Good afternoon, As I have mentioned to many of you, I am trying to stay ahead of some Bills of Concern that are coming up for Public Hearings. I am sending you this information so that you may have an opportunity to bring your voice to the Legislative Process.
Please forward this to your friends and neighbors that might offer their testimony as well.
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Thank you for all of your work for our beautiful state. It is greatly appreciated. Be Safe and God Bless.
Legislation of Concern for the Coming Week
May 1st through 5th
Clicking the bill number will allow you access to more information on the bill. The bill text, any submitted amendments and testimony that may have already been submitted is available in the tabs at the top of the webpage. By clicking the “Register to Testify” tab, you can fill out the form to sign up to testify remotely through Microsoft Teams for the bill either via Teams Video or on the phone. If you would like to submit written testimony, click the “Submit Testimony” tab and then either fill out testimony form or upload your written testimony.
This of course does not incapsulate all the bills for the coming week. Bills or Amendments could also be added to committee agendas at any time and after the work to put this list together.
Senate Committee On Housing and Development 8:00 am
HB 3462 A- Provides that, if certain state agencies provide temporary housing to displaced individuals in response to emergency, agencies shall ensure housing is safe and provided in compliance with state and federal laws relating to discrimination. Provides that, if federal resources are made available to affected community in response to emergency, certain state agencies may provide similar or equivalent resources to community members who are ineligible to receive federal resources subject to availability of funds. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Senate Committee On Labor & Business 8:00 am
HB 2556 A - Provides requirements for employer deductions for erroneous overpayments of wages for employees who are not subject to collective bargaining agreement. Clarifies that, for employees who are subject to collective bargaining agreement, employer deductions for erroneous overpayments of wages made pursuant to terms of applicable collective bargaining agreement are not prohibited. Tolls statute of limitations for action alleging violation of requirements for erroneous overpayment deductions until employer provides to employee alleging violation itemized statement that meets certain requirements.
HB 2921 A - Requires hospitals to file certain reports showing demographics of hospitals' workforces with Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries for posting to Bureau of Labor and Industries' website. Prescribes civil penalty for noncompliance.
HB 3028 A - Prohibits employer from requiring employee to use vacation, sick or annual leave for time spent by employee as appointed member of state board or commission. Provides that protections apply to employee who has provided employer with at least 21 days' advance notice of time employee needs to spend in service of state board or commission. Authorizes employee alleging violation to file complaint with Commissioner of Bureau of Labor and Industries. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Senate Committee on Judiciary 1:00 pm
HB 3443 A - Prohibits landlords from terminating lease or taking other specified actions due to status of tenant as victim of bias crime. Provides that tenant who is bias crime victim is not responsible for damages resulting from commission of bias crime. Provides that perpetration of bias crime by tenant constitutes cause for termination of tenancy. Establishes process for victim of bias crime to be released from lease without penalty. Provides that release assistance officer and court enter order prohibiting defendant charged with crime involving bias from contacting victim. Provides that information reported to hate crimes hotline that might reveal identity of individual is confidential. Provides that victims of bias crime in the first degree must be consulted during plea negotiations. Expands Address Confidentiality Program to include victims of bias. Expands eligibility for protected leave to bias crime victims. Provides that Department of Justice employee who staffs hate crimes hotline is eligible to request that records kept by Department of Transportation contain employer address instead of home address. Directs Department of Justice to develop and deliver training program for district attorney victim assistance programs to assist with providing services to bias crime victims.
Senate Committee On Housing and Development 8:00 am
HB 2680 A - Amends requirements for residential landlords accepting applicant screening charge.
House Committee on Education 3:00 pm
SB 923 A - Requires that only students who have school identification number are included in average daily membership. Prohibits student who has only program identification number from being included in average daily membership. Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2023.
House Committee On Behavioral Health and Health Care 3:00 pm
SB 303 A - Requires psilocybin service center to collect and aggregate specified data and submit aggregated data to Oregon Health Authority. Allows client of psilocybin service center to request psilocybin service center not to submit client's data to authority. Directs authority to submit aggregated data to Oregon Health and Science University. Requires authority to collect compile and aggregate specified data and annually make data publicly available. Becomes operative January 1, 2025. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
SB 965 A - Permits authority to disclose information obtained during investigation of complaint or reported violation against home health agency, in-home care agency, hospice program or caregiver registry to specified public entities to carry out regulatory or enforcement activities of such public entities. Allows authority to issue temporary or provisional certification to practice as hemodialysis technician during local, state or federal declaration of state of emergency or public health emergency. Permits certification by reciprocity of hemodialysis technicians. Authorizes authority to require fingerprints for purpose of conducting criminal records check of persons applying for or renewing certification as hemodialysis technicians. Updates defined term from "dialysis facility or center" to "outpatient renal dialysis facility" for purposes of hemodialysis technician statutes. Removes requirement that outlines of instruction for courses for psilocybin service facilitators be submitted to Department of Education. Expands membership of Oregon Public Health Advisory Board and specifies criteria for new members.
Joint Committee on Ways & Means 5:00 pm
SB 5506 - Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Emergency Board for allocations during biennium. Appropriates moneys from General Fund to specified state agencies for biennial expenses. Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2023.
House Committee On Housing and Homelessness 8:00 am
HB 3501 - Establishes Oregon Right to Rest Act. Makes violation unlawful practice enforceable by Commissioner of Bureau of Labor and Industries or by civil action. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
House Committee On Judiciary 8:00 am
SB 326 A - Requires owner of real property where site of unlawful manufacture of marijuana or unlawful production of marijuana is located to clean up waste from site upon receipt of notification from law enforcement agency. Provides that failure to timely complete cleanup is public nuisance. Authorizes local government to take certain actions to abate public nuisance, including filing claim of lien against real property. Prohibits use of water at location not licensed or registered for growing of cannabis. Allows Water Resources Commission to impose civil penalty for violation. Punishes by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Allows use of mobile tracking device and pen register and law enforcement interception of oral communications in specified circumstances. Increases penalties for possession or manufacture of marijuana in specified quantities. Creates crimes of marijuana offense involving reckless unlawful conduct and marijuana offense involving knowing unlawful conduct. Punishes by maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both. Repeals sunset on provisions related to unlawful production of marijuana. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
House Committee on Revenue 8:30 am
SB 1068 - Authorizes board of directors of rural fire protection district to annex to district, under certain circumstances, lands that are within coverage area of district. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Senate Committee on Rules 3:00 pm
SB 1095 - Provides transitional guidance and adjusts membership of boards and commissions whose governing body membership is based in whole or part on congressional districts, to account for increase in congressional districts. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Bills of Concern to Watch
Bills to Support
Joint Committee On Tax Expenditures 8:00 am
HB 2161 - Makes certain changes to calculation of small forestland owner tax credit.
Yours Truly,
 Senator David Brock Smith
Together, We Will Build a Better Oregon
 Senate District 1 Curry, Coos, and Douglas Counties Southwest Oregon’s Fish, Farm, and Forestry District. Capitol Phone: 503-986-1701 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-316, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: