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May Legislative Days!
I am excited to share updates from the Oregon State Capitol during this pivotal legislative week! During Legislative Days, committees hold informational hearings on topics that may lead to legislation in upcoming sessions, hear updates on previous implementations, hear reports from state agencies and task forces, and keep current on the subject areas affecting. This is also a time for me to meet with constituents and stakeholders.
House Interim Committee on Early Childhood and Human Services
This committee meeting covered several key topics, including the Doris Duke Foundation's OPT-In for Families Initiative, intergenerational child care facilities, and an overview of independent ombuds offices for human services. The meeting featured insights from leaders in senior living, state ombuds offices, and the Governor’s Advocacy Office. Additionally, survey results related to the Oregon Preschool Development Grant were presented, providing valuable data from family and child care providers. You can watch that HERE.
House Interim Committee on Behavioral Health and Health Care:
This hearing provided critical updates on hospital finance and initiatives from the Oregon Health Authority. Key presentations covered Medicaid updates, including redeterminations, the 1115 Waiver, and the Basic Health Plan. Discussions also focused on Oregon Health Plan dental rates and updates from the System of Care Advisory Council. Additionally, the meeting addressed the Aid and Assist Budget Note Report from HB 5506 (2023), covering various aspects of community mental health programs and county insurance services. You can watch that HERE.
House Interim Committee on Labor and Workplace Standards
This is a new committee! Formerly the Business and Labor committee. Key topics included the High Road and Federal Job Quality Initiative, with insights from Nick Beadle of The Good Jobs Initiative and Pamela Egan from UC Berkeley. The Oregon Employment Department provided updates on employment, technology advancements with Frances Online, Paid Leave Oregon, and unemployment insurance. You can watch that HERE.
 Labor and Workplace Standards Committee has a few new seating assignments along with other changes following the shift from the Labor and Business Committee.
As a proud member of the Oregon Commission on Black Affairs (OCBA), I was delighted to attend the Oregon Advocacy Commissions' Legislative Day Lunch! This was a fantastic opportunity to meet and engage with commissioners advocating for and supporting our diverse communities!
You can learn more about the Oregon Advocacy Commissions here:
The Oregon Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs (OCAPIA) The Oregon Commission on Black Affairs (OCBA) The Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs (OCHA) The Oregon Commission for Women (OCFW)
 Representative Nelson at Oregon Advocacy Commissions Office (OACO) lunch, OACO meetings and speaking to student guest of the advocacy commissions office.
 Representative Nelson with the Language Access Team and OACO student guests.
It can be easy to forget the importance of language interpreters for many of us who are English-speaking. However, we represent all Oregonians, and many prefer or need translations in their native languages. We have an amazing Language Access Team that always ensures everyone is involved in the process. A huge shout-out to those who make sure everyone can participate fully!
 During each committee meeting there is a sign language interpreter. Other language translators can also be in the room, if requested, and translate in real time right into the device!
The Joint Committee on Transportation will be having a stop on their Transportation Package Tour in North Portland on Tuesday, June 4th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Portland Community College Cascade Campus Moriarty Auditorium at 705 N. Killingsworth Street. It will also be available via livestream on OLIS. You can find more information in the meeting agenda.
It is a collective effort of dedication and hard work to ensure that we Oregonians are represented and involved in the process. As we approach the 2025 Legislative session, the steps that we take together now will continue to propel us forward to a better Oregon.
Please continue to reach out to my office with any questions and concerns.
Thank you for being an essential part of our journey!
 Travis Nelson State Representative House District 44
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1444 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-275, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: