Coos County – Thrilled to report – still no fires
Curry County -- The Anvil is potentially a very bad fire and essentially the first we’ve had in Northern Curry County for many, many years. As of Thursday evening – the acres burned may have increased upwards of 2,000 ?? Wind conditions are changing somewhat favorable but Low Humidity and High Temperatures – (high 80’s to low 90’s) – are not helpful conditions - Smoke heavy – basically poor visibility making aerial attacks more difficult. Elk river Fish Hatchery has been spared to date. 41 homes evacuated (level 3 – go now) along Elk River Road – others are at Level 2… Good News - 1,300 of our very best Fire Fighters have been deployed on the Anvil.
Douglas County – Tyee Ridge Complex Fire (Cougar and Lighthouse) 6 Fires – ‘hold your breath’ but it is basically in ‘mop up efforts’ – 8,000 acres with 56% contained – 400 – 500 Fire fighters remain …
Smith River Complex – First Attachment shows a remaining high concentration of fires South of the Cal/Or border. The best description is to report ‘generally’ slower growth on all those fires. Still concerned for South Curry County, but as of this writing – all to be reasonably well. THE SRC Fire info. should not distract from the Curry Fires.
From Mike Robison – Director Coos Fire-Forest Protective – Oregon Department of Forestry –
Good Afternoon, The current dry weather pattern is allowing Anvil to free burn basically on all four sides. This is a sign of low humidity. This pattern started yesterday late afternoon, with northeast winds increasing after midnight. This morning with the low humidity the fire had already established a column by 1000 hours.
The nighttime northeast wind drove the fire down on Elk River road above the Fish Hatchery. One active spot south of Elk River Road in Section 17 was discovered. At this time, personnel and equipment have the forward spread of that spot stopped at approximately 5 acres. It is important to maintain the fire north of Elk River road and for fire crews to pick up any spots that occur south of the road.
CFPA has established two groups with resources to help with initial attack and establishing contingency lines to act as a catcher’s mitt south of Elk River Road and Grassy Knob road. This work started yesterday and will continue for the next week. These groups will react to any initial attack needs with an objective to keep the fire north of Elk River, East of the Fish Hatchery and south of the Grassy Knob road. I anticipate this to be a tall order as the weather is very dry and terrain features and fuels add high complexity.
We have added a structure specialist to assist with any structure protection needs. The initial fire threat is from MM4 on Elk river Road upstream to the Fish Hatchery. This portion of Elk River was elevated by the Curry County Sheriff to a Level 3 this morning. At this point, no fire has encroached on this portion of Elk River.
I have not seen an updated acres for this fire today. I know the Team has ordered IR mapping. It is my estimate that the fire has grown 1500 acres since yesterday. We have several challenging days in front of us and we will continue the effort in assisting the team in containing this fire.
 Anvil Fire
Approx 8 miles East of Port Orford, OR
0% Contained
1,500 Acres
Evacuation Orders
🔴 Level 3 "Go Now" Evacuations - - Areas along Elk River Road from about milepost 4 to the USFS Butler Bar Camp Ground, located about twenty miles east of U.S. Highway 101 on Elk River Road.
Evacuation Warnings
🟡 Level 2 "Be Set" Evacuations - - Area of Sixes River Rd from Edson Creek Campground to Sixes River Campground.
Evacuation Notes
● Evacuations Map Link - https://arcg.is/1juyb0 --- Official Information Links --- ● Anvil Fire FB Page - https://www.facebook.com/flatfireoregon2023?mibextid=ZbWKwL ● Curry County Justice (SO) FB Page - https://www.facebook.com/CurryCountyJustice?mibextid=ZbWKwL
9/14/23 Anvil Fire update -
This morning, Great Basin Incident Management Team (IMT) 4 took command of the Anvil Fire and the Flat Fire. . Team 4 will continue to support the firefighters assigned to both the Flat and Anvil Fires while working with the local land management and fire suppression agencies to ensure the safety of the public and firefighters. Objectives include full fire containment while minimizing adverse impacts to cultural, recreational, natural resources, watershed, wilderness, wildlife habitat, and local business concerns.
Anvil Fire Size: 1,433 acres
Start Date: August 25, 2023
Location: 8 miles east of Port Orford, OR
Containment: 0%
Total personnel: 351
Resources: 11 crews, 3 helicopters, 6 engines
Yesterday firefighters continued their efforts to protect area residences by digging firelines and preparing hoses and pumps used to protect homes if the fire approaches them. Morning winds out of the north shifted to the northeast by afternoon, when gusts reached up to 25 mph on ridgetops. Heavy smoke was visible over the Port Orford area as fire activity increased on the north and west sides of the fire. Helicopters dropped approximately 49,000 gallons of water on the fire yesterday to support fire crews working on the ground. Increased afternoon winds prevented flying later in the day and helicopters were set down for safety. Firefighters worked late into the night as the fire continued to burn actively due to low overnight humidity. In the valleys, humidity is higher and the winds have not been as strong, which has led to less fire activity at lower elevations. Evacuations: A Level 3 “Go“ evacuation status was initiated this morning along Elk River Road from milepost 4 to the Butler Bar Campground by the Curry County Sheriff. The Sheriff assigned a Level 2 “Get Set“ evacuation yesterday from Edson Creek Campground to Sixes River Campground, about 16 miles east of U.S. Highway 101, on Sixes River Road. The Bureau of Land Management Coos Bay District issued a closure for Edson and Sixes Campgrounds this morning. Sign up for Curry Co. emergency alerts at https://bit.ly/CurryCoEM.
There is now a Level 3 (Go Now!) evacuation in effect for: - Areas along Elk River Road from about milepost 4 to the USFS Butler Bar Camp Ground, located about twenty miles east of U.S. Highway 101 on Elk River Road.
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1401 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-382, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Rep.CourtBoice@oregonlegislature.gov Website: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/boice