Hi folks,
My next constituent coffee is coming up this Saturday, at Risley Park in Oak Grove. I hope you can make it. It is not only my duty to be available to answer your questions about state policy, but I also find it immensely helpful to hear your ideas and thoughts on the legislation I should draft for the coming sessions. I hope to see you this Saturday at 9:00 AM.
I just returned from a really engaging and useful conference with NCEL (National Caucus of Environmental Legislators). I had the opportunity to learn from top experts in their field and confer with state legislators from all over the country about policy concepts that are working elsewhere. Oregon is ahead of the game in some areas but woefully behind in others.
I am more convinced than ever that we need to make major improvements to our power transmission systems across the state and perhaps even how those are governed - Regional Transmission Org for the West anyone? With no single entity empowered to oversee the many varied utilities in place across our region, they are sometimes working at cross purposes on things like power generation, coordination of grid capacities, and electricity sales to other regions. The closest thing we have right now to oversight of these systems is the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), and they are essentially given free reign to run the whole show. I will continue to dive deeper into these issues and there is a real possibility we will be ready to run a bill in the coming short legislative session.
Pictured: I recently had the privilege to drive a new fully electric semi truck. This is the wave of the future and enhancing our electricity transmission systems so we can get more of these on the road is a key part of eliminating transportation-related GHG emissions.
I hope to see you at my constituent coffee this Saturday!
All my best,
 Representative Mark Gamba House District 41
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1441 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-477, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Rep.MarkGamba@oregonlegislature.gov Website: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/gamba