Press Release
Contact: Shelia Megson Chief of Staff
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, October 19, 2023
Senator Brock Smith Calls for a Special Legislative Session to Support Oregonians’ Desire to Repeal Measure 110
SALEM, Ore – Senator David Brock Smith joins Representative E. Werner Reschke in calling for a Special Legislative Session to protect the residents of our communities and give our public safety officers the tools they need to do so by repealing Measure 110.
“Measure 110 has failed Oregonians and the overwhelming majority want change,” said Senator Brock Smith. “The decriminalization of drug possession, the lack of incarceration and required treatment has caused a dramatic increase in drug use and addiction, increased homelessness, open drug use in our communities and increases in overall property and other crimes. Measure 110 has ultimately compromised the safety of our residents by reducing the deterrent effect of law enforcement, taking away their ability for arrest.”
Oregon was the first state in the nation to decriminalize possession of certain drugs through Measure 110, and the majority shifted funds away from public safety, schools, cities, and counties to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) for its dismal implementation. CDC data clearly shows that drug overdoses from drugs like heroin and fentanyl have tripled in Oregon. Additionally, more than three fifths of those ticketed never paid their fine. Despite over 5,000 receiving a ticket, less than 120 called the treatment referral hotline.
“Not only has Measure 110’s policies failed Oregonians, OHA’s implementation has done so as well. Prior to the passage of Measure 110, Oregon was 49th in the nation for access to treatment and now Oregon is 50th. After sitting through the Joint Interim Committee on Addiction and Community Safety Response yesterday afternoon, I was shocked at some of the figures presented and answers given by OHA personnel. Their presentation only showed data through 2021, however CDC data is readily available through October 1st, 2023. I’m disappointed with the perception by the department to not present the most recent data available to the public, as it shows the dramatic increase in drug overdose deaths since the passage of Measure 110."
“Measure 110 is a failure. More lives are lost every day. Our law enforcement officers are put at greater risk and without the necessary tools to protect our citizens and their communities. I appreciate and thank the Douglas, Coos, and Curry County Commissioners for recently passing resolutions requesting the Governor and/or Oregon Legislature to repeal Measure 110. I also appreciate the support of our County Sheriffs and District Attorneys on these county resolution requests.”
“As the State Senator for District 1, which includes all of Curry and most of Coos and Douglas Counties, I stand with our County Commissioners in their request. We must repeal Measure 110 to give our law enforcement officers the tools needed to protect the health and safety of our residents and their communities. I call on Governor Kotek and my legislative colleagues to act,” concluded Senator Brock Smith.
Senator David Brock Smith represents Senate District 1, which includes Curry, Coos and Douglas Counties. This press release and an archive of previous press releases issued by Senator David Brock Smith’s office are available on the web at:

Yours Truly,
 Senator David Brock Smith
Together, We Will Build a Better Oregon
 Senate District 1 Curry, Coos, and Douglas Counties Southwest Oregon’s Fish, Farm, and Forestry District. Capitol Phone: 503-986-1701 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-316, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: