HD15 Legislative Update: May 25, 2023

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Friends and neighbors, here are some highlights from the week and helpful community information for you! 

 - Shelly

Memorial Day 2023

Policy Update


Lack of Leadership: Why Bipartisanship on the I-5 Bridge Failed

As I wrote last week, the Transportation Committee failed to take up any bill to fund Oregonians' portion of the I-5 bridge replacement project.

The Oregonian wrote a fair and balanced article on it, except for one thing. The article posits that the bill didn't move forward because of absences from either the Senate walkout or illness.

This is incorrect. Every Senate Republican (and Independent member Brian Boquist) member was present and voting on bills during the committee. This was NOT the reason the bridge funding bill didn't pass.

In fact, the only reason why anything passed at all on the last day of the work session deadline is because Senate Republican members were in committee (one Democrat Senator was sick).

The bridge funding bill didn't pass because of a lack of leadership to pass a bipartisan bill. By doing so, the funding for the bridge will need to be punted to another vehicle. That's risky because we are competing for federal funds and an application deadline.

We need a bridge. It's unsafe, and an upgraded and more efficient corridor is best for the economy and state.

Not passing the bipartisan bill we had on the table is bad for Oregon because any other policy will likely limit competition to only union contractors. This increases project costs and locks out minority contractors who do not belong to a union. Read about it in their own words.

These kinds of Project Labor Agreements actually go against state policy found in ORS 279A.015(5). Regardless of what kind of construction contractors gets the privilege to work on the project, the workers will get paid the same. Because of SB 493 (2021), this will be the highest prevailed wage project in state history.

On a project this large, the largest public project in Oregon's history, we need "all hands on deck." That should be our focus, not repaying political favors, ESPECIALLY in light of La Mota scandal that is playing out in real-time before our eyes. 

Let's go back to the reasons why the bipartisan bridge funding bill got punted. The bipartisan HB2098-2 funding bill (that did not pass) did four things:

1) ensured open/fair competition (see above),

2) earmarked $1 billion for Oregon to have a competitive application for federal funds

3) recommitted to the 6-year-old promise of the Rose Quarter Improvement Project

4) set up a framework for a bipartisan 2025 transportation package

In 2017, before my time, the Legislature passed a historic transportation package: HB 2017. One of the main components is that they would prioritize the Rose Quarter Improvement Project.

The Rose Quarter is in the top 30 bottlenecks in the nation and needs additional capacity to ensure people and freight get to their destination on time. Truckers were promised this project in exchange for a 53% tax increase to help pay for it. That's a big tax increase.

The truckers upheld their end of the deal. They paid the taxes, but multiple organizations in Portland mobilized against the project, holding it up for the last three years. The money was then spent on different projects like the I-205 Abernethy bridge project. (See HB 3055 in 2021)

All this is happening against a backdrop of Oregon being the MOST EXPENSIVE STATE IN THE NATION to operate a truck. California is #2 and we are $7,000 per truck MORE expensive than them.

Disclaimer: I practically grew up in a truck shop. I often and proudly say: my dad started his trucking company in 1983 with two trucks and a dream. I understand and appreciate the trucking industry and supply chain more than anyone in the Oregon Legislature and I don’t shy away from these facts.

So what the bipartisan bridge bill attempted to do was merely reaffirm that "a promise is a promise." If the Legislature promises to do something, we should do it. That is not a controversial proposition. The bipartisan bridge bill didn't tack on any additional funding for Rose Quarter, and it didn't require any resources be diverted from any other existing projects. 

Perhaps most importantly, the bipartisan bridge bill set up a framework for a 2025 transportation package. Transportation and infrastructure shouldn't be partisan, and this was a test run to see if we can keep it that way. The outcome of the bridge bill, and the way Republicans were treated is going to make that very, very difficult.

If Democrats want to pass a partisan transportation package without Republican input and support, I can promise that it will hurt taxpayers and Oregon.

More Signs of Corruption in Your Government: The Unfolding FTX Scandal

This week the Oregonian reported that the Acting Secretary of State Cheryl Myers actively rejected legal advice from the Department of Justice when slashing, in more than half, a fine on the Democratic Party of Oregon for campaign finance violations.

In a legal memo, the DOJ lawyer said that Acting Secretary Meyer had no authority to reduce the fine and called the Democratic Party of Oregon's effort at following basic campaign finance reporting laws "lackluster."

