Dear Friends,
As we are nearing the end of the session, I wanted to provide you with an update of what is happening in Salem and what is ahead. Since arriving here in February, I have been honored to serve House District 1 constituents every day.
Being in the minority is difficult. We are facing constant attacks. I completely understand and support the efforts of my Republican colleagues in the Senate. The Oregon's 13 took a bold and courageous stand against the actions of power hungry Senate President Wagner and the Democrats. And while I am not happy with the outcome, I recognize that this is a tough compromise for both sides.
2023 Constituent Inquiries
I also wanted to let you know this: If you contacted my office by email in the last 6 months and you have not heard back – my apologies.
My office has received to date almost 3,000 emails, so responding to everyone was simply not possible. I hope that my detailed newsletters cover your areas of interest and I encourage you to keep contacting me with any questions, concerns or input you wish to offer. I appreciate your voice immensely!
Lastly, please also follow me on my Facebook page and my YouTube channel to stay in touch!
Yours truly,
Court Boice
As many of you may already know, the Senate Republicans' showdown with the Democrats resulted in a compromise yesterday. I am proud of my colleagues who stood firm and managed to water down the most egregious parts of HB 2002, as well as the 2nd Amendment assault legislation in HB 2005.
I am certainly not happy that these two bills are going forward but I understand that compromise was necessary. I am calling for your help to advocate, volunteer and campaign for our candidates in the 2024 election so that we can elect more Republicans to turn our state around and bring common sense back to Salem.
Please read below statement from our caucus.
On Memorial Day, I had the pleasure of introducing the Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs Director Kelly Fitzpatrick at the annual Curry County Veterans Memorial celebration.
It was great talking to veterans and constituents about the issues facing our state and remembering the Fallen Heroes.
I am happy we were able to host Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs Director Kelly Fitzpatrick in Curry County over the Memorial Day. It was my absolute pleasure to extend the invitation and I am glad Director Fitzpatrick accepted it on this special day.
Director of the Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs Kelly Fitzpatrick delivers remarks on Memorial Day at the Curry County Veterans Memorial.
Gold Beach's one and only surgeon, Jessica Carlson, MD, sings the National Anthem.
Representative Boice and Gold Beach Mayor Tamie Kaufman.
Pastor Rory LeGue offers a dedication Prayer to the Fallen during the Memorial Day.
And that's a wrap! House Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water Committee held its last hearing on June 6, 2023.
Despite our differences and disagreements, it was a great pleasure serving with my colleagues on this important committee.
From left to right back row: Committee staff, Rep. Gamba, Rep. Scharf, Rep. McLain, Rep. Owens, Rep. Boice. From left to right front row: Rep. Helm, committee staff, Rep. Hartman and Rep. Marsh.
Representative Boice celebrated his 50th season on the Rogue River. He first qualified for the U.S. Coast Guard Inland White Water License in 1973 and has renewed that license 9 times since.
Celebratory cake for Representative Boice who is pictured here with his Wife and best friend Britt.
I enjoyed attending the Indian Capitol Services Day on May 23, 2023. I value the traditions and history that our Native American population in Oregon represents.
It is always nice to catch up with U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley. Senator and I have our disagreements but I can always count on him to work with us on issues ranging from infrastructure, water, agriculture and catastrophic wildlife prevention.
I am doing my best to promote wise Water Enhancement and Management. As member of the Agriculture and Water Committee, I feel strongly about topic of water preservation. No water means no life.
Here is a video that the planning groups developed to describe place-based planning:
House Bill 3086 Fish and Wildlife Commission Membership
- I strongly support this bill.
- House Bill 3382 - Port of Coos Bay – Dredging
- I strongly support this bill
- My floor speech can be watched here.
House Bill 2005 B Omnibus Gun Control Bill
- I strongly opposed this bill.
- My floor speech can be watched here.
Senate Bill 603 Legislation to Give the Homeless $1,000 a Month
- I strongly oppose this bill.
House Bill 3090 Flavored Tobacco Ban
House Bill 3501 Oregon’s Right to Rest Act
- I strongly oppose this bill.
Senate Bill 348 Senate Gun Control Measure
- I strongly oppose this bill.
- Watch my Senate Committee Judiciary testimony here.
SJR 33 Woke Constitutional Rights Amendment
- I strongly oppose this bill.
