Hello Friends and Neighbors,
We are finally in the last week of the 82nd Legislative Session and we are wrapping up important work around the office! This week, numerous bills are making their way to the legislative finish line and I am proud to report that my biggest project of the Session has been making great progress. On Wednesday, House Bill 5005, the Legislature's General Bonding omnibus bill passed out of the Ways and Means Budget Committee. In the next two days, we will be voting on this legislation on the House Floor. If passed, the bill will pledge $250 million per biennium in general obligation bond dollars over the next eight years to meet Oregon's share of the Interstate Bridge Replacement Project cost. The Interstate Bridge is a critical connection linking Oregon and Washington across the Columbia River as part of a vital regional, national and international trade route. With one span now 105 years old, it is at risk for collapse in the event of a major earthquake and no longer satisfies the needs of commerce and travel. Replacing the aging Interstate Bridge with a modern, seismically resilient, multimodal structure that provides improved mobility for people, goods and services is a high priority for me. I am proud to see the progress we have made in pushing this necessary effort forward, and I am excited to see its long-term benefits for Oregon and Washington residents.
In addition, I am proud to report that two important bills that I support have passed out of the Legislature this week: House Bill 2002 would expand the right to reproductive and gender-affirming care, and House Bill 2005 looks to ban ghost guns. The bills now head to Governor Kotek for her signature. As a strong proponent of healthcare access and choice for all, I am proud to be a sponsor on House Bill 2002 and a supporter of House Bill 2005, which I believe will both make a positive impact on our state's public health.
Lastly, I want to express my pronounced support for the 1,800 Oregon Nurses Association nurses and clinicians on strike at multiple Providence facilities. Providence’s staffing crisis affects patients. It needs real solutions, starting with a fair contract. Learn more about the changes workers are pushing for at RespectOurNurses.com.
Looking ahead, I will most likely be convening with my colleagues this Saturday and Sunday for final Floor Sessions, ending on June 25, which marks "Sine Die" or the end of Session. Next week, my team and I will be organizing my busy office and tying up any loose ends as we approach the Interim. I am looking forward to time with family, and I wish all the students and their loved ones a wonderful summer vacation!
Last week of Session on Floor!
After 6 months of hard work, over 4,000 bills introduced, and a few bumps in the road, the 82nd Oregon Legislative Session is coming to an end. The Constitutional Sine Die (indefinite adjournment) date is June 25th.
Despite the challenges, this has been an incredibly successful Legislative Session and we passed many significant bills that will positively impact the lives of all Oregonians. We still have a couple of big budget bills to pass before Sunday's deadline though, so the work will continue through the weekend. My next newsletter will have a more in-depth analysis of the bills that passed this Session, but below are highlights of some of the important legislation that passed this week.
House Bill 3235 - Child Tax Credits
I am proud to be a sponsor of the bill to establish the first ever state-based child tax credit that will provide $1,000-per-child for working parents struggling to make ends meet. Known as the Oregon Kids’ Credit, House Bill 3235 will help families cover rising costs and the daily basics, including things like rent, food, utilities, child care, and more. According to the Oregon Center for Public Policy, approximately 55,000 Oregon children are expected to benefit from this credit. Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and rural communities, disproportionately impacted by economic disparities, have been shown to greatly benefit from the child tax credit.
The U.S. Census Bureau reported in 2022 that the 2021 expansion of the child tax credit resulted in 5.3 million Americans, including 2.9 million children, being lifted out of poverty. Investing in child care and early learning means healthier, happier kids and families.
The bill is part of Democrats’ $172 million Early Childhood Budget framework for the 2023-2025 biennium. The House also passed House Bill 5013 earlier this month, locking in $1.2 billion for the Department of Early Learning and Childcare (DELC) to give the newly independent agency a stable foundation for its vital work.
The bill passed 51-1 and now heads to the Senate for consideration.
House Bill 2426 - Allowing Oregonians to Pump Their Own Gas
Yesterday, the Oregon Senate passed House Bill 2426 with overwhelming bipartisan support. The new law gives Oregon drivers the choice to pump their own gas or receive service from a gas station attendant. Under the new law, at least 50% of the pumps must still offer attended service for elderly, disabled, or preference-driven customers.
In 2015, Legislators allowed self-serve gas during nighttime hours in rural and coastal counties to help fuel retailers and drivers. In 2017, they extended this allowance to all hours in rural counties. Additionally, in 2020, 2021, and 2022, Oregon's fire marshal temporarily lifted the self-service ban statewide during emergencies like wildfires and heatwaves.
HB 2426 aims to simplify the existing patchwork rules regarding self-service gas for all Oregonians, while protecting jobs and maintaining attendant services for Oregonians who want them.
HJR 16 A - Allowing Impeachment of Statewide Elected Officials
I was proud to be a sponsor of this House Joint Resolution which proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to give the House of Representatives the power of impeachment for statewide elected officials of the Executive Branch for malfeasance or corrupt conduct in office, willful neglect of statutory or constitutional duty, or other felony or high crime, and the Senate the power to try any impeachment received from the House. It requires a two-thirds majority vote of House to deliver impeachment resolution to Senate and two-thirds majority vote of Senators for a conviction. It allows the Chief Justice to preside in the Senate impeachment trial, and limits judgment to removal from office and the disqualification from holding any other public office in state. It allows the Legislative Assembly to convene to exercise its impeachment powers. Finally, it refers the proposed amendment to the people for approval or rejection at the next regular general election held throughout this state.
Leadership Announces $90 Million Climate Budget Framework
Legislative leaders announced Oregon’s 2023-2025 Climate Budget framework aimed at reducing emissions and improving disaster-resiliency in communities across Oregon.
Like the 2022 Climate Resilience Budget, the 2023-2025 Climate Budget is part of the Legislature’s commitment to establishing regular spending to address and respond to the negative effects of climate change.
The Climate Budget framework provides economical, forward-thinking ways to reduce emissions, modernize our agriculture systems, and position the state to receive nearly $1 billion in Inflation Reduction Act funding to deliver concrete outcomes for generations to come.
These investments include Resilient Efficient Buildings (REBuild), to bring down the cost of utilities and reduce Oregon’s carbon footprint by:
Making sure homes and commercial buildings are built and operated in an energy efficient manner.
Giving contractors the necessary training to retrofit homes with energy efficient appliances and other home technologies.
Creating a position at the Oregon Department of Energy to help Oregonians apply for and secure funding for their energy-efficiency retrofits.
This work began in the 2022 interim with the Joint Task Force on Resilient and Efficient Buildings. The task force was co-chaired by Senate Majority Leader Kate Lieber and Representative Pam Marsh.
Also set to receive funding is the Natural & Working Lands Fund, which assists Oregon’s landowners, tribes, and environmental justice communities in voluntarily adopting climate-smart, sustainable practices like increasing on-site energy-efficiency, irrigation modernization, and soil resilience practice.
“As our climate changes, the risk of severe fire increases, and water becomes scarcer, we must take action on climate change while investing in our local economies, especially in our rural communities,” said Senator Michael Dembrow (D-Portland), co-chair of the Joint Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Natural Resources.
The Legislature is also investing in Community Climate Resiliency, including:
$10 million to support and expand climate resilience hubs for emergency preparedness. The catastrophic 2020 wildfire season demonstrated the importance of consistently reinforcing emergency and preparedness strategy and funding. This funding will help communities across the state retain and implement lessons learned and maintain resiliency by supporting and developing physical and social resilience to cope with Oregon’s increasingly damaging wildfire seasons long-term (House Bill 2290).
$20 million to replenish the Community Renewable Energy Grant Program, funding renewable energy and community resilience projects pursued by counties, cities, school districts, and more.
The Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program. The Climate Budget framework extends this program and invests $10 million in empowering low-income contractors and homeowners to adopt solar energy in their homes and buildings.
Additional Wildfire Resilience Funding: In addition to the Climate Budget framework, the Legislature recognizes the need to address the negative effects of climate change, including increasingly dangerous wildfire seasons in the West. This Climate Budget comes just under a week after Governor Tina Kotek invoked an emergency conflagration order in Umatilla county. This biennium, the Legislature is also investing $31.2 million in:
House Bill 2294 - Pilot projects for firefighter apprenticeship training ($5 million)
Senate Bill 80 - Relating to wildfire
$3 million - DSFM - Community Risk Reduction Fund
$1.2 million - HECC-OSU and ODF for activities related to the statewide wildfire hazard map
$5 million, as part of the Climate Budget to help enable Oregon landowners’ use of prescribed fire for land management
Senate Bill 5506 - Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
$10 million - HECC - Oregon Youth Conservation Corp
$10 million - Oregon Department of State Fire Marshal (DSFM) - Wildfire mitigation and response (staffing grants, pre-positioning, and immediate response, engine maintenance)
- $2 million - DSFM - Mobilization Fund
Legislative leaders previously announced that they are set to fund the Office of Emergency Management at an unprecedented $1.3 billion.
Climate-related emergencies continue to threaten our way of life in Oregon. This session, legislators have focused on building resilient and sustainable communities across Oregon. The 2023-2025 Climate Budget is a key part of this work.
After passing the House 34-15, House Bill 3409 now heads to the Senate.
Working on the Bridge
Written by Legislative Intern, Ishaan Sinha
Legislative Aide Gabby Mijalski-Fahim and Legislative Intern Ishaan Sinha attending an IBR Bridge Tour on behalf of Rep. McLain.
Working as an Intern for Rep. McLain, I got to see a more personal side of implementing policy. One of Rep. McLain’s biggest projects is the Interstate Bridge Replacement Project. When I joined the team, she organized a tour for staff and I to visit the current bridge and obtain information firsthand to understand why we needed to replace it.
In our democracy, one person is never the sole stakeholder. I observed how Representative McLain met with several groups, from legislators on both sides of the aisle, stakeholders, staff from State Departments, and Interstate Bridge Replacement Project staff to work on this project. I learned that the legislative process takes a lot of communication and interpersonal skills. People often disagree and compromises must be made. Working with different perspectives is a delicate balancing act that requires emotional and intellectual skill.
