Dear Friends and Neighbors,
It's Back-To-School time and Tuesday I got to spend it in the best way by attending the All-Staff Kickoff for Hillsboro School District. As a teacher of 42 years, and Speech and Debate coach for 50, the excitement and enthusiasm in the Liberty High School gym yesterday was palpable. It was an emotional moment as I thought back to the many Septembers where I was getting ready for the first day of school. I thought of 42 years worth of students and the excitement and potential for each learner in my classroom. It's exciting, overwhelming, and truly a moment where you remember why you got into being part of the Education world. I laughed, cried, and smiled as I listened to new HSD Superintendent Travis Reiman give one of the most engaging and inspirational presentations that I've heard in years. Hillsboro schools have always had the desire to help all students and all communities, from early learning to partnering with higher education through dual enrollment. I am so proud to say I was a member of Hillsboro School District's teaching staff at Glencoe High School, Hillsboro High School, and the old Mid High. As the new school year starts, I wish all educators and staff well in this upcoming year. The Legislature will be there to support you and I continue to see one of my major legislative responsibilities to be working on budgets for all levels of education.
On Monday, I had the opportunity to speak at the Forest Grove/Cornelius Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, where I presented an update on the 2023 Legislative Session. It was a stimulating event with many types of businesses across Western Washington County, and it was exciting to be together again and hear the questions from community members and businesses on a variety of topics, including housing, education, transportation, and current semiconductor investment work.
Hillsboro School District All-Staff Kickoff
On August 28 1963, a quarter of a million people rallied in Washington, D.C. for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom to demand an end to segregation, fair wages and economic justice, voting rights, education, and long overdue civil rights protections. Civil rights leaders took to the podium to issue urgent calls to action that still resonate decades later. People traveled from every corner of the country to join the March, and the unprecedented turnout jolted a nation into action.
Monday's celebration was an important reminder to me that our recent struggles for civil rights are part of a long continuum of hard work and sacrifice by many, and that each generation builds its progress on the efforts of the previous generation. Perhaps no generation did more to move equality forward in America than those who participated in the 1960s Civil Rights movement. I am thankful for their leadership and their willingness to risk it all for what was right. It has been a long road of slow progress, and there is clearly more work left to be done by us, and by future generations.
You can read more about The March on Washington on the NAACP's website.
New Revenue Forecast Released
On Wednesday, we heard promising news from the latest Revenue Forecast that strongly indicates that Oregon's economy is healthy and that the work the Legislature did over the last several years in recovering from COVID, and the investments we have made to support all Oregonians, are showing positive results.
This is good news in terms of having a stable budget environment that will allow us to fund necessary services that Oregonians rely on. However, we know that people across the state are still struggling, and that critical investments are needed in Housing, Behavioral Health and Healthcare, Public Safety, and in Education in order to ensure that all Oregonians can thrive.
During the last Legislative Session, our goal was pass a budget that would maintain both existing services and invest new money in Housing, Healthcare, good-paying jobs, and Education. However, it was important to us to ensure we also set the state up well for all future needs, which we did.
The Legislature will continue to monitor and hold our state dollars accountable in a way that leads to meaningful outcomes that improve the lives of Oregonians.
Read the September Revenue Forecast Summary
View the Revenue Forecast Presentation
Interstate Bridge Replacement Builds a Path to the Future
*This editorial by Greg Johnson appeared in The Oregonian last Sunday. Mr. Johnson is program administrator for the Interstate Bridge Replacement program, the Oregon-Washington initiative to build new spans across the Columbia River.
I have walked across the Interstate Bridge close to 40 times. On those sojourns, I’ve noticed historic markers that honor the completion of the two spans across the Columbia River. These plaques were placed there over 100 years ago by people who were building something for a future they could only imagine.
Today, the Interstate Bridge Replacement program is moving ahead with a comprehensive vision for infrastructure that will offer forward-thinking solutions and help the region reap positive economic rewards for the next 100 years.