House Bill 3242 and House Bill 3243 - Insurance Lawsuit Bills
HJR 23 No Kicker Refund Bill; (And all attempts to take money from the people who earned it!)
- I strongly opposed this bill.
HB 2107 Flawed Voter Registration Expansion – Oregon Health Authority Registration
- I strongly opposed this bill.
House Bill 2002 Unlimited Abortion and Taxpayer Funded Transgender Surgeries Bill
- I strongly opposed this bill.
- Watch my floor speech here.
House Bill 3019 Oregon Forest Research Institute Funding Bill.
- I strongly oppose this bill.
Senate Bill 579 – Criminals – Incarcerated Felons Allowed to Vote
- I strongly opposed this bill.
Senate Bill 586 - Relating to Confidentiality in Restorative Justice Programs - (Protects the criminals instead of the victims!)
- I strongly opposed this bill.
House Bill 3282 - Gold Beach Fire Preparedness
- I strongly support this bil
House Bill 3620 - Oregon Realtors for Housing Solutions
- I fully support this bill.
House Bill 3584 - School Safety
- I strongly supported this bill.
Senate Bill 779 – Support for Police
- I strongly supported this bill.
Senate Bill 753 Sudden Oak Death Mitigation Funding
Senate Bill 679 Famous Oregon Coast Trail Completion Funding
- I strongly supported this bill.
Senate Bill 795 County Trust Lands Returned to County Ownership
- I strongly supported this bill.
Bills that I carried on the House Floor
Senate Bill 872 Federal Funding for Forest Health Activities
- Passed by the House 47-7. Passed by the Senate 28-2.
Senate Bill 1013 Allows Rural Homeowners to Site One RV on Their Property
- Passed by the House 49-7. Passed by the Senate 27-1.
Senate Bill 479 Allows Donation of Meat to Charities Processed at Licensed Facilities
- Passed by the House 48-0. Passed by the Senate 30-0.
Senate Bill 507 Expands Agricultural Products Allowed for Farm Direct Marketer Sales
- Passed by the House 54-0. Passed by the Senate 29-1.
House Bill 2966 ODFW to Waive Certain Requirements for Black Bass and Walleye Angling
- Passed by the House 59-0. Passed by the Senate 28-1.
Our children in foster care need a safe place to stay and an advocate to make sure their best interests are being met.
Resource (foster) Homes: Children in care first need a safe place that is within their community. In our Curry County communities, there are rarely enough resource homes to provide that safe place for children who come into care. Children often have to be placed outside of their community, away from important adults, friends, and familiar cultural and spiritual connections. It is so important that we have resource homes as close to the child’s community as possible. If you are interested in fostering, please reach out to our partners at Every Child and they will contact you with more information. Every Child programs also assist in providing tangible resources for children in care.
Curry County:
Coos County:
Child Advocates: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) advocate for the best interests of children when they are in the foster care system. CASAs visit children in their resource (foster)homes or own homes, interview anyone who makes decisions about the child, and report to the judge on what is best interest for the child. CASAs are background checked, attend at least 30 hours of National CASA Pre-Service training, and are sworn in by their district court judge before they can be an advocate for a child. CASAs spend an average of 10-15 hours a month in this volunteer role.
Every CASA program’s goal in Oregon and Nationwide is to have an advocate for every child in care, so every child has a voice! Typically, CASA programs serve 40-60 percent of the children in care, which means we need more folks to step up and become advocates.
If you are interested in becoming a CASA or want to inquire about other ways you can help, please reach out to your local program:
Coos and Curry Counties: or 541-435-7103
Douglas County:
Representative Court Boice delivered a courtesy speech in the Oregon House of Representatives in commemoration of the memory of Army Sergeant John K. Daggett.
Seargeant Daggett died on May 15, 2008 after his vehicle was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade in Iraq. He was 21 years old. Learn more about his memory here.
Coos, Curry, and Douglas Counties – The beautiful Southwest Corner of Oregon - The Timber Capitol of the World, Greatest Ocean, Most Pristine Rivers, Funnest Fishing, Best Golfing, Healthiest Cranberries, Finest Wines, Rarest Easter Lilies, and our World Wildlife Safari – We invite you to visit soon.
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1401 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-476, Salem, Oregon 97301
Email: Website: