Green Peter is in Representative Jami Cate's district, but I have many people that have reached out to me - and the fact that we in House District 15 are seeing the effects of this in our waterways now.
Please see below on how to voice your concerns. Rep Cate has put together some great information below including public meetings early next week.
From Rep. Cate:
"I continue hearing concerns about the negative impacts of the drawdowns of Green Peter Reservoir--from dead fish to our water quality, and want to share an opportunity to make your concerns heard by the Army Corps of Engineers who have been responsible for implementing this management strategy after being mandated as a result of a federal lawsuit.
This listening session is not specific to our dams, but part of a larger report to Congress regarding the public's opinions of the future of hydropower in the Valley, as many dams throughout the Valley have been drawn down for that purpose.
To be clear, ours was drawn down for a different purpose--part of a federal injunction to try and save endangered fish, but it is still closely related in actual impacts and I encourage you to participate as it is a great chance to be heard by the Corps.
I think it is also worth noting that what has happened at Green Peter, and the effects it is causing, is not an issue that state or local jurisdictions have any control in, we are at the mercy of federal agencies and courts for how our dams are managed. I've been encouraging our local jurisdictions to work together to amplify our concerns to the Army Corps of Engineers and Congress, and they are working around the clock to treat our water and keep it safe for drinking--while knowing the appearance will still continue raising concerns for citizens.
This is a frustrating situation for everyone, especially when we didn't get any say in the matter, so I encourage you to use this opportunity to get your concerns heard by those in a position to help correct this devastating decision. For more information on the listening sessions, please go HERE "
To learn more about why Green Peter was drawn down, go HERE.
Virtual Listening Session #1: Monday, Nov. 13, 2023 – 2-4pm - More information, HERE.
Virtual Listening Session #2: Monday, Nov. 13, 2023 – 5:30-7:30pm - More information, HERE.
In-Person Listening Session: Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023 5:30-7:30 p.m. Salem Public Library Level 1, Loucks Auditorium 585 Liberty St SE, Salem, OR 97301
Written Statements: If you are unable to attend a listening session, an online submission form will accept written statements from Monday, Nov. 13 to midnight, Friday, Nov. 17.
Send an email on or after Monday, Nov. 13 HERE, for the link to the online submission form.
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1415 Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-389, Salem, OR 97301 Email: Website: