Legislative Update from Rep. Anna Scharf

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Representative Anna Scharf

Dear Friends,

As we approach the middle of May, the constitutional end to legislative session is only 37 days away at most. Policy committees end this week, which means bills must be worked out of the 2nd chamber and on their way to the floor or they are essentially dead.

With the Senate Republicans denying quorum, no compromise being reached between parties, and several Senators reaching the 10 unexcused absence maximum - I do not know where that leaves us for the remaining 37 days. The Senate policy committees continue to work because the majority party holds enough seats in each to establish a quorum.

Perhaps the Senate Republicans would return to pass the state budget bills and other bills that have bipartisan support, but this only seems likely if HB 2002B and or HB2005B were removed from the table. If not, I believe the state budget will not pass both chambers and the Governor will call a special session as soon as possible

I will keep you updated as I learn more. I hope you find the below highlights helpful.



Anna Scharf
State Representative - HD 23



Yesterday, the Economic and Revenue Forecast for May was released - showing record revenue growth, and predicting a $5.5 billion kicker.

For the time being, Oregon's funding is secure, our workforce is returning to pre-pandemic levels, and I will continue to advocate for the kicker to be returned to Oregon taxpayers.

Read more here.


The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking to implement rules that would expand the Employee Commute Options (ECO) program that would impose huge burdens on struggling small businesses in our area.

The rules would require a 15% reduction in employee commuting for employers with 100 or more employees. That will be difficult and costly to implement, particularly for employers with a primarily in-person workforce and those not located near safe public transit options.

Under the program, employers must survey at least 75% of their workforce every two years and develop a trip reduction plan that includes such options as telecommuting, free or subsidized transit passes or vanpools, daily stipends for carpoolers, onsite or nearby childcare, and eliminating paid parking. Failing to achieve a trip reduction target would not be a violation, but employers would be required to revise their plans (i.e., add more commute options) and demonstrate a good faith effort to implement them. The proposal also requires employers to identify someone whose primary professional responsibility is to implement the ECO program.

Last week, several of my House Republican colleagues and myself signed a letter to the DEQ Director expressing concerns about the program and how it would negatively impact Oregon businesses.



Earlier this month, I interviewed on KYKN with Denise Quinn and Hunter Newton regarding the 2023 Legislative Session and the departure of the Secretary of State. In case you missed it, you can listen here.


In recognition of National Police Week and in response to Oregon’s drug crisis, House Republicans attempted to withdraw four pieces of legislation to prioritize public safety and Measure 110 reform. Committee chairs never advanced these bills in committee. The Democratic majority voted each bill down on the floor, despite bipartisan support on three of the four votes. 

A recent poll among Oregonians revealed that:

  • 63% of respondents would support a tweak to Measure 110 to reinstate criminal punishments for the possession of illegal drugs while continuing funding for drug addiction services.
  • 65% of respondents felt that Measure 110 has made addiction and overdoses in the State of Oregon worse.
  • 63% of respondents felt that Measure 110 has worsened the homelessness crisis.

Read more here.



Meeting with Adult Care Home Owners in House District 23.


Supporting the trucking industry with Rep. Shelly Boshart Davis.


Attending the Oregon Business Industry reception with local leaders.


Welcoming constituent at the Capitol from HD 23 and soon to be OIT grad.

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1423
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-387, Salem, OR 97301
Email: Rep.AnnaScharf@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/scharf