1/12/2024 Senate District 15 Newsletter

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Senator Janeen Sollman

Friends and Neighbors,

Legislative Updates

January Legislative Days

This week, Team SD 15 was in the Capitol for Legislative Days. We spent a busy few days gathering co-sponsors for upcoming bills, attending meetings and committee hearings, and prepping for the upcoming 2024 Legislative Session. See the list of topics heard in my committees this week below, and click on the links to watch the playback.

Senate Interim Committee on Housing and Development (Member)

Informational Meetings were held on the following:

  • Committee Budget Bill Introduction (LC 158)
  • Committee Policy Bill Introduction (LC 155)
  • Other Possible Housing Legislation for 2024 Legislative Session

A Work Session was held for Committee Bills Adoption

Watch the committee meeting here.

Senate Interim Committee on Energy and Environment (Chair)

Informational Meetings were held on the following:

  • Right to Repair
  • Bottle Bill Overview
  • Recycling Opportunity Act Franchise Authority
  • Update on Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act
  • Oregon Department of Energy Proposed Statutory Adjustments
  • Update on Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Program Status

A Work Session was held for Committee Bills Adoption

Watch the committee meeting here.

Joint Interim Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Public Safety (Co-Chair)

Work Sessions were held on the following:

  • Public Defense Services Commission – Unrepresented Defendant/Persons Crisis Hourly Program
  • Public Defense Services Commission – Executive Branch Transfer
  • Oregon Military Department – Capital Construction Limitation Increases
  • Oregon Military Department – Facility Enhancement Projects
  • District Attorneys – Nonunanimous Jury Convictions
  • Department of the State Fire Marshal – 2023 Fire Season
  • Department of Emergency Management – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
  • Department of Justice – Internet Crimes Against Children
  • Department of Justice – Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor

Watch the committee meeting here.

Joint Committee on Ways and Means (Member)

The Joint Ways and Means Committee held Work Sessions on a number of Consent Grants and Individual Items. See the full agenda hereWatch the committee meeting here.

Leg Days Collage

Right to Repair

I am excited to be bringing forward the Right to Repair concept after much hard work and collaboration during the Interim. Backed by Google as a model policy for the rest of the country to follow, I am extremely proud of how far we have come with this policy and excited to see it cross the finish line in Oregon. 70% of bipartisan Oregonians surveyed are ready for Right to Repair!

Please see the press release below and click on the links to watch yesterday's Press Conference and Informational Hearing in the Senate Energy and Environment Committee.

Right to Repair Act to be reintroduced in Oregon this legislative session

Broad coalition, including Google, announces support for bill 

A recording of of the press conference is available here

Watch the Senate Informational Hearing here

SALEM, Ore. - Sen. Janeen Sollman announced Thursday the reintroduction of the Right to Repair Act in the short 2024 legislative session. If passed, the bill will reduce electronic waste, save consumers money and help bridge Oregon’s digital divide. 

The legislation would require electronics manufacturers to make available parts, tools, manuals and documentation consumers and independent repair professionals can use to fix damaged products. This legislation is also the first in the nation to address the practice of “parts pairing,” which increases the costs of repairing devices for consumers and harms small repair businesses.

“Right to Repair is fundamentally about ensuring we have products that last longer. It will save consumers money and helps us protect precious resources,” said State Sen. Janeen Sollman, “To be able to fix a product and then sell it at a reasonable rate or donate it and get it back in the hands of somebody who could use it, is a win for Oregonians. Consumers benefit because they have choice." 

After years of advocacy for the right to repair, similar legislation passed in California, Colorado, Minnesota, and New York in 2023.  Many electronics companies have previously opposed the measure.  This year some manufacturers are among the coalition supporting right to repair legislation because it aligns with goals to address climate change and design products with longevity in mind. 

Google, the manufacturer of Pixel phones and tablets, announced its support for the Oregon legislation at the news conference with Sen. Sollman and other advocates Thursday.

“We applaud the efforts of Oregon state senator Janeen Sollman in advancing a common sense repair bill. This legislation represents an inclusive compromise that brings tech companies, small repair companies, environmental leaders, and legislators to the table to find common ground and support the repair movement”, said Steven Nickel, Google's Devices and Services Director of Operations “This would be a win for consumers who are looking for affordable repair options, for the environment, and for companies that want to invest in making their products more repairable and sustainable.”

In addition to the bill’s environmental benefits, repair-friendly policies would also save households hundreds of dollars, according to an analysis by the non-partisan public interest group OSPIRG. The OSPIRG report, Repair Saves Families Big, estimates fixing phones, computers, and appliances instead of buying new ones would save the average Oregon household $382 per year, which adds up to nearly $650 million statewide. 

“Many companies have established what is effectively a repair monopoly on their products. That often forces consumers to buy a new product instead of extending the life of the one they have,” said Charlie Fisher, OSPIRG’s state director, “The right to repair would stem the flow of e-waste and give consumers better, lower-cost options for fixing their devices.”

Like the previous version of Oregon’s Right to Repair Act which was introduced last year and garnered more than 40 co-sponsors, supporters expect broad acceptance this legislative session. Bills passed in other states garnered bi-partisan, and often near-unanimous support before being signed into law. 

“Fixing these devices instead of filling our landfills could save Oregon consumers hundreds of dollars a year,” said State Rep. Courtney Neron, “And In a time when many Oregonians struggle to stretch their dollars each month, this Right to Repair legislation is the right thing to do.”

More than 70 small repair businesses across Oregon also support the legislation saying, if passed, the bill would allow them to better serve their customers and community. 

"Lately, a new trend has emerged that is often referred to as parts pairing. Some manufacturers assign a serial number to parts and use software locks so that the part can only be used with that one specific device,” said Romain Griffith who has co-owned Hyperion Computerworks in southwest Portland since 2019, “The parts pairing practice stifles fair competition. When I tell somebody that they might face this or that inconvenience by having me do the repair instead of the manufacturer, they’re likely to take the more certain route through the manufacturer. I’ve gone through the expense of marketing to reach someone with a device for me to fix only for the work to fall through over an arbitrary restriction.”

Right to Repair In the News

How Google is supporting repair and sensible right to repair legislation, Google Blog post

Google pens letter in support of Oregon right to repair legislation, TechCrunch.com

Will 2024 be the year for Oregon 'Right to Repair' law?PublicNewsService.org

R2R Collage

Listen. Learn. Act.

Hillsboro Fire & Rescue Ride Along

Last weekend, I spent the afternoon on a ride-along with the crew at Hillsboro Fire & Rescue Station 6. They serve our community in 24 hour shifts at a time, and morning and night the calls come in. While I was there, we went on an apartment fire call (which was a false alarm for burnt fishsticks), but they climbed up/down 6 flights of stairs, fully equipped, to find that out, one call of a very ill senior citizen and two separate attempted suicides- one teenager and one senior citizen. The range of calls is crazy and I appreciate their professionalism. The tight "family" feeling these first responders have with meals together, banter, and respect for their job and each other, is felt. We are lucky to have them serving our community.

Ride Along Collage

Senate District 15 - Small Business Spotlight

Green Trees Crochet


Looking for a cozy indoor activity during the upcoming cold weather? Check out Green Trees Crochet in Hillsboro for your yarn needs, classes and stitch circles. Join others in the community who share a passion for hand crafts. Visit Green Trees Crochet at 7478 E Main Street, Hillsboro, OR 97123 and find more information on their website here

Community Outreach

No Turn Away Shelters Open for Winter Weather Event on 1/12/2024 at 2 pm, anticipated closure 1/16/2024

From Washington County

Due to dangerous conditions, Washington County will activate severe weather shelters, providing emergency shelter capacity to ensure no one seeking shelter is turned away.

To access these shelter beds, interested individuals can walk up to one of the locations listed below:

The Salvation Army Building, 1440 SE 21st Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97123
Accessible via TriMet route number 57
Shelter Operator: Project Homeless Connect

Beaverton Community Center, 12350 SW 5th St, Beaverton, OR
Accessible via TriMet route numbers 52, 76, and 78
Shelter Operator: Just Compassion

The shelter will remain open 24 hours throughout the severe weather event. Hot meals are provided for guests, no one will be turned away, and pets are okay (be prepared to work with shelter staff as locations individual pet policies may vary).

To help someone obtain transportation to a shelter location, or to connect families with children to shelter, please call 503-846-4722. Families with children may also present in person to the shelter locations listed above.

If someone outside is unsheltered and whose life appears to be in danger, call 9-1-1. Otherwise, if you see someone about whom you are concerned during cold weather call the police non-emergency number at 503-629-0111 and request a welfare check.

Updates to our severe weather shelter activation plan will be delivered via this email list. For a printable flyer (English/Spanish) sharing this information click here.

Up to date information can also be found here: wcor.us/SevereWeatherShelter.

Se abre refugio para evento climático invernal 12/1/2024 a partir de las 2 pm

Debido a las condiciones peligrosas climáticas, el Condado de Washington ha activado un refugio de uso durante el invierno. Abrirán sus puertas a cualquier persona que busque refugio. Las personas sin vivienda que buscan refugio deben presentarse en persona en los lugares que se enumeran a continuación:

El Edificio de Salvation Army, 1440 SE 21st Ave, Hillsboro, OR 9712
Accesible a través de la ruta 57 de TriMet
Administrador del refugio: Project Homeless Connect

Beaverton Community Center, 12350 SW 5th St, Beaverton, OR
Accesible a través de la ruta 52, 76, y 78 de TriMet
Administrador del refugio: Just Compassion

El refugio permanecerá abierto las 24 horas durante todo el evento climático severo. Se proporcionan comidas calientes para los huéspedes, no se rechazará a nadie y las mascotas son bienvenidas (prepárese para trabajar con el personal del refugio, ya que las políticas individuales de mascotas pueden variar).

Si alguien afuera no está protegido y cuya vida parece estar en peligro, llame al 9-1-1. De lo contrario, si ve a alguien por quien está preocupado durante el clima frío, llame al número de no emergencia de la policía al 503-629-0111 y solicite un reviso de bienestar. Para ayudar a alguien a obtener transporte a un lugar de refugio, llame al 503-846-4722.

Las actualizaciones de nuestro plan de activación de refugios para clima severo se enviarán a través de esta lista de correo electrónico. Para un folleto imprimible (inglés / español) que comparte esta información, haga clic aquí.

La información actualizada también se puede encontrar aquí: wcor.us/SevereWeatherShelter.

Additional Resources

Senate District 15 – Event Calendars

Federal Delegation Links

Education Links

Food and Housing Assistance

Be good to yourself and each other. ❤

Onward & Upward,


Senate District 15 lies on Kalapuya land. The Atfalati were the northernmost band of the Kalapuya that lived along the Tualatin River in present day Washington County. Many of the Atfalati descendants are members of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon today. The Indigenous Peoples of this land experienced a painful history of colonial violence, sickness and removal from their land. The Atfalati are the foundation of Oregon's past and we must honor them well into our future.    

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1715
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-207​, Salem, Oregon 97301
Email: Sen​​​.JaneenSollman@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/sollman