Hello Friends,
I hope you are having a Blessed New Year with your family, friends and neighbors. It has been busy in the District and around the state!
31st Annual Bay Area Economic Outlook Forum
I had the opportunity to join community and business leaders of Coos County and speak at the 31st Annual Bay Area Economic Outlook Forum. Transportation infrastructure, housing, resiliency and economic development were on the top of my list and many others. We continue to work collectively to grow opportunities for Southwest Oregon. I appreciate the efforts of so many as we work towards more workforce housing, developing our transportation infrastructure and getting government out of the way for our business and industries to flourish, bringing jobs for our youth and growth to our workforce.
Our talented young men and women are our greatest asset. We must do everything we can to ensure that our youth do not have to leave our communities to find good paying, family wage jobs. I will continue to work with stakeholders, businesses and industries to cut through the bureaucracy and open growth opportunities for industry and employment so that our young residents can live and raise their families in our communities as we have done.
Pacific Coast Intermodal Port Project
I joined US Senator Wyden, Congresswoman Val Hoyle, President Biden's Senior Advisor for Infrastructure Coordination Mitch Landrieu, Senator Anderson and other statewide elected officials, community and business leaders for a presentation to move forward the Pacific Coast Intermodal Port Project at the International Port of Coos Bay.
I have been working with stakeholders on the Pacific Coast Intermodal Port Project for a number of years. This project will provide additional capacity for imports, create a new gateway for Oregon and U.S. exports, and generate significant positive economic development for rural Oregon, growing the export opportunities for our farmers, ranchers and producers of Southwest Oregon, while greatly reducing their transportation costs. The PCIP will be the first fully ship-to-rail port facility on the U.S. West Coast, significantly reducing the number of trucks on the road.
Job creation estimates are approximately 2,500 construction jobs over a five-year period, and 2,500 direct and 6,900 indirect jobs in Coos, Douglas and Lane Counties once the facility is constructed. It is anticipated that approximately 2 million import and export containers will move through the Port of Coos Bay every year.
WWII Veteran Dorothy Nickerson's 100 Birthday
Many of you know my father Frank W. Smith is a 27 year, Retired Navy Lieutenant Commander, Mustang. I advocate for our Veterans daily and one of my top priorities going into the '24 Legislative Session is securing the $35 million from the state to elevate our status to Phase 1, to move forward the construction of the third Oregon Veterans' Home in Roseburg to serve the Veterans of Southern Oregon and across the state.
I had the honor and privilege to join Dorothy Nickerson and local Veterans to celebrate her 100th Birthday at the VFW in Gold Beach. Dorothy is still as sharp as a tack and the memories she shared of her life with me and other attendees were inspiring. Dorothy saved the lives of our soldiers. Thank you Dorothy for your service and as always, thank you to all of our Veterans for their service and sacrifice for our Nation and our Freedom.
Douglas County School District Superintendents
Representatives Osborne, Boice, Wright and Goodwin joined me in speaking with some of our Douglas County School District Superintendents. We had a robust discussion about our students, their education and district infrastructure. We have incredible students and they need our support in their education and extra curricular activities. Many of us have been opposed to the Oregon Department of Education's reduction in graduation requirements. We were however able to pass legislation that I sponsored last session that requires students to complete one half-credit of higher education and career path skills and one half-credit of personal financial education as requirements for high school diploma.
I've had the privilege to serve on the School Board for many years and while in the House of Representatives, served on the House Committee on Education. I appreciate the Superintendents taking the time to meet with me and my Douglas County Legislative colleagues as we continue to work together for our students. I will continue to work with our Superintendents, their School Districts, our Community Colleges and our Southwest Oregon Workforce Investment Board staff to expand educational and apprenticeship opportunities with businesses for our students to gain needed career technical skills.
Coquille River STEP Association
I am incredibly grateful for the work of the volunteers of the Coquille River STEP Association. For those of you who do not know, STEP stands for Salmon Trout Enhancement Program and the work of the Coquille River STEP Association in partnership with the Coquille Indian Tribe has been fantastic. From 3 breeding pairs in 2020, to 25 in 2021, to 125 in 2022 to 225 breeding pairs in 2023, this partnership and their volunteers are truly bringing back the runs of the past and they will be able to release approximately one million fry into the river system this year. These efforts continue to ensure resource abundance for generations to come.
Growing up on the Elk River, I have spent more than thirty years working on opportunities to enhance our salmonid populations for the health of the species and to grow our recreational and commercial harvests that are so critical to our Southwest Oregon communities and their economies. I have also been a staunch advocate for our STEPs, our hatcheries and the need to aggressively deal with predation that continues to negatively impact this work and our wild runs. I continue to work on legislation to grow our STEP and hatch box/incubation box opportunities in our river and stream systems. Predation is a serious issue and last session I drafted and we were able to pass HB 2966 that, "Permits department to authorize any person to remove nonindigenous aquatic species from specified area if nonindigenous aquatic species is adversely affecting native fish species." This is especially true on the Coquille River with smallmouth bass that impacts our salmonid species. However, there are also issues with pikeminnow, cormorants, seals and sea lions on the Rogue River as well. The Curry Anadromous Fishermen volunteers have been doing amazing work for salmonids on the Rogue River at Indian Creek Hatchery while battling these and other predators.
I was incredibly humbled and honored to receive the Coquille River STEP Associations Oregon Salmon A+ Legislator of the Year Award at their recent annual meeting for my work on these critical issues. Thank you all again for your impassioned work. It is a privilege to work with you for our residents and their communities on these important issues. We will continue to expand these partnerships and their opportunities with my Legislative Coastal Caucus colleagues up and down the Oregon Coast and into our inland river systems.
 Annual Coquille River STEP meeting at the Coquille Community Building
 Coquille River STEP Association volunteers Dana & Stacey Mills on the left and Pam Lewis and Josh Bettesworth on the right. Dana and Stacey, along with their company A1 Pump & Filter, donate countless hours and expertise to assist with Coquille River STEP, as do Pam and Josh. Thank you and all of your volunteers again for your incredible work.
 This is a picture of your Senate District 1 office in the Oregon State Capitol. I am proud to display the Coquille River STEP Association’s Oregon Salmon A+ Legislator of the Year Award front and center on the bookshelf as you walk into the office.
Oregon Supreme Court on Measure 113
I joined a few of my Senate Republican colleagues for the oral arguments to the Oregon Supreme Court on Measure 113. We were able to take the case directly to the Supreme Court and they should issue their ruling at any time.
You can watch the court proceedings by Clicking Here.
 Senate Republican Leader Knopp, myself, Senator Linthicum, Senator Bonham, Senator Weber and Senator Boquist at the Oregon Supreme Court.
Association of O&C Counties Annual Meeting
I had the opportunity to join my former Association of O&C Counties colleagues at their annual meeting in Salem. I had the honor to serve on the AOCC Board when I was a County Commissioner and helped move our case that will ultimately be ruled on by the US Supreme Court. Since joining the State Legislature, I have also drafted and submitted legislation to support their efforts and needed resources to fund county services. Although I was able to get some democrats to sponsor my bill, the majority party refused to move it.
AOCC represents the unique O&C timberlands in 18 western Oregon counties, the 18 counties host 2.1 million acres of O&C timberlands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). AOCC advocates for sustained yield management of O&C timberlands, as required by federal law under the O&C Act, to protect and support jobs and local economies, county services, and healthy timberlands.
I want to thank the County Commissioners for their efforts on the AOCC Board. Congratulations to my commissioner colleagues for their re-elections to officer positions on the board. Douglas County Commissioner Tim Freeman was re-elected to his 8th term as President of AOCC. Coos County Commissioner, Bob Main was re-elected as Vice President and Polk County Commissioner, Craig Pope was re-elected as Secretary/Treasurer. Former Douglas County Commissioner and long time AOCC President Doug Robertson has also just completed his first year as AOCC's new Executive Director. He brings his years of incredible knowledge to AOCC. I'm proud to work with all of you and to have two of the officers and the Executive Director within our Senate District 1.
Douglas Electric Cooperative
I want to thank my cousin Charles for the opportunity to join him and his co-workers as a guest at the Douglas Electric Cooperative Christmas Party. Many of the residents of Senate District 1 are supplied power by cooperatives through Douglas Electric Co-Op and Coos-Curry Electric Co-Op. I am grateful for all of the work of our lineman, as they are out in the harshest of storms, making sure our residents have the energy they need for their homes and businesses.
As the former longtime Vice Chair of the House Committee on Energy & Environment, I continue to work to make sure that our Co-Ops have the resources they need to keep rates low for our residents. I was honored to receive their association's Oregon Rural Electric Cooperative Association Oregon Legislator Cooperator of the Year Award in 2021 for this work and legislation I drafted and passed to expand broadband internet access to our most isolated areas.
Thank you for the opportunity to join you and speak with all of you. Most of all, thank you again to our lineman, we appreciate your hard work for our communities.
 On the left, Douglas Electric Cooperative Board Treasurer Suzi Armstrong. On the right, my cousin and lineman, Charles Fotopoulos.
End of Year Update to Coos County Board of Commissioners
I started my birthday this year with an end of year update to the Coos County Board of Commissioners. I appreciate the opportunity to speak to the Coos County BOC and want to thank Chair Main, Vice Chair Taylor and Commissioner Sweet for the opportunity to share with them and the public some of the years successes and challenges. A special thank you to Commissioner Sweet for the surprise birthday cake shared to all that attended the meeting.
Community Christmas Dinner
Every year, Samantha Ross (Assistant Manager at Rogue Credit Union), her team, her father Pat, my parents Frank and Bonnie, myself and many other volunteers cook and serve a free Christmas Dinner in Port Orford at the American Legion and Community Buildings. Donations at the door, from local businesses and residents support the cost of the food, while Samantha, Pat and countless volunteers cook and then serve for hundreds who join in the feast. It is truly the Spirit of the Season and I want to thank all who volunteer and support this blessed event on Christmas Day.
Southern Oregon Sunset
I pulled over and took this picture one evening recently just south of Port Orford while driving back from meetings in Gold Beach. Although this is a calm evening, our crab fishermen are usually battling rough seas and conditions. Please keep them in your prayers as they work hard at great risk, to support their families and bring you that delicious Dungeness Crab.
More to come on my legislation to fulfill the overwhelming majority of Oregonians' desire to repeal Measure 110 to save lives and give our law enforcement officers the tools they need to protect our residents and their communities while directing the needed treatment dollars to the counties to manage rather than the Oregon Health Authority, my multiple meetings with law enforcement and community leaders to discuss their priorities to get this done, the upcoming 2024 Legislative Session, as well as my work with the Douglas County Small Woodlands Association, Bay Area's Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards and more...
As always, thank you for the privilege and honor to work for you in the Oregon State Senate. I hope you are having a Blessed New Year. Be safe and God Bless you, your family and your neighbor.
Yours Truly,
 Senator David Brock Smith
Together, We Will Build a Better Oregon
 Senate District 1 Curry, Coos, and Douglas Counties Southwest Oregon’s Fish, Farm, and Forestry District. Capitol Phone: 503-986-1701 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-316, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Sen.DavidBrockSmith@oregonlegislature.gov Website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/smithd