are surprised to hear. Despite several
organizations aiding disadvantaged youth, no emergency shelter beds exist for
minors. This means that homeless minors now must travel to Albany to access the
closest shelter bed.
Unaccompanied minors become homeless for a variety of reasons.
Often they have experienced violence in the home, parental substance abuse, and
abandonment or rejection from their families. Without a stable home, youth have
difficulty keeping up in school, lack adequate school supplies and clothing,
and are at high risk further victimization while homeless. The need for a local
runaway and homeless youth shelter is substantial; with Salem-Keizer school
district reporting 1,150 homeless students during the 2015-16 school year and
333 runaway youth reported by Salem and Keizer police.
A work group has been formed to mobilize efforts. The group’s
tasks are to identify partners, outline related services, find a shelter
location, and pursue funding. Involved stakeholders thus far include
Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action Agency; Northwest Human Services; Mano a Mano Family Center; Liberty House; Marion
County Community Services, Health, and Juvenile departments and Sheriff’s
Office; Bridgeway Recovery Services; Oregon Department of Human Services; and Oregon
Health Authority. With broad support and concerted energy behind the issue, there
are high hopes for finally creating a safe place for this area’s homeless
children. Those interested in joining the effort can contact Ashley Marshall at