Hello Friends and Neighbors,
Summer is approaching and the temperature has been increasing here in Salem and in our district. It is important that we stay hydrated, stay cool and stay informed in these weather conditions- please refer to our Public Health section below to find more information and resources on how to navigate heat safety.
As we know, the climate is constantly changing and the world is warming at an increasingly fast rate. With wildfire, drought, and other climate disruption harming Oregonians, I believe we must continue prioritizing resiliency and building a cleaner economy. I was proud that Oregon led the way on climate by previously passing HB 2021, setting an ambitious target of 100% clean energy by 2040. In conjunction with these efforts, we must also protect the health and safety of Oregonians, especially historically marginalized communities that are disproportionately harmed by the climate crisis. During the heatwaves of the last few years, we saw record-breaking temperatures and lost many Oregonians due to heat-related illnesses. A majority of those people did not have access to air conditioning and their deaths could have been prevented.
We must take steps to reduce the harmful effects of the climate crisis and ensure our infrastructure is meeting our environmental goals for a more climate conscious future. This is why I have sponsored House Bill 2613 this Session, which would appropriate $30 million to the Department of Environmental Quality for deposit in the Zero-Emissions Incentive Fund to continue funding this critical program. As opposed to diesel cars, electric vehicles are oil-free and powered by renewable energy, not to mention far more cost-effective and practical for consumers. It is important that we incentivize drivers to use eco-friendly alternatives in response to the impending climate crisis. We can all do our part to make our earth a sustainable and beautiful place to live.
This month we recognize the mental health experiences that we all experience in different ways. It's important for everyone to reach out for support when they need it.
Click the image below to find Mental Health Services in Washington County.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental health refers to our emotional and social wellbeing and impacts how we think, feel, and behave. It plays a key role in connecting with others, making decisions, handling stress, and many other aspects of daily life.
Like physical health, mental health is a spectrum along which each of us is traveling. At times, things may arise that require additional attention and intervention to assist us in returning to the good-to-great end of the spectrum; and some may experience chronic issues that necessitate ongoing and regular care. In short, our mental health deserves just as much attention as our physical health.
On Wednesday, the May Economic and Revenue Forecast was unveiled and outlines how Oregon stacks up today, the state of employment, tax season tracking and updates on capital gains.
This forecast arrives at a time of inflationary economic booms but proves to be rather optimistic, showing signs of the economy gaining renewed strength as housing and manufacturing stabilize, and income growth is again outpacing inflation. The forecast shows that Oregon’s economy will slow noticeably in the upcoming 2023-25 biennium, however for good reasons. The recovery from the pandemic has been faster, and more inclusive than any in recent memory.
Here are some highlights from the forecast:
- With the economy operating at or near full employment, underlying gains in the labor market will be closely tied to demographics and population growth. To maintain even stronger economic growth in the years ahead Oregon will need to see faster population gains, and/or rely on business investment and capital to increase productivity.
- The upward revision in the outlook is based both on a stronger than expected tax filing season, as well as methodological changes made in light of fundamental shifts seen in recent years. The tax filing season once again outstripped expectations, albeit modest ones.
- Revenue gains have cooled some, but it is clear that Oregon’s tax sources have become more effective than they were pre-pandemic. One major factor has been the current inflationary environment. The vast majority of Oregon’s taxes are not adjusted to inflation and rise along with prices. With demand outstripping supply, businesses and consumers are paying premiums for their needs. This has translated into a wide range of taxable business and labor income, which has moved many filers into higher tax brackets.
- The new Corporate Activity Tax, Vehicle Privilege Tax, alcohol, and tobacco taxes have risen with inflation as well. Inflationary dynamics have not been captured well by Oregon’s revenue models, given that this sort of environment has not existed since years before computerized models have. Oregon’s revenue models have also been refined to better account for fixed tax brackets and federal tax reform.
- Qualitatively, there is not much difference between the updated revenue outlook, and what was predicted in March. After unsustainably high revenue collections over the past two years, tax revenues are expected to come back to earth over the next biennium, before returning to healthy growth thereafter.
- Quantitatively, small differences in trajectory matter a lot, and compound over time. Taken together, the outlook for personal and corporate income taxes has risen by $1.5 to $2 billion over the forecast horizon due to the updated model methodology. The 2021-23 personal kicker is now estimated to be $5.5 billion, and the corporate kicker is now estimated to be $1.8 billion.
To access the full forecast report, click HERE
With the May revenue forecast complete, the Ways and Means committee will increase their focus on budget bills and the overall Oregon budget. As Co-Chair of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Education, I work on budgeting for early learning, K-12, and higher education. Here is some basic information on Oregon's budgeting process, and I have also included a summary from my office on the Education Budget specifically.
Background The State of Oregon budgets on a biennial basis. The two-year budget period begins on July 1st of odd-numbered years and concludes on June 30th of the next odd-numbered year. Individual state agency budgets are developed and presented by the executive branch and passed into law by the legislative branch.
Budget Process The primary steps in the budget process are:
1. Agency Request Budget: Agencies start the budget process early in even-numbered years. The instructions, guidelines, forms, and the price list of goods and services are provided to agencies by the Department of Administrative Services’ Budget and Management Division (BAM), in March. The Agency Request Budget lays out the policies, finances, performance measures, and staffing that the agency is asking the Governor to recommend to the Legislature for the next two-year budget cycle.
2. Governor’s Recommended Budget: The Agency Request Budget is reviewed by BAM on the basis of technical budget issues, availability of funds, and the Governor’s policy direction. BAM then makes recommendations to the Governor. Agencies are provided a forum to appeal the BAM recommendation. The final recommended budget reflects the current Governor’s priorities and the policies established in statute. The Governor’s Recommended Budget includes data on statewide revenue and expenditures and on all individual state agency budgets. Click to review the current Governor's Recommended Budget
3. Legislatively Adopted Budget: The budget recommended by the Governor is presented to the Legislature when the regular session begins in each odd-numbered year. The proposed revenues, expenditures, and performance measures of each individual state agency are reviewed by the Joint Committee on Ways and Means through a series of public hearings by subcommittees. Budgets are analyzed by Legislative Fiscal Office staff and recommendations made to Ways and Means on the basis of technical budget and fiscal issues and the funding priorities of legislative leadership. Committee recommendations are presented in the form of budget reports for each budget bill. Votes on the budget bill by each chamber of the Legislature determine the Legislatively Adopted Budget (LAB). The LAB sets out General Fund appropriations, lottery fund allocations, Other Funds and Federal Funds expenditure limitations, key performance measures, and position authority for each agency.
Urban League of Portland
Urban League of Portland Members and I
Earlier this week, I met with members of the Urban League of Portland for their "Our Voices United Legislative Day of Action" in the Capitol. The Urban League of Portland is one of Oregon's oldest civil rights and social service organizations and their mission is to empower our African-American communities to achieve equality in education, employment, health, economic security and quality of life. This week, the ULP team was focused on stable housing, a critical component of building access, wealth and community safety. I am always excited to hear about their efforts and collaborate with them on this urgent work.
Centro Cultural
Centro Cultural Policy Director, Nansi Lopez and I
On Wednesday, I sat down with Nansi Lopez, the new Policy Director for Centro Cultural in Washington County. She plays a critical role in ensuring Centro's programs and services continue to evolve to meet the needs of our Latinx and underserved communities, removing barriers to health, well-being, and economic mobility.
Nansi is working on an important piece of legislation this Session, House Bill 2951, which directs the Department of Transportation to establish a program for awarding grants to providers of traffic safety education to fund Spanish language traffic safety education courses. I am excited to work alongside Nansi throughout the remainder of Session and beyond!
Oregon Worker Relief Coalition
My Legislative Aide, Gabby and Legislative Intern, Magali with Oregon Worker Relief members
Yesterday, our office met with members of the Oregon Worker Relief Coalition while I was in my House Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources, Land Use and Water. The Oregon Worker Relief Coalition is made up of 25 different organizations across the state, including groups in my district such as Adelante Mujeres and Centro Cultural. The purpose of the coalition is to serve and advocate for immigrant Oregonians experiencing economic hardship from being excluded from public programs such as COVID relief and unemployment insurance.
This Session, they have five main priorities focused on equity and support for immigrant communities. Two of these priorities are Senate Bill 612, the Indigenous Language Justice bill and Senate Bill 627, the Universal Representation bill.
The other three priorities are investments in the Oregon Worker Relief Fund, which provides temporary financial relief to those who lost wages due to COVID-19 and are ineligible for financial assistance due to immigration status, the Home Fund, which provides community members with financial assistance to stay in their homes and the Climate Change Fund, which provides temporary financial assistance to agricultural workers who lost work or wages because of extreme heat or smoke.
By Magali Cruz - Legislative Intern
The last few days in the office have been engaging, motivational and full of learning about different bills and organizations that work to give more opportunities to my community. A few days ago, I had the opportunity to listen to and get to know people from organizations like the Disability Services and Support Organization in Hillsboro. It was amazing hearing about the great work contributed by the organization’s advocates. I have learned many new things in the last few days in the office and in my community, which makes me feel more passionate about community work.
Recently, I have also seen many important bills not advancing to the Floor. Many of those bills were important, but I also feel proud to see bills passed to the Senate from the House Floor and vice versa, which motivates me.
Lately, life has been filled with beginnings and finals. This week was the third week of the Farmer's Market in Forest Grove and the second Saturday Market in Hillsboro, which is very special for the community of District 29. It was also my last week of classes as a first year undergraduate student at Pacific University. It makes me feel happy because, during the last year, I was motivated to do many things I did not believe I could do.
I have learned about many new topics and issues from my different teachers and mentors at Portland Community College and Pacific University, and this week I feel grateful to every person who has allowed me to continue learning.
Celebrating the Class of 2023: May Commencement
This weekend, our district's Pacific University graduates will be receiving their undergraduate and graduate degrees, which will be individually recognized and celebrated during their commencement ceremonies. I want to extend a warm congratulations to each and every graduate for their hard work and dedication to their studies. Your hard work has paid off and I am excited to watch each of your next chapters unfold!
Featuring Pacific University Graduates Olivia Ceriello and Allie Hertager
Pacific University will celebrate its May Commencement with two ceremonies on Saturday, May 20, on the Forest Grove Campus.
Nearly 850 students will earn undergraduate and graduate degrees this May, marking the culmination of years of study. Trustee and local business leader Manuel Castañeda will be recognized with an honorary doctorate, and retired optometry faculty member Lee Ann Remington ’83, OD ’84, MS ‘92 will receive the Kamelia Massih Prize for a Distinguished Optometrist.
Pacific’s spring commencement day begins at 9 a.m. with the undergraduate ceremony, where students in the colleges of Arts & Sciences, Business, Education, and Optometry will receive bachelor’s degrees after studying in more than 60 different majors and minors.
Among them are this year’s undergraduate valedictorian Dalton Sikes, a creative writing and literature double major. Originally from Southern California, Sikes grew up in Hillsboro and graduated from Liberty High School. At Pacific, he has served as a writing tutor in the Center for Learning, student managing editor for the Silk Road Review and Pacific’s Literature by Undergraduates Magazine, peer mentor for the Mentor Collective, and president of the English Club. He is an avid writer who has presented at several conferences and has been published in several literary magazines.
Dalton will deliver the valedictorian keynote address, and Dr. Paul Snell, associate professor of politics and government, will deliver a faculty keynote.
Also during the morning ceremony, Pacific University will bestow trustee and business leader Manuel Castañeda with an honorary doctorate degree.
Commencement Day continues with the afternoon ceremony at 1:30 p.m., when students with earn master's and doctoral degrees in social work, business, speech-language pathology, education and teaching, pharmacy, athletic training, physical therapy, vision science, optometry, and health and medical sciences.
The afternoon ceremony also will feature the presentation of the Kamelia Massih Prize for a Distinguished Optometrist, which this year goes to optometry alumna and professor emeritus Dr. Lee Ann Remington. Remington will deliver the afternoon keynote address.
Both ceremonies take place at Hanson Stadium on Pacific’s Forest Grove Campus. Guest tickets are free but required to attend the ceremonies.
Hilhi Mariachi Sangre Azul at Oregon State Mariachi Festival
Always excited to see our local talent performing for big audiences. Well done, students!
On May 15, 2023, Hillsboro High School's Mariachi Sangre Azul performed at the first Oregon State Mariachi Festival at Western Oregon University. Well done students!
Watch their performance here: https://youtu.be/nMHaY15pIL8
Forest Grove Mental Health Resources
Everyone has a different experience when it comes to mental health, and it is important that we all have access to the care and support we need to live and thrive. Please refer to the link below to locate services available during the summer in Forest Grove.
Forest Grove School District prioritizes Mental Health and recognizes the importance of having access to Community Resources! Navigating mental health resources in the community can be complex and challenging. Our Mental Health Care Coordinators are available to help students and families connect with the support they need and their services are also available throughout summer!
Oregon Homeowner Help
Get connected to a certified housing counselor today to answer any questions you have about homeownership.
Foreclosure prevention resources are available online! 
Homeowners worried about keeping up with their mortgage can call 211 to be connected to a certified housing counselor or visit: oregonhomeownerhelp.org
¡Hay recursos para prevenir la pérdida de su vivienda por medio de una ejecución hipotecaria!
Los propietarios que están preocupados por no poder hacer los pagos de su vivienda, pueden llamar al 2-1-1 para ser conectados con un consejero de vivienda certificado o también visitando: oregonhomeownerhelp.org/es
Forest Grove Summer Nutrition Services
Join community members in Forest Grove this Summer to access quality nutrition near you.
Nutrition Services will once again be providing summer meals throughout community starting June 26th and running through August 25. This includes free breakfast and lunch for kids up to 18 years old.
We are in need of additional volunteers to assist with this great program. If you are interested please see the sign up information below.
Below are some resources to stay safe and mindful of your health in the increasing heat as we approach the Summer.
Free Air Conditioning Units through OHP
Now is the time to get an air conditioning unit, before stores run out. If you are at risk for heat-related illness or receive health or medical assistance, you may qualify for a free air conditioning unit through the Oregon Health Plan. See staycoolwashingtoncounty.com for links to apply now as it can take time to get the unit.
With the hot weather continuing, be prepared before you go outside. Check your local forecast and be aware of daily high temperatures in your area. Drink plenty of water and wear sunscreen, sunglasses, or sun hats to keep yourself cool.
OEM has put together this list of contacts to help speed up the process of replacing these documents:
Green cards: Phone (800)-375-5283; Website: www.uscis.gov
Medicare cards: Phone: (800)-772-1213; (TTY) (800)-325-0778 Website: www.medicare.gov
Military records Phone: 866-272-6272 Website: www.archives.gov/contact/
Passport Phone: 877-487-2778; (TTY) 888-874-7793 Website: travel.state.gov
Social Security card Phone: 800-772-1213; (TTY) 800-325-0778 Website: www.ssa.gov
U.S. Savings Bonds Phone: 844-284-2676 Website: www.treasurydirect.gov
U.S. tax returns Phone: 800-829-1040 Website: www.irs.gov
Birth, death, marriage, domestic partnership, divorce certificates Phone: 888-896-4988 Website: www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/Birthdeathcertificates
Driver’s license, auto titles and registration, ID cards Phone: 503-945-5000 Website: www.oregon.gov/odot
SNAP (Oregon Trail Card) Website: www.oregon.gov/DHS/Assistance/Food-Benefits
State taxes (Oregon Dept. of Revenue) Phone: 503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222 TTY: All relay calls are accepted. Website: www.oregon.gov/dor
Real estate and property - Contact your county government.
Credit cards - Contact your credit card company directly.
Credit reports from Equifax, Experian, TransUnion Phone: 877-322-8228 Website: www.annualcreditreport.com
Insurance documents - Check with your insurance agent.
Medical records - Call your doctor or your medical insurance company; medical and prescription records are tracked electronically.
The Governor’s office has put together a Wildfire Resources page that you can access from the Governor’s home page. It has links to many of the most important updates about the status of fires and resources for evacuees. This website will be updated regularly.
Legal Resources: Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Program, Oregon lawyers, through the Oregon State Bar, are partnering with FEMA and the American Red Cross to provide legal assistance on FEMA claims, contract claims, insurance claims, landlord-tenant matters and more.
The Department of Forestry’s Wildfire Response and Recovery Overview has ongoing updates about firefighting efforts, damage reports, and more.
FEMA Updates: FEMA has provided several different Fact Sheets and resources for accessing benefits, determining eligibility and avoiding scams.
Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs:
Washington County Veterans Resources:
Mental Health Services:
- Washington County Crisis Line | 503-291-9111
- Crisis Text Line | Text “Connect” to 741741
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline | 1-800-273-8255
- Trevor Lifeline | 1-866-488-7386
Employers and Employees
The following list of resources is from Oregon’s Secretary of State’s Office. The fastest way to get in touch with the SOS team is by emailing business.sos@oregon.gov, using the “Need Help?” button found on most state agency websites or visiting www.oregon.gov/smallbusiness.
Education Links
Local Government
Utilities Assistance
Food and Housing Assistance
Yours truly,
 Representative Susan McLain House District 29
email: Rep.SusanMcLain@oregonlegislature.gov I phone: 503-986-1429 address: 900 Court St NE, H-489, Salem, OR 97301 website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/mclain