Good afternoon, As I have mentioned to many of you, I am trying to stay ahead of some Bills of Concern that are coming up for Public Hearings. I am sending you this information so that you may have an opportunity to bring your voice to the Legislative Process.
Please forward this to your friends and neighbors that might offer their testimony as well.
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Thank you for all of your work for our beautiful state. It is greatly appreciated. Be Safe and God Bless.
Legislation of Concern for the Coming Week
April 24th through 28th
Clicking the bill number will allow you access to more information on the bill. The bill text, any submitted amendments and testimony that may have already been submitted is available in the tabs at the top of the webpage. By clicking the “Register to Testify” tab, you can fill out the form to sign up to testify remotely through Microsoft Teams for the bill either via Teams Video or on the phone. If you would like to submit written testimony, click the “Submit Testimony” tab and then either fill out testimony form or upload your written testimony.
This of course does not incapsulate all the bills for the coming week. Bills or Amendments could also be added to committee agendas at any time and after the work to put this list together.
House Committee on Judiciary 8:30 am
SB 592 A - Authorizes Director of Department of Consumer and Business Services to conduct comprehensive inspection of any place of employment as deemed necessary by department based on prior violation history of place of employment. Requires Director of Department of Consumer and Business Services to conduct comprehensive inspections of place of employment whenever accident investigation reveals that violation has caused or contributed to work-related fatality at place of employment or three or more willful or repeated violations have occurred. Provides specific civil penalty amounts that may be assessed against employers that violate occupational safety and health requirements. Requires Director of Department of Department of Consumer and Business Services to submit annual report to interim committees of Legislative Assembly summarizing information related to penalties assessed, appeals filed with Department of Consumer and Business Services and department inspections of places of employment. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
House Committee On Early Childhood and Human Services 1:00 pm
SB 574 A - Authorizes school district to use public funds for out-of-state placement of students only if specified criteria are satisfied. Creates exceptions. Authorizes Department of Human Services to charge school district for licensing-related costs. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Senate Committee On Human Services 3:00 pm
HB 2804 A - Requires Department of Human Services to conduct annual assessment of workforce capacity and needs in each division] program and unit of department and report results to interim committees of Legislative Assembly no later than September 30 of each even-numbered year. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
House Committee On Education 3:00 pm
SB 767 A - Limits scope by which public charter schools may conduct operations in school district that is not sponsor of public charter school. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Senate Committee On Rules 3:00 pm
SB 27 - Requires Secretary of State to conduct study and analyze provisions of Oregon Constitution, Oregon Revised Statutes and Oregon Administrative Rules relating to voter access. Requires secretary to develop recommendations regarding most effective methods for improving voter access and increasing voter participation. Requires secretary to submit report to interim legislative committees on rules by September 15, 2024. Sunsets January 2, 2025.
SJR 33 - Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to enumerate examples of rights, the denial or abridgement of which would violate existing constitutional guarantee of equality of rights. Makes conforming change to repeal constitutional policy of marriage being between one man and one woman. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at special election held on same date as next regular general election.
Joint Committee On Transportation 5:00 pm
HB 3550 - Requires state agency that purchases or leases light-duty vehicle on and after January 1, 2025, to purchase only zero-emission vehicle unless state agency finds that zero-emission vehicle is not feasible for specific use state agency has for light-duty vehicle. Specifies exceptions. Requires Oregon Department of Administrative Services to use biofuels or electricity derived from biofuels in lieu of diesel for facilities or machinery department acquires, designs, erects, completes, maintains or operates as stationary or backup generation for heat and power systems.
House Committee On Judiciary 8:00 am
SB 615 A - Modifies crime of organizing speed racing event. Punishes by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Punishes second and subsequent convictions within five-year period by maximum of five years' imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both. Modifies crime of reckless driving to include activities related to speed racing. Authorizes criminal forfeiture of instrumentalities of crime of reckless driving. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
House Committee on Business & Labor 8:00 am
SB 184 A - Modifies employer child support reporting requirements to include payments made to independent contractors.
SB 1047 - Raises contract price threshold under which contracting agency may apply certain solicitation and procurement methods for public contracts. Requires state contracting agency that awards public contract with contract price of $10,000 or more to document in state contracting agency's procurement file actions that state contracting agency takes to provide notice of procurement to Governor's Policy Advisor for Economic and Business Equity and to invite or consider for participation in procurement businesses or enterprises that Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity certifies. Requires Oregon Department of Administrative Services to promote policy of diversity, equity and inclusion in public contracting by engaging in efforts to increase public contracting opportunities for businesses and enterprises that Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity has certified. Requires department to review and evaluate results of disparity study, to develop plan to implement and implement priority recommendations of study and to report periodically to Governor's Policy Advisor for Economic and Business Equity concerning progress of department's plan and implementation. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Senate Committee on Committee on Natural Resources 8:00 am
HB 2929 - Authorizes Water Resources Department to seek injunctive relief if person has engaged, or is about to engage, in activity that is or will be violation of certain water laws. Sunsets injunctive authority on January 2, 2030. Instructs department to report, on or before September 15, 2028, to committee or interim committee of Legislative Assembly related to water on department's use of injunctive authority.
House Committee On Early Childhood and Human Services 1:00 pm
SB 769 A - Prohibits department from determining that individual is unfit solely based on substantiated or founded allegation of abuse arising from acts of individual when under 18 years of age. Creates exception to requirement to enroll in Central Background Registry if individual was under 18 years of age at time of incident resulting in substantiated or founded allegation of abuse. Modifies definitions relating to child abuse investigations. Defines "qualified subject." Limits duty of Department of Human Services and law enforcement agency to investigate allegations of child abuse to only those allegations of child abuse committed by qualified subjects. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Senate Committee on Labor & Business 8:00 am
HB 2057 A - Makes contractor jointly and severally liable in civil or administrative action for unpaid wages of unrepresented employee of subcontractor at any tier. Provides statute of limitations for actions regarding recovery for unpaid and overtime wages. Requires subcontractor to provide certain payroll records and other information to contractor upon request. Permits contractor to withhold payment to subcontractor under certain circumstances.
HB 3471 A - Makes unlawful employment practice for employer to request or require worker to enter into settlement or agreement disposing of workers' compensation claim that bars worker from seeking further employment with employer unless such provision is first requested by worker. Makes violation enforceable by Commissioner of Bureau of Labor and Industries or by civil action. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
House Committee on Revenue 8:30 am
HB 2757 A - Expands and provides funding for coordinated crisis services system including 9-8-8 suicide prevention and behavioral health crisis hotline. Imposes tax on consumers and retail subscribers who have telecommunications service or interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol service and who have prepaid telecommunications services, to pay for crisis services system. Applies to subscriber bills issued and retail transactions made on or after January 1, 2024. Requires city to enter into memorandum of understanding with county regarding provision of mobile crisis intervention services. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Senate Committee on Education 3:00 pm
HB 2275 - Requires applicants for Student Investment Account grants to take into consideration recommendations of advisory groups formed by Department of Education in relation to statewide education plans. Requires grants distributed from Student Investment Account to each site of Youth Corrections Education Program and Juvenile Detention Education Program to be equal to at least minimum amount distributed as grants to school districts. Expands authority of Department of Education to determine how to distribute moneys under statewide education plan related to students who are American Indian or Alaska Native. Condenses provisions and repeals outdated provisions related to Expanded Options Program. Grants discretion to Department of Education to determine how to distribute to specified programs appropriations made for accelerated college credit programs. Changes reporting date for grants awarded to certain public charter schools. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
HB 2281 A - Requires school districts and public charter schools to designate civil rights coordinator. Prescribes duties of civil rights coordinator.
HB 2740 A - Modifies method for calculation of hours of employment of academic employees of community colleges and public universities for purposes of Public Employees Retirement System.
Senate Committee on Rules 3:00 pm
Major Threat to Farming and Ranching
SB 85 - Requires State Department of Agriculture to study confined animal feeding operations. Directs department to submit findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to agriculture no later than September 15, 2024.
-1 Amendment and -3 Amendment replace the measure. This bill will hurt our farmers and ranchers throughout Oregon.
SB 398 - Requires State Department of Agriculture to study confined animal feeding operations. Directs department to submit findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to agriculture no later than September 15, 2024. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Bills of Concern to Watch
Bills to Support
Joint Subcommittee On Education 8:00 am
HB 5025 - Higher Education Coordinating Commission - Community Colleges *Public Testimony on Community Colleges Related Programs and Funding
Yours Truly,
 Senator David Brock Smith
Together, We Will Build a Better Oregon
 Senate District 1 Curry, Coos, and Douglas Counties Southwest Oregon’s Fish, Farm, and Forestry District. Capitol Phone: 503-986-1701 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-316, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: