Week 14: Good Governance and Affordability

Updates from Senator Tim Knopp.

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Week 14: Good Governance and Affordability

Hello Senate District 27,

Welcome to the 14th week of the 2023 Legislative session. Last week the Senate Republicans brought forward 13 bills for consideration in the form of two packages. These two policy packages: The Good Governance Package and the Affordability Package I will talk more about those later. 

The Majority introduced Senate Joint Resolution 33 was also introduced last week. The measure alters Oregon's constitution to create a constitutional right to abortion, and sex changes. This comes on the heel of House Bill 2002. You can read SJR 33 and HB 2002 for yourself to see what is going on.  

Upcoming Town Hall!

Please join Representative Emerson Levy, Representative Jason Kropf, and myself, on Saturday April 29th on a virtual town hall meeting to discuss and answer questions about housing and homelessness.

Click here to register.

virtual town hall

SD 27 Headings

SJR 33 action alert

Last week shared House Bill 2002. If you are not familiar, HB 2002 is focused on paying for sex changes and abortion. It continues to allow minors (15-18) to receive gender reassigning surgeries, and minors can consent to abortions without any knowledge or approval from the parent.

This last week, the same Majority members introduced Senate Joint Resolution 33, a measure that would ask voters to amend the constitution that would help solidify HB 2002 by constitutional protections. The adoption of the SJR 33 would be decided by registered voters and will be seen on the ballot November 2024.  

Legislative Priorities 

good governance Package


On Monday, six bills were pulled to the Senate Floor. These six bills, make up what was known as our proposed "Good Governance Package". The goal of the package was to increase accountability and transparency in state government. 

Unfortunately, Senate Democrats voted "No" in lock step and defeated every bill. Our press release below came in response to the defeated bills. 

643 Press release

Senate Bill 643 Passes in the Senate!

SB 643 carry pic

I was honored to have passed Senate Bill 643 A in the Senate on a vote of 27 to 1. This measure that I chief sponsored loosens restrictions for homemade food entrepreneurs and would allow home based food business owners the ability to expand their consumer market and more than double their allowed annual income, increasing the cap to $50,000 (previously set at $20,000). 

You can watch my carry on the Senate Floor prior to the passing vote here.

Below is the press release that I sent following the passage of SB 643 A

Actual 643 press rlease

On Thursday, I sent a letter to Senate President Rob Wagner and House Speaker Dan Rayfield asking them to use their power as the presiding officers to form a new, bipartisan, bicameral Joint Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

The letter was sent by Republican and Independent leadership and calls for the committee to take the lead on overseeing the investigation of the OLCC and other ongoing issues that require oversight from the legislature.

Below is the letter we sent to the House Speaker and Senate President. 

OLCC letter

Affordability package



Last week, Senate Republicans sought out to pass bills that make Oregon more affordable for all of us. Once again Senate Democrats rejected every bill. 


Death and taxes PR-1


One of my favorite bills in this package is Senate Bill 990, which would return the Kicker in the form of a check instead of a credit, as well as other pieces of the package. 

Read the full press release here to see it enlarged. 

Death and taxes PR-2


Poll results

Last week, I asked how involved you though parents should be in crucial decisions for your children.

This was your response:

Week 14 poll results

New Poll!

committee room

We asked legislative leaders to form a new Joint Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

Do you think the Oregon Legislature should form a new bicameral, bipartisan Committee on Oversight and Accountability?

Click here to vote

constituent meetings

  • Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council
  • High Desert Museum

SD 27 Headings

Oregon Republicans say legislative practice has allowed Democrats to limit public hearings on controversial measures
Oregon Capital Chronicle I Julia Shumway

Legislature logjam as guns, abortion, rent control bills percolating 
Oregon Capital Insider I Gary A Warner

Central Oregon politicians join St. Charles nurses at community rallies
The Bulletin I Anna Kaminski & Susanne Roig 

Two Candidates run for Bend-La Pine School Board in Zone 5
The Bulletin I Naomi Arrellano-Summer

BasX set to expand again in Redmond
The Spokesