Hello Friends,
As we move out of fire season, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing firefighters and first responders for their heroic efforts to protect life and property. Across our District, from the Tyee Complex to the Anvil, the Flat to the Smith River Complex, these men and women worked day and night for our residents. We are grateful for your efforts!
We have been presented data in the legislature in the past where it is clear that the overwhelming majority of forest acres burned are on land managed by federal agencies. The last such data had roughly a ten year average of forest acres burned to be eighty percent on federally managed lands. Of the twenty percent of the acres burned on privately managed forest lands, roughly fifteen percent of those forest acres burned were from fires coming off of federally managed forest lands. Of the five percent of fires that start and burn on privately managed forest lands, those fires are kept to less than one hundred acres on average.
I continue to draft and advocate for legislation that would have the state push the feds for more active management of their federally managed forest lands within Oregon. I also draft legislation that would help compensate our private forest landowners for their acres burned from fires coming off of federally managed forest lands, as there is no compensation to our private land owners from these fires on federally managed lands.
We were successful in passing one of these bills I drafted in the last session. SB 872, is a step in the right direction, outlining Oregon's position to the federal agencies and what we would like to see in the future. The legislation included "in collaboration with any forest protective association or agency that is under contract or agreement with the State Board of Forestry for the protection of forestland against fire, and whose protection area is or may be affected by a fire on nearby federal lands, and with a focus on protecting lands and rural communities within the wildland-urban interface" as well as:
- Increasing forest thinning.
- Reducing ladder fuels and other hazardous fuel loading.
- Restoring meadowland.
- Increasing biomass utilization.
- Increasing post-disturbance recovery and restoration activities.
I appreciate Representatives Osborne, Goodwin and Boice for their sponsorship and work to help get this important legislation through the process. Although the state has little influence over the forest lands managed by the federal agencies, this is one step in the right direction. It is far from the silver bullet and we will continue to work where we can towards needed change across the federally managed forest lands to protect the health, life and safety of our residents, their communities and the businesses that support them.
Weyerhaeuser’s Regeneration Center Nursery Tour
Last week we held Legislative Days in Salem. On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to join some of my legislative colleagues and industry professionals as we toured Weyerhaeuser’s Regeneration Center Nursery in Turner. Nurseries such as these are critical to our forest and wood products industries and the communities of our district in southwest Oregon.
Some of the topics discussed on the tour included:
- The role of seedling nurseries in reforestation after wildfire
- Markets and supply, including reforestation, geographic footprint, and the Christmas tree market
- Public/private partnerships in seedling production and reforestation
- Seedling disease pressures and how to keep baby trees healthy
- Production threats including market trends and weather
 Operation and packing warehouse
 Outdoor seedlings
 Cone/seed harvest orchard
 Greenhouse seedlings
 Cone/seed harvest orchard
 Direct soil seedlings
 Greenhouse seedlings with Representative Wright
Umpqua Valley Christian vs Pacific High School Soccer
What a Game!
After Legislative Days last week in Salem, I was able to attend the Umpqua Valley Christian vs Pacific High School soccer match in Roseburg on Saturday. UVC was ranked 1st and Pacific ranked 2nd in their league. Having played soccer all my life and had the opportunity to coach some years ago, I was glad to have been able to catch the match. It was a beautiful afternoon in Roseburg and both teams gave their all! In the end, Pacific prevailed 4-2.
I want to thank every parent, grandparent, neighbor and resident who support our youth athletic and extra curricular programs. These activities are critically important for our youth. Many of these athletic and other programs would not exist without the support of our residents. It is always great to see so many residents not only out cheering at the games, but supporting their fundraisers and other events. These programs are so important to so many of our youth and their families. Thank you for your dedicated support of them!
More to come on the legislatures new Joint Interim Committee on Addiction & Community Safety Response, which is Measure 110's new committee where Representative Goodwin has been appointed to serve, my recent appointment to serve on Oregon Infrastructure Finance Authority Board and work in and around our district.
As always, thank you for the privilege and honor to work for you in the Oregon State Senate. Be safe and God Bless you, your family and your neighbor.
Yours Truly,
 Senator David Brock Smith
Together, We Will Build a Better Oregon
 Senate District 1 Curry, Coos, and Douglas Counties Southwest Oregon’s Fish, Farm, and Forestry District. Capitol Phone: 503-986-1701 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-316, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Sen.DavidBrockSmith@oregonlegislature.gov Website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/smithd