April Re-Cap

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Representative Daniel Nguyen


Hello Friends,

This last Sunday we held a townhall where Representative Walters, Senator Wagner, Mayor Buck and I were fortunate to meet so many of you! For those who may have missed it we covered topics like how the session is going, tolling, issues related to each of our counties, the pump your own gas bill and so on. This was a very productive townhall and we are looking forward to doing another after session is over. For those of you who still have questions please send them to our emails and we will be happy to get back to you. 

April Re-Cap

Over the last month we have been working tirelessly to ensure that we keep with the influx of bills being passed out of committees. As deadlines have been approaching, we are trying to ensure that as many bills as possible that we believe in as a body get passed out of the House. 

Some of the bills I am a proud supporter of are SB 4, HB 3294, HB 2443. I will go into each of these bills below, but I will mention that I am so proud of the work my team has done and my colleagues in the House have done. 

Senate Bill 4

As many of you know I have written about SB 4 several times over the last month, so I will keep this short and add some links for those of you who want more information on it. 

Senate Bil 4 or the CHIPS Act is a grant and loan process that business can apply for to help set up shop here in Oregon bringing in jobs and money to our state. We are waging federal dollars to also help with this project. Currently SB 5 is the second part of this where we are looking at R & D tax credits (Research and Devlopment) and we are working out the kinks to get this to a near perfect state to help communities with funding on researching and developing the software for the semiconductors. 

This situates Oregon in a unique position not only for the country but the world in terms of being one of the only places that creates and has an industry around semiconductors. I am proud to have been able to see this through to the very end. If you click on the image below you will be taken to an article talking about this. 

sb 4 signing

House Bill 3294

Our bill was created to allow property owners to be able to take racist language out of their deeds. Currently this bill has passed out of the House chamber and is now in Senate Judiciary. For those of you who want to be a part of the process and want to submit testimony I will have a link below that you can go to. I am very proud of the unanimous vote that it has and am look forward to hearing from the Senate their thoughts on the bill. 

Please click here to submit testimony. 

House Bill 3443

I am a co-sponsor on this bill, and it has made it out of the House chamber and is also in the Senate Judiciary. This bill would prohibit landlords from terminating lease or taking other specified actions due to status of tenant as victim of bias crime. Provides that tenant who is bias crime victim is not responsible for damages resulting from commission of bias crime. Provides that perpetration of bias crime by tenant constitutes cause for termination of tenancy. Furthermore, this bill would provide more resources and establish a process for victim of bias crime to be released from lease without penalty. I wanted to be a part of something that would make housing more equitable. Additionally, I am looking forward to seeing what happens with the Senate Judiciary. 

Yours truly,

Representative Daniel Nguyen
House District 38

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1438
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-488, Salem, Oregon 97301
Email: Rep.DanielNguyen@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/nguyend