Underlying all this scandal is a $500,000 donation, the largest in the DPO's history, that was given by an executive of the disgraced cryptocurrency firm, FTX.

Oregon News

Farm Worker Fund

Help the Families of Last Weeks Tragic Car Wreck on I-5

Oregon Farm Bureau (OFB) is fundraising for the families of farmworkers who were employed by OFB member, J. Ruiz Farm Labor Contracting in the Willamette Valley. On May 18, 2023, eleven farmworkers of J. Ruiz Farm Labor Contracting were involved in a horrific car crash, killing seven instantly and seriously injuring four. The van they were in was hit from behind by a semi-truck, pushing them into another parked semi. Although Workers' Compensation will cover significant costs, there are other costs and support that will be needed for these devastated families. 100% of all money received by OFB through this effort will go directly to all eleven of the families affected by this tragedy.

Donate here.

Support surges for farmworkers killed in Oregon highway crash, but hurdles remain

Statesman Journal

"The loss of these hardworking individuals has undoubtedly created a void in the lives of their loved ones and our community," said Oregon Farm Bureau Executive Director Greg Addington. "Their unwavering spirit to provide for their families and contribute to the growth and prosperity of our state was evident. Individually and as an organization, we extend our unwavering support as we mourn the lives of these individuals."


Key Oregon legislative committee punts on Interstate Bridge funding OregonLive Rep. Shelly Boshart Davis, R-Albany, a co-vice chair of the committee, said an initial proposal introduced by five committee members had bipartisan support, with $1 billion of funding, a commitment to fund an expansion of Interstate 5 through Portland’s Rose Quarter and language to ensure “fair competition” for all contractors to be able to bid on the project, as opposed to requiring a union workforce. “We would have had the votes for that, but leadership did not allow that to move,” Boshart Davis said. Boshart Davis said she’s concerned that funding the project without reaching agreement on its particulars puts the project in jeopardy. “If we only have the money part of it, then we haven’t matched what Washington is doing,” she said. “The fact that we don’t have the policy side of it makes me again concerned with the federal money.” She also said she was worried the budget bill wouldn’t guarantee the full $1 billion for the project. 

Acting Secretary of State Says Staff Repeatedly Told Fagan to Cancel La Mota Contract: “Our Advice Was Ignored” Willamette Week “Senior staff advised Secretary Fagan against working with La Mota from the very beginning,” acting Secretary of State Myers told WW on Friday. “We advised her against taking the contract, and when she recused herself, we advised her to disclose the relationship publicly. We again advised her to quit the contract when we learned about the company’s tax and legal troubles from the Willamette Week.” Myers added: “Unfortunately, the secretary never presented this as a question. The secretary had predetermined she would take the contract from the moment she brought the issue to our attention. Our advice was ignored.”

Bipartisan Oregon Senators demand that Democrats return $500K campaign donation KOIN 6 Oregon Senate Republicans and Independents are demanding that state Democrats send back the $500,000 campaign donation they received from the former engineering director at now-bankrupt cryptocurrency company FTX. Following the news of the FTX bankruptcy and Bankman-Fried’s arrest, many lawmakers offloaded their campaign donations to other organizations, causes and programs. The Democratic Party of Oregon has yet to follow suit, according to Senate Republican Leader Tim Knopp. “The culture of corruption among top Oregon Democrat politicians is increasingly evident and incredibly disturbing,” Sen. Knopp said in a statement. “We have argued since the beginning of Session that the need for accountability and transparency has never been greater. We have also argued that investigations must be conducted by outside, independent counsel. They can’t escape this any longer.” Just as Republican and Independent senators are facing automatic disqualifications for accumulating 10 unexcused absences, the DPO is facing a $15,000 fine for “wrongly reporting” the source of its $500,000 campaign donation.

Editorial: A sweetheart deal for political allies The Oregonian Editorial Board Former Secretary of State Shemia Fagan’s self-enrichment scheme tainted not only her reputation, but that of the office she was elected to serve. Unfortunately, those leading the office since her resignation are giving Oregonians new reasons to question the agency’s credibility. In her first significant decision as the acting secretary of state, Cheryl Myers slashed a proposed fine against the Democratic Party of Oregon for misreporting a $500,000 donation – the organization’s single-largest ever. The move helped hide the identity of the true donor, now-disgraced cryptocurrency executive Nishad Singh, for weeks and was corrected only after repeated inquiries by The Oregonian/OregonLive’s Hillary Borrud.


Get Involved




Oregon Water

From Oregon’s Integrated Water Resources Strategy (IWRS):

The OWRD IWRS website will be updated with links to the survey and information about the community events later this year. You can also sign up at Oregon's Kitchen's Table to get notified about the survey, activities, and events here.

Oregon’s Kitchen Table will be facilitating 7 Regional Community Conversations, located across the state. We will be joined by staff from other state agencies to hear from you about your current water challenges, potential solutions, and ways to continue our dialogue about water.

Sign up, here.

Conversation Guide


HD15 Events



Cookie plug

From our friends at Every Child Oregon - Linn Benton Lincoln: 

RSVP for our Cookie Plug fundraiser! June 7th 4pm-9pm for everyone who has registered for our fundraiser and purchases cookies will have 25% of their purchase go directly to Every Child LBL which will support kids in foster care!

Who doesn't love a delicious cookie! This is a perfect place to pick up an easy dessert for this time of year, keep the kitchen cool and celebrate your graduate with a cookie (or a few) from Cookie Plug!

RSVP here


Blood drive

From our friends at the Boys & Girls Club of Albany: 

Join us for our blood drive!

Monday, June 5th

8:30am to 1:30pm

1215 SE Hill Street Albany, OR 97322 



Summer T3 Internship

From our friends at Boys & Girls Club of Albany: 

We are now accepting applications for our summer T3 Internship! The core goal for participants as they complete this internship is to be equipped with the skill sets to be college ready, job ready, and career ready.


  • *Work 4.5 hours/week (Monday-Thursday)
  • *Attend all workshops (Fridays)
  • *High school student *Be committed
  • *Have a good attitude

Upon completion, students will receive:

  • *.5 elective credit
  • *$500 stipend
  • *Job possibilities within the organization

*Applications due June 2* 

Contact Vanessa.Cisneros@bgc-albany.org or visit here for the application



Talent show


From our friends at the Boys & Girls Club of Albany: 

Our 10th annual member talent show is just around the corner!

Free to attend and open to family and friends!

May 31st at 4pm



Summer program


From our friends at Boys & Girls Club of Albany: 

Do your kids have a place to go this summer?

Our Summer Program is filling up fast!

Summer Program will run from June 26-August 25.

Hours are from 8:30-5:30, Monday-Friday.

$75 per child/week

To get additional information about enrollment, please contact Membership Services at 541-926-6666 Ext. 211 or email info@bgc-albany.org.

Or visit the website here


Community Awareness




3 R's

From our friends at the ABC House: 

Learn how you can help a child in your life this #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth.

Practicing the three R’s, Reassurance, Routines, and Self-Regulation, can be a great way to support a child's resilience. We can reassure them of their safety and the safety of loved ones, establish routines that provide them with a sense of predictability, and help them with self-regulation of stress through exercise, breathing, and mindfulness activities.

To learn more about trauma counseling modalities at ABC House, visit here.





From our friends at ABC House:

In this free training, you will learn how to be an active bystander in child sexual abuse prevention and response. You will receive examples of boundary violations and inappropriate behaviors, and how you can make spontaneous and planned interventions that reinforce boundaries and protect children.

This event will be *in person* at the ABC house!

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 2023 AT 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Follow this link to register: link


Capitol Visits



CDSBD and Mark

Always a good day when former Minority Leader Christine Drazan is here for a visit. Pictured here with House Republican Office Chief of Staff Mark Cruz.



Quinn and Petra



Love when young kids visit me at the Capitol! Say hi to my cousins Petra and Quinn! And a special thanks to Chief Clerk Tim Sekerak who spent time with Quinn showing him how to be Speaker! 😃

letter from Quinn and Petra


Sweet Home City Manager

Pictured here with Kelcey Young - City Manager Sweet Home.


Doing Great Things



Armed forces day

From our friends at Linn County Sheriff’s Office: 

May 20th was National Armed Forces Day!

Your Linn County Sheriff’s Office is honored to have so many men and women in our Office who have served (or are still currently serving) our Country in the Armed Forces. 

Thank you to all the men and women of our Linn County Sheriff’s Office who have honorably served. Also, a big THANK YOU to all those who have served our great country!




During the 2023 legislative session my office will continue to keep you updated and informed - and is always at your service. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any community event announcements, legislative questions, or concerns.

What is happening

Talk soon, 


Capitol Phone: 503-986-1415
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-389, Salem, OR 97301
Email: Rep.ShellyBoshartDavis@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/boshartdavis