At times, I saw Rep. McLain run into large challenges that threatened the implementation of the bill. Even though these situations may have been challenging, I observed how Rep. McLain remained calm and always focused on the next step towards a solution. Strong leadership requires staying calm and focusing on the steps ahead of you.
As we approach the final days of the Oregon Legislature, I’ve gained an appreciation for the softer side of passing legislation. Analytical skills, such as research and critical thinking, are important to crafting policy, but they must be supplemented by softer skills such as interpersonal communication ability in order for policy to be actualized. The key is to stay open and remember that everyone has good ideas.
Glencoe Construction Students Build Sheds for Homeless
I am so happy to see our high school students involved with local efforts to combat homelessness and give back to our community in innovative ways.
This spring, students in Todd Patterson’s Construction classes at Glencoe High School built two sheds for use at the Project Homeless Connect (PHC) day shelter in downtown Hillsboro.
The project was the result of a collaboration between Patterson and the Home Building Foundation of Greater Portland (HBF). HBF works with the residential construction industry to remodel or build shelters for nonprofits working to end homelessness, and is currently remodeling the day shelter.
The students built two sheds: one for use as a clothing closet, and the other for storage of gardening tools and supplies.
Using funds from grants and private donations, HBF ordered and had materials delivered to Glencoe from Parr Lumber. Approximately twelve seniors led the construction process - which included designing the sheds, framing, roofing, and other tasks - as their senior project, with a number of underclassmen assisting in smaller ways. The construction began in late February/early March and the sheds were completed in late May.
HSD Free Summer Lunch and Activity Program
Wishing all students and families in our school districts a relaxing and enjoyable summer surrounded by loved ones! Please see the resources below for free food and activity programs, courtesy of our school districts, that you can participate in throughout the summer.
The Outpost free summer lunch and activity program returns Wednesday, June 21!
All youth ages 18 and under can receive free lunch and participate in activities at Shute Park or Shadywood Park.
- Monday through Thursday, June 21 to August 17
- 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.
The lunch is provided by Hillsboro School District and activities are provided by Hillsboro Parks & Recreation .
More details: www.Hillsboro-Oregon.gov/Outpost
FGSD Summer Food Program
Available FREE to all kids ages 18 & younger. No registration, just show up.
June 26 - August 25
MOVEit Data Breach - Affecting Customers of ODOT-DMV
In light of last week's news of the massive data breach at the Oregon DMV, please see how you can protect yourself and your personal information.
The Oregon Department of Transportation Driver and Motor Vehicles Division (DMV) has had a data breach that included unauthorized access to up to 90% of Oregonians' data, including driver's license information.
This hack is part of a global technology hack that affected more than 2,000 organizations worldwide who use the MOVEit transfer software tool, including the Louisiana DMV, the U.S. Department of Energy, and others.
Individuals who have an active credential (license, permit, ID card) should assume information related to that credential is part of the breach.
What you can do to protect yourself:
Check your credit report: Federal law allows individuals to receive a free credit report every 12 months. You can request one online at www.annualcreditreport.com or by phone at 1-877-322-8228. Check the reports for any activity you do not recognize. For more information you can also visit the Federal Trade Commission’s website on identity theft at https://consumer.ftc.gov/features/identity-theft.
Be vigilant in monitoring your credit activity. If you wish to freeze your credit files, please contact one of the three credit monitoring agencies for assistance:
· Equifax: equifax.com/personal/credit-report-services or 1-800-685-1111
· Experian: experian.com/help or 1-888-397-3742
· TransUnion: transunion.com/credit-help or 1-888-909-8872
Please visit ODOT’s web page about the data breach for more information and updates.
Contact ODOT if you have any questions at AskODOT@odot.oregon.gov or (503) 945-5000.
Click here, or on the image to the right, for important resources related to wildfire prevention and recovery. This list includes links to current fire restrictions and recreation site status maps, the Oregon Department of Forestry's fire prevention tip page, and important resources for wildfire victims.
Click here, or on the image to the right, for a list of important resources for Veterans, including links and phone numbers to the various divisions of the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs, local Washington County assistance, supportive and community-based groups like the American Legion, and mental health resources.
Click here, or on the image to the right, for a list of Education-related resources. This includes links to the Forest Grove and Hillsboro School Districts, the Oregon and US Departments of Education, information on how to pay for college, student lunch programs, and much more!
Click here, or on the image to the right, for links to important local and state government pages, including the Hillsboro, Forest Grove, and Cornelius city government pages. You can also access the Oregon Legislature's page, and other important state agency sites, like the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Unemployment Department, and the Oregon Health Authority.
Yours truly,
 Representative Susan McLain House District 29
email: Rep.SusanMcLain@oregonlegislature.gov I phone: 503-986-1429 address: 900 Court St NE, H-489, Salem, OR 97301 website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/mclain