Friends and neighbors,
I have kept busy this summer getting out in the community and preparing for the 2024 short legislative session. I wanted to take a moment to share with you some updates on the work that I have been doing so far this summer. I look forward to more community meetings and events.
Save the Date: Fall Town Hall
 Click on flyer to RSVP for the Town Hall.
Priorities Signed By Governor Kotek
On August 15th, Governor Tina Kotek held a ceremonial signing for two of my priority bills:
HB 2002: Reproductive Health & Access to Care Act restores the abortion rights Oregonians had under Roe v. Wade, expands insurance coverage for gender-affirming care, and protects Oregon medical providers' ability to give the best, most appropriate care to their patients.
HB 2697: Establishes ratios for healthcare workers that requires a minimum number of staff in a unit to provide safe patient care. Requires hospitals to establish technical staff and service staff staffing committees to develop staffing plans, in addition to nurse staffing committees.
Out in the Community
Post Session Town Hall
On July 27th, I joined Representative Dexter, Senator Steiner and Senator Frederick for a post session town hall. We discussed our priorities from the 2023 session that passed and what we are working on for the 2024 short legislative session. Community came out to show support for emergency routes for the St. Johns Peninsula, addiction services, and transportation.
Rosa Parks Elementary School Visit
I had an opportunity to tour Rosa Parks Elementary School. While there I got to see work being done to bridge academic gaps in their Summer Acceleration Academy. I’m looking forward to visiting & personally supporting more schools in HD 44.
Supporting SEIU 49 Workers
I’m proud to stand with SEIU 49 healthcare workers in their fight for a FAIR CONTRACT! Healthcare workers have sacrificed their time, energy & well being to care for us. It’s now time for employers to take care of them!
2023 Willamette Falls Lamprey Celebration
I had the pleasure of joining Representative Annessa Hartman at the Yakama Nation 2023 Willamette Falls Lamprey Celebration. It was great to learn more about the Yakama Nation and threats to the lamprey, one of their primary food sources.
Upcoming Events
Doula Conference
On September 8th, I will be speaking at the 2023 Second Annual SMC Doula Conference: Restoring the Village to Improve Birth Outcomes. If you would like to register for the conference, click the image below. Registration ends on August 25h.
Kenton Street Fair
I will be attending the Kenton Street Fair on Sunday, August 27th. I am excited to see all of the vendors and enjoy some local food.
I have added a Spanish version of my newsletter that will be posted shortly after the English newsletter is posted here.
If you know of someone who would benefit from receiving my newsletter in Spanish, please send them this link to sign up.
I look forward to attending more events this summer and fall. Please let my office know if you have ideas of places I should visit in North and Northeast Portland.
 Travis Nelson State Representative House District 44
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1444 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-275, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: