HD15 Legislative Update: June 9, 2023

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Friends and neighbors, here are some highlights from the week and helpful community information for you! 

 - Shelly




D Day 2023

Policy Update


Gov. Kotek: The Champion of Albany’s New Homeless Camp

The City of Albany recently released its plan to open a homeless camp on city-owned property on the corner of Jackson and 9th. Hasso Hering has an excellent write-up on the details.

The Legislature backed city councils around the state into a corner by passing HB 3115 in 2021. The bill prohibits cities from banning homeless camping unless they have enough shelter beds to house their homeless population.

Cities are now put into a position where they must “manage” homeless camping, and these designated homeless camps are one of very few options they have. The predictable result of these campgrounds is increased homeless populations in the areas they are located.

So if you are angry about it as I am, direct your ire on the legislators who passed HB 3115 in 2021 – Mainly, then Speaker of the House Tina Kotek (now Governor), the bill's author.

These things are a natural consequence of a decade of single-party liberal control in Oregon. We must focus on the root causes of homelessness, not simply manage where they camp. It’s not compassionate to allow people to sleep on a sidewalk, the woods, or a city-owned property. It's much more compassionate to ensure they get treatment for the addiction or mental health issues that make them need to camp in the first place.


Oregon News


Former Secretary of State Shemia Fagan Scandal


Feds open apparent investigation of former Secretary of State Shemia Fagan’s ties to pot company, source says OregonLive Federal law enforcement authorities have convened a grand jury to investigate the scandal that engulfed former Secretary of State Shemia Fagan over her side job with an embattled cannabis business, according to a source briefed on the matter. The grand jury will meet later this month and appears focused on Fagan, along with Rosa Cazares and Aaron Mitchell, owners of the cannabis business Fagan worked for while she served as secretary of state, according to the source.

Oregon Department of Justice Hires California Firm to Conduct Investigation Into Recent Cannabis Audit Willamette Week The Oregon Department of Justice has hired a California consulting firm to conduct an investigation into the audit former Secretary of State Shemia Fagan oversaw of the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission—even as she took a lucrative consulting job with a cannabis outfit at odds with those regulators. That moonlighting, when reported by WW, brought an abrupt end to Fagan’s promising political career. And the validity of the audit came under intense questioning when WW broke the news April 27 that Fagan had in February accepted a $10,000-a-month consulting contract with the founders of the second-largest dispensary chain in the state, La Mota—and helped shape the audit around the desires of La Mota’s CEO, Rosa Cazares. Fagan resigned May 2.

Feds Appear to Open Criminal Investigation Into La Mota and Shemia Fagan Willamette Week The U.S. Department of Justice has issued subpoenas to at least two Oregon state agencies in the past week as agents search for information ahead of the convening of a grand jury later this month. The DOJ appears to be seeking further elaboration of the relationship between former Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan and La Mota, the embattled cannabis chain whose founders Fagan went to work for in February. Fagan’s contract with Rosa Cazares and Aaron Mitchell, the founders of that chain, led the secretary of state to resign after WW broke the news of the lucrative contract on April 27.

Federal criminal investigators examining former Secretary of State Shemia Fagan’s dealings with a cannabis company OPB But in subpoenas dated May 24, it’s clear federal agents are looking closely at Fagan, Mitchell and Cazares. The documents — formal orders for state officials to produce records — were submitted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Ethan Knight, chief of the office’s economic crimes unit. Knight sent those orders to the Secretary of State’s Office, the Oregon Department of Revenue, the Oregon Government Ethics Commission, the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission and the Department of Administrative Services. He’s demanding a wide array of records dating back to 2018. 

Federal Subpoenas Issued to State Agencies Request Extensive Information Related to Shemia Fagan, Rosa Cazares, Aaron Mitchell and the Couple’s Many Companies Willamette Week Wide-ranging federal subpoenas issued May 24 and obtained by WW show U.S. Department of Justice investigators are seeking extensive information about former Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan and Rosa Cazares and Aaron Mitchell—the co-founders of the La Mota cannabis chain. Fagan began moonlighting for a La Mota affiliate in February as a private consultant. The subpoenas request that five state agencies—the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission, the Departments of Administrative Services and Revenue, the Secretary of State’s Office, and the Oregon Government Ethics Commission—provide “all information, records, and documents…relating to the individuals and entities listed below” ahead of a grand jury proceeding June 21 at the United States Courthouse in Portland.

Shemia Fagan Has Not Fulfilled Promise to Donate Remaining Campaign Funds to the Oregon Humane Society Willamette Week On May 1, the day before Secretary of State Shemia Fagan resigned from office, Fagan pledged to give the remainder of the money in her campaign fund—$11,585—to the Oregon Humane Society. It was a gesture of apology for taking a consulting contract with Rosa Cazares and Aaron Mitchell, the embattled co-founders of the La Mota cannabis dispensary chain, who had contributed $45,000 to Fagan’s campaign committee both before and after her election. WW’s reporting of that contract launched a scandal that led to Fagan’s resignation May 2. ... Except Fagan never did. More than a month later, the $11,585 remains with her campaign committee, according to public campaign finance records. 

Federal prosecutors investigating Fagan, La Mota owners Oregon Capital Chronicle Federal prosecutors are seeking a wide range of records related to former Secretary of State Shemia Fagan and the marijuana moonlighting that cost Fagan her political career. The state Department of Justice released copies of subpoenas issued late last month to five state agencies by Ethan Knight, a Portland-based assistant U.S. attorney who was the lead prosecutor in the 2017 trial over the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by a group of far-right extremists. The Oregonian/OregonLive first reported the subpoenas. Subpoenas went to the Secretary of State’s Office, the Department of Administrative Services, the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission, the Oregon Government Ethics Commission and the Department of Revenue. Knight and FBI Special Agent John Mandrafina are seeking a wide array of records, all related to Fagan and La Mota cannabis retailer owners Aaron Mitchell and Rosa Cazares. 


‘Bill of lies’: Clackamas County commissioners explore overturning Measure 110 KOIN6 Clackamas County commissioners are debating whether voters are willing to re-criminalize hard drugs in an effort to overturn Measure 110, less than three years after Oregon voters approved it statewide. The commissioners are exploring an advisory vote for the May 2024 ballot regarding Measure 110, which de-criminalized hard drugs including fentanyl, cocaine and meth in order to funnel money into treatment and recovery programs. An advisory vote allows voters to give their preference on a topic but does not add to, change or repeal laws already in the books.

A $28 Million Low-Income Apartment Complex Descends Into Chaos in Just Two and a Half Years Willamette Week Tenants let homeless friends in from the street who shoot up in the stairways, sleep on couches in common areas, smoke fentanyl in the elevators, and vandalize plumbing. They pound and pry at residents’ doors. People defecate in the stairways (this reporter observed an impressive log that had been sitting for hours). The elevators are often broken, making it difficult for tenants who use mobility scooters to get around. When WW visited, the down button on the fourth floor had been pried off and left on the floor. Lately, a woman from the street has been roaming the halls with a hatchet, tenants say. A log of emergency calls confirms the conditions. In 2022 alone, police, fire and medical personnel have responded to six calls about stabbings, 17 for assault, four about shots fired, seven for vandalism, eight on restraining order violations, and one labeled “death–obvious–cold/stiff.”

Fewer locals are encouraging friends and family to visit Portland, data shows KOIN6 The number of locals encouraging friends and family to visit Portland has dropped by 27% since 2017, a 2023 survey commissioned by Travel Portland shows. Travel Portland strategist Megan Conway presented the not-for-profit, tourism-marketing organization’s findings to the Portland City Council during its annual report. Among other things in the report, Travel Portland outlined a survey showing how local residents in and around Portland feel about the city as a tourist destination.

Parental notification is at the heart of the legislative stalemate in Oregon OPB Sen. Tim Knopp, R-Bend, the Republican leader confirmed his party is feeling hopeful Democrats are reconsidering elements of House Bill 2002, including the part clarifying anyone of any age can have an abortion in Oregon without notifying a parent. Key Democrats confirmed conversations were underway, but did not offer many details. Hundreds of bills are set to perish if the Republican walkout continues; measures to create more affordable housing, to help at-risk students, bills aimed at combating climate change and measures addressing the public-defender crisis. House Bill 2002 does a lot. It would protect medical providers from prosecution if they provide an abortion or gender-affirming care to those from other states. It would expand insurance coverage to include laser hair removal and facial feminization surgery. And it makes it explicit that minors under the age of 15 can don’t need a parent’s permission for an abortion. Sen. Daniel Bohnam, of The Dalles, told Sen. President Rob Wagner, D-Lake Oswego, early in the session when House Bill 2002 hit the Senate and the parental notification piece wasn’t changed, he would “leave the state” and take ten friends with him. “I told him I am the face of the opposition,” Bonham said, adding he believes the measure is “an assault on parent’s rights.”


Get Involved



Summer clinics

From our friends at Mid-Willamette Family YMCA: 

Registration now open for our SUMMER SPORTS CLINICS!

Check out all our clinic options and sign up today here



ABC house

From our friends at the ABC House: 

Looking for an easy, yet impactful way to give back? We are low on individually packaged snacks like cookie variety packs, Cheez-its, fruit leathers, and juice pouches.

Visit our ABC House Wish List to see our most current needs here

Thank you so much for your support!



Veteran ramp

From our friends at Link Up Vets: 

Come help us build this aluminum wheel chair ramp for a veteran in need!

Recently he was released from the hospital and is in need of a ramp to gain access into his home. Getting up and down stairs is very difficult so let’s help them through it.


4170 S Santiam Hwy Albany Oregon 97322


Community Awareness



Road closure

From our friends at the City of Albany: 

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023, from 4am to 6 pm Salem Ave SE between Waverly Dr SE and Albany Ave SE will be closed to through traffic. A contractor is paving in this area, requiring a short detour. Thank you for your patience.



Safe online

From our friends at the ABC House: 

The prevalence of online sexual enticement and exploitation is overwhelming and alarming, but parents and guardians can do a lot to keep their kids safe online and ABC House is here to help!

We offer private sessions of our SafetyNet: Smart Cyber Choices® training free of charge to any group in Linn or Benton Counties. Message us or email educator@abchouse.org to schedule a training session with your group or organization today! 



Baby in car

From our friends Linn County Sheriff's Office: 

With the warm weather here, we want to remind you to not leave your child in the backseat of a car, even for a minute.

It may be hard to believe, but the truth is that according to the National Safety Council, on average, 38 children under the age of 15 die each year from heatstroke after being left in a vehicle. This is something that is entirely preventable and here are just a few things to keep in mind to help keep this tragedy from happening.

  • Always check the back seat and make sure all children are out of the car before locking it and walking away.
  • Be extra alert when there is a change in your routine, like when someone else is driving your child or you take a different route to work or childcare.
  • Put your cell phone, bag, or purse in the back seat, so that you check the back seat when you arrive at your destination.
  • Keep your car locked when it is parked to prevent a curious child from entering when no one is around. Many hot car deaths have occurred when a child mistakenly locks themselves inside.

If you come across a vehicle with a child locked inside, Oregon is one of a few states that does have a “Good Samaritan Law”. This law states that you may enter a motor vehicle, “by force or otherwise,” to remove an unattended child without fear of criminal or civil liability, as long as certain requirements are met. These requirements are:

  • have a reasonable belief that the child is in imminent danger of suffering harm;
  • notify law enforcement or emergency services either before or soon after entering the vehicle;
  • use only the minimum force necessary to enter the vehicle; and
  • stay with the child until law enforcement, emergency services, or the owner or operator of the vehicle arrives.

You may think that it will never happen to you, but we hope that keeping these things in mind will help you MAKE SURE it never does.

HD15 Events


Hoop jams

From our friends at the Boys & Girls Club of Albany: 

Hoop Jam is back! Hosted at LBCC again, the 3-on-3 basketball tournament will be on August 12 -13!

Don't wait to sign up, the deadline to register is August 2.

Register here




From our friends at Every Child Oregon - Linn Benton Lincoln: 

School might not quite be out yet, but we're already hard at work on our Back to School Carnival and School Supply Giveaway!! We had SO much fun at this event last summer, we couldn't wait to put it on again this year!

So, save the date....Saturday, August 12th. And go to this link to register today!

Registration is required, location will be sent upon registration.

We can't wait to see you there!




During the 2023 legislative session my office will continue to keep you updated and informed - and is always at your service. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any community event announcements, legislative questions, or concerns.

What is happening

Talk soon, 


Capitol Phone: 503-986-1415
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-389, Salem, OR 97301
Email: Rep.ShellyBoshartDavis@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/boshartdavis