We owe this progress to the strong commitment of both states, including the $1 billion in funding approved earlier this year by the Oregon Legislature, matching Washington’s $1 billion last year, as well as tolling authorization granted in each state. Strong bi-state support has opened doors for major federal grants that would not otherwise be available to our region.
The bridge replacement program is necessary on so many levels.
Our region is destined to be critically impacted by an earthquake within the Cascadia Subduction Zone that sits just off the Oregon Coast. The existing Interstate Bridge is built on wooden pilings set in silty soil at the bottom of the Columbia River. In a major seismic event – which experts predict has a significant probability of happening within the next 50 years – the current bridge will be damaged beyond repair. To allow for immediate assistance to earthquake damaged areas and support continued regional movement, it is essential that we build a seismically resilient bridge and surrounding corridor.
While the replacement project will make this stretch safer and smoother for all travelers, we know we cannot build our way out of congestion. We also know that we need to offer more alternatives to driving. With the exception of a very narrow shared use path, the current Interstate Bridge is built for vehicles and does not accommodate high-capacity transit. The replacement project will provide our community with equitable travel options like light rail and broad paths for those who walk, bike or roll across the new bridge. Encouraging travelers to use other modes will also help ease the movement of goods currently more than $132 million in freight – across the Columbia River and along the West Coast.
The design of the existing Interstate Bridge directly impacts the environment. Right now, any stormwater runoff from the bridge goes directly into the Columbia River, carrying tire debris and hazardous materials that are harmful to salmon and other wildlife. Our design includes an enclosed drainage system that will divert all runoff to detention ponds where it will be treated before it returns to the river.
A key issue surrounding our program is its cost and how it’s being paid for, with some questioning why dollars allocated to the bridge aren’t going elsewhere. We are laser-focused on staying on schedule, which is the first key to containing costs, and we are working hard to stay within the scope of the program. We are also actively managing risks and have built into our budget reasonable expectations for inflation. But this is a critical investment for safety and for the economy. Over $2 billion in federal dollars that would not otherwise come to this region will support tens of thousands of family-wage jobs with $3.3 billion in expected gross earnings. Overall economic activity generated by the program is expected to be nearly double the cost to build the program.
This project has been talked about and studied for so long that the price is almost double that of earlier projections. The longer we delay, the more it will cost in the future to replace the bridge, which has already exceeded its expected life. With bi-state cooperation and the availability of federal funds, we must take this opportunity to build for a future that we can only imagine. Like those who raised the steel and concrete here more than 100 years ago, this will be our legacy.
♦For more information on replacing the Interstate Bridge, I recommend reading Peter Wong's article, "Interstate Bridge Shows Its Age" in the Oregon Capital Insider this week. You can link to the website or view a PDF of the article.
Mini Grant Application for Community-Based Organizations
The Interstate Bridge Replacement (IBR) program’s second round of small-scale, low-barrier grants for Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) is open August 10, 2023 until September 10, 2023. CBOs can apply for funds to partner with the IBR program to support community engagement efforts with the members they serve.
IBR recognizes and values the trusting relationships that exist between CBOs and equity-priority communities further. As IBR continues to seek meaningful and intentional feedback from those that have typically been excluded from the process on large infrastructure projects, we want to further engage with CBOs in collaborative ways to extend the program’s existing reach. The first small-scale, low-barrier grant program was implemented in 2021 to expand the program’s relationships with local CBOs to assist in community engagement efforts with equity-priority communities. Now, IBR is implementing a second round of small-scale, low-barrier grants, which will provide CBOs resources at varying levels in exchange for support extending IBR’s outreach through their networks. CBOs do not need to be transportation-focused to qualify for the grant, and the program is open to repeat applicants.
To be eligible, CBOs must:
- Serve at least one equity priority community, according to IBR’s adopted definition. This includes:
- Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
- People with disabilities
- Communities with limited English proficiency (LEP)
- Persons with lower income
- Individuals and families experiencing houselessness
- Immigrants and refugees
- Young people
- Older adults
- Have an office located or members within Multnomah County or Clark County areas
- Be actively using multiple modes of engagement with their member base (social media, email, phones, newsletters, etc.)
- Have been established legally as a non-profit for at least one year or be fiscally sponsored by a 501c3.
I wish all families a happy, healthy, and safe school year. In 2023, we listened to students, teachers, and educators and took action to make Oregon schools stronger, healthier, and safer. During the 2023 Legislative Session, lawmakers made several key changes and investments that will make a positive impact for Oregon students, teachers, school faculty, and parents in the upcoming school year and beyond. These include record investments in school funding and early literacy programs, initiatives to support educators and solve the substitute teacher shortage, upgrades for healthier school ventilation systems, new school safety measures, protections for students with disabilities, and more.
Highlights include:
Fully funding Oregon’s K-12 schools with record investments that will ensure students are set up for success in the classroom (House Bill 5015).
Improving early reading skills in the classroom, which is shown to have long-term, positive impact on kids graduating from high school (House Bill 3198).
Delivering cleaner air, heating and cooling in school buildings by upgrading school HVAC systems (House Bill 3031).
Free or reduced cost school meals for low-income students (House Bill 5014)
Attracting, retaining, and training talented educators and guarantee every kid graduates with basic life skills (Senate Bill 283).
Making schools safer with silent panic alarm systems to alert law enforcement and emergency medical services when there is a threat at a school building (House Bill 5014).
Notifying parents and school employees when there is an emergency at school (House Bill 3584).
With these solutions in place, Oregon schools will be safer, healthier, and stronger. To learn more about these efforts, click here.
Below you can find resources that will help you navigate the new school year!
Forest Grove & Hillsboro School Districts Start Dates
Forest Grove School District
September 5 - First day of school for Grades 5, 7, 9
September 6 - First day of school for Grades 1-4, 6, 8 & 10-12
September 7 - First day of school for Kindergarten
September 11 - First day of school for Pre-Kindergarten
Hillsboro School District
September 5 - First Day of School for grades 1-6, 7 and 9
September 6 – All Students - (First day for K, 8, 10-12)
Suggested Back-to-School Links & Readings
Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care
Higher Education Coordinating Commission
U.S. Department of Education
FGSD School Supply Drive
Don't Forget About School Safety on the Roads!
Application Open for Oregon Tribal Student Grant for 2023-24
Current, new and continuing students who are members of Oregon's 9 federally recognized tribes are encouraged to apply for the Oregon Tribal Student Grant for the 2023-24 academic year. The Oregon Tribal Student Grant provides funding for eligible Oregon tribal students to offset the cost of attendance at eligible Oregon colleges and universities. Additional details including information on eligibility and how to apply are on our website:
12 Things to Know About Return to Student Loan Repayment
From Oregon Public Broadcasting
1. It’s time to log into your student loan portal
Go to the U.S. government's federal student loan portal. You'll need your FSA ID to access your account. If you don't have one, or don't remember it, it could take some time. So don't delay.
Once you're logged in, make sure your contact information is up to date. If your email or brick-and-mortar address has changed, the U.S. Education Department and your servicer need to know.
Speaking of servicers, while you're there, you can find out who your servicer is now. It may be a name you've never heard before, like MOHELA (in case you're curious, it's moh-HEE-lah). Millions of borrowers got shuffled around during the pandemic. Don't be alarmed if you're one of them.
From there, you'll need to go to your servicer's website and add or update your contact information there too. Redundant? Perhaps, but you need to do it. If they can't find you, they can't bill you – but that won't keep your loans from ballooning with interest.
If you can't figure out how to log into the government's portal, you can always call for help: 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243).
2. Figure out the repayment plan that makes sense for you
The kind folks at the Department of Education's office of Federal Student Aid have built a handy tool to help you do just that. It's a loan simulator, and it will ask you all sorts of life questions, like whether you're currently employed, or paying for health insurance, or married (with children). It'll ask you where you went to school, how much debt you have and how much income you're earning. And then it will let you choose your plan based on how you answer the most important question of all ...
3. What is your repayment goal?
Do you want to pay as little money as possible in the short-run... or the long-run? For the long-run, the traditional, "standard" 10-year plan is almost certainly your best bet. You'll have larger, fixed payments right out of the gate – but that also means you'll end up paying the least amount of interest over time compared to other, more stretched-out plans.
The "graduated" plan works similarly, though you'll start with smaller payments that then get big enough over time that you'll still repay the loan in 10 years.
4. You might qualify for a $0 monthly payment!
If you're a young earner and want/need a low monthly payment, great. The Biden administration's new income-driven repayment plan, known as the SAVE plan, might be a good fit. If you're single and earn less than about $33,000, you should qualify for a $0 payment.
Among the many new perks with this plan: As long as you're paying each month what the government thinks you can afford, then it will waive any leftover interest not covered by your payment. For example, let's say your loans accrue $60 in interest every month, but your monthly payment is just $40. The government will waive the remaining $20 in interest. But don't be fooled. There's still interest, and you may end up paying a ton of it over the life of the loan.
5. Yes, loan forgiveness is still a thing
Yes, the loan forgiveness landscape has been confusing. President Biden's big loan relief plan, to erase between $10,000 and $20,000 of student loan debt for most borrowers, was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. But there are other loan forgiveness options that are very real and plentiful.
Like Public Service Loan Forgiveness. Sure, you've seen stories about how poorly managed the program was (many of which came from NPR), but the Biden administration has since overhauled PSLF, making it easier to navigate. The rules are still roughly the same: work for 10 years in public service (in government or for a qualified nonprofit) while making 120 qualifying payments and your remaining balance will be forgiven. If this rings your bell, you should consider the new SAVE plan. There's no point paying hefty monthly sums upfront, through the standard 10-year plan, if you think you will qualify for forgiveness in 10 years anyway. Also, don't worry if you logged three years as a teacher, dabbled as a stock broker, then went back to teaching. The years of service don't have to be consecutive.
Income-driven repayment plans also come with different levels of forgiveness. Typically, it's 25 years for graduate school debt and 20 years for undergraduate debt. The new SAVE plan will also include a new tier of forgiveness for low-debt borrowers: folks who take out $12,000 or less can qualify for forgiveness after 10 years, though that part of the plan won't go into effect until July of 2024.
6. You may get retroactive credit toward forgiveness
Right this minute, the Education Department is reviewing the records of millions of borrowers and giving them retroactive credit toward forgiveness for time already spent in repayment – time that didn't previously qualify: months in forbearance, deferment or other repayment plans.
This means, for older borrowers, enrolling in an income-driven repayment plan now, for the very first time, could come with 10, 15 or even 20 years of back credit toward loan forgiveness. Here's a quick explainer re: why that's happening and what it means for borrowers.
Skeptical? Earlier this summer, the first wave of borrowers – more than 800,000 of them – had their debts erased after receiving this retroactive account adjustment.
And next summer could bring a mini-explosion of loan forgiveness. Again, that's when the SAVE plan's new, 10-year forgiveness promise kicks in for borrowers with original loan balances below $12,000. Well, lots of these borrowers are in a position to get at least 10 years of back credit. Meaning, the moment the policy begins they'll qualify to have their debts erased.
7. Borrowers with old federal loans may want to consolidate
Millions of borrowers still have old loans known as FFEL Program loans. These date back to the days when federal loans were backed by the U.S. government but held by private banks, and these borrowers have gotten used to being excluded from previous loan relief efforts.
But it's not too late for FFELP borrowers to qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness or forgiveness under that big, retroactive account adjustment the Education Department is doing right now. They simply need to consolidate their old loans into a new federal, Direct Consolidation Loan by the end of 2023, according to the Education Department.
8. Consider enrolling (or re-enrolling) in auto pay
If you tend to pay your bills at the last minute and have been known to miss a deadline or two, consider enrolling in auto pay. You'll even get a 0.25% cut on your interest rate.
If you were enrolled in auto pay before the pandemic, the Education Department says you'll likely need to re-enroll. So don't sit back and assume that train will roll without a fresh nudge.
9. There’s an on-ramp for all of this
For the next year, the Biden administration is trying to ease borrowers into repayment by not reporting them to the credit agencies if payments are late or missed altogether. But don't take that as a license to wait. Interest will keep growing, whether or not you're making payments.
10. Avoid default
If a borrower goes 270 days without making a payment, they'll go into what's called default, which is a place so awful only Dante could do it justice. Default destroys a borrower's credit and allows the government to dip into your wages, tax refund and Social Security. In short, the government's likely going to get its money the easy way, or the hard way. Try the easy way first.
If you can't afford a monthly payment right now, that's fine – check out the SAVE plan. You may qualify for a $0 payment. You can also call your loan servicer and request a temporary forbearance or deferment – not as good as being on a repayment plan but preferable to default.
11. Borrowers already in default are being offered a “Fresh Start”
This is a big deal, but this fresh start requires that you opt in – it's not entirely automatic. If you're in default, you need to reach out to whoever holds your loan. That may be a guaranty agency. You can find a list of agency contacts here.
If your loans are still held by the U.S. Department of Education, you can initiate the fresh start process by going to this website or calling 1-800-621-3115. As part of that process, you'll be able to enroll in the new SAVE income-driven repayment plan, which should help keep your monthly payments reasonable while also keeping you out of default. According to the Education Department, half of Fresh Start borrowers currently have a $0 monthly payment.
12. Don’t wait. Your servicer may be understaffed
NPR reported back in January that the federal office that oversees student loans has been flat-funded for the year, and it's now passing on its budget crunch to the servicers it pays to deal with borrowers. Several months ago, it gave those servicers permission to cut student loan call center hours.
Interested in Being a Vendor at the Corn Roast?
From the Forest Grove/Cornelius Chamber of Commerce: We invite you to join us as a sponsor, vendor, or volunteer and be part of an experience that will leave a lasting impression. As a sponsor, your brand will be showcased to a diverse audience, providing unparalleled exposure to your products and services. And if you’re a vendor, prepare to engage with enthusiastic customers who are eager to explore and discover what you have to offer. This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss!
So mark your calendars for September 16th, because that’s the day when our community will come alive with joy, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Sign up now on our website or by contacting the Chamber office to secure your spot and ensure you’re part of this amazing day.
We eagerly anticipate your support and can’t wait to see you at the Corn Roast and Chalk Art Festival. Together, let’s make this event a monumental success!
Inclusive Park and Playground Opens in Hillsboro
Congratulations to Hillsboro Parks and Recreation on the grand opening of Hidden Creek Park West.
Designed as an inclusive and accessible park and playground for people of all abilities, it is now open to the public. With specialized equipment and safety components, the park features:
- inclusive play elements
- stable surfacing areas
- generously sized all-gender restrooms
- six accessible parking spaces
- 50-foot-long friendly giant made of cedar
Last fall, Hillsboro community members voted to name the giant “Oro”, as in Hillsb”Oro”, which means "gold" in Spanish.
Hidden Creek Park West als features:
- water play
- looping pathways
- exercise equipment
- swinging benches
- shade structures
- a hammock grove
- game areas
- a mural
While game equipment is not provided, check out Hillsboro’s Library of Things to borrow items for lounging and playing!
In addition to the mature oaks and firs on site, more than 200 trees and native shrubs are being planted as part of the project.
Designed to Be Fully Inclusive
While every park in Hillsboro meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, that is the bare minimum when it comes to inclusion. There can still be barriers to access that prevent children who experience cognitive, emotional, sensory, or physical disability from fully engaging with play elements.
Inclusive playgrounds go beyond ADA compliance to encourage interaction and creative play for everyone.
Provide Feedback on the Regional Transportation Plan
Metro Regional Government will hear testimony on Thursday September 28, 2023 on the Regional Transportation Plan and the High Capacity Transit Strategy. This will be the second opportunity to provide comment on these plans.
The 2023 Regional Transportation Plan looks at regional investments for the next 25 years in everything from sidewalks and bikeways to freight routes. For those whose business relies on getting employees to the manufacturing floor or goods to market, or for residents who have to get across or through the Westside to get families to school or activities - this plan will be foundational to future transportation investments.
And, as our region looks to address climate change by moving people out of single driver vehicles into transit alternatives, investment in an effective and accessible high capacity transit system will be key. This strategy will develop guidance for future decision and investments in just such a system. It is important that Metro hear from citizens from Western Washington County so that our needs are considered in the plan.
Click here to find out more or to sign up to testify.
Paid Leave Oregon’s First Week: By the Numbers!
Oregonians began applying for paid leave benefits on Aug. 14. During the first week:
4,631 applications were received
897 resolved Contact Us questions — they usually respond within two business days.
2,445 phone calls
7 seconds: average call hold time
The Paid Leave Oregon program has started processing claims, and approved claimants can begin taking leave on Sept. 3, 2023, and they expect to send out the first benefit payments on Sept. 13, 2023.
You can follow their progress each week by checking out their new dashboard found on the Oregon Employment Department website. They update this dashboard every Wednesday with data from the week before.
Paid Leave Oregon Application Advice
Remember: The Paid Leave claims process has two parts.
2. Submitting your claim with supporting documents.
The new employee toolkit can help you with this process:
Tips for Being Prepared In Case of an Emergency
It has been a busy last few weeks for Oregon's firefighters as multiple fires burn across the state. Many families have been forced to evacuate without much notice, and it is a reminder of the importance of being prepared for emergencies in advance.
After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. Being prepared means having your own food, water and other supplies to last for several days. A disaster supplies kit is a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency.
To assemble your kit, store items in airtight plastic bags and put your entire disaster supplies kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers such as plastic bins or a duffel bag.
A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:
Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation)
Food (at least a several-day supply of non-perishable food)
- Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert
- Flashlight
- First aid kit
- Extra batteries
- Whistle (to signal for help)
- Dust mask (to help filter contaminated air)
- Plastic sheeting and duct tape (to shelter in place)
- Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties (for personal sanitation)
- Wrench or pliers (to turn off utilities)
- Manual can opener (for food)
- Local maps
- Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery
Stay safe, stay informed and stay connected. Access resources before, during and after wildfires by signing up for Emergency Alerts below:
For more information on wildfire prevention and recovery, view my resource link in the "Important Resources" section below.
My office has compiled a list of resources for our community. You can click on the images below to open a document with the relevant links. If you know of a resource that should be included here, or you need a resource and are having trouble finding the information, please reach out to my office at
Click here, or on the image to the right, for important resources related to wildfire prevention and recovery. This list includes links to current fire restrictions and recreation site status maps, the Oregon Department of Forestry's fire prevention tip page, and important resources for wildfire victims.
Click here, or on the image to the right, for a list of important resources for Veterans, including links and phone numbers to the various divisions of the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs, local Washington County assistance, supportive and community-based groups like the American Legion, and mental health resources.
Click here, or on the image to the right, for a list of Education-related resources. This includes links to the Forest Grove and Hillsboro School Districts, the Oregon and US Departments of Education, information on how to pay for college, student lunch programs, and much more!
Click here, or on the image to the right, for links to important local and state government pages, including the Hillsboro, Forest Grove, and Cornelius city government pages. You can also access the Oregon Legislature's page, and other important state agency sites, like the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Unemployment Department, and the Oregon Health Authority.
I'm enjoying the beautiful Crepe Myrtles in Forest Grove before Fall
Yours truly,
 Representative Susan McLain House District 29
email: I phone: 503-986-1429 address: 900 Court St NE, H-493, Salem, OR 97301 website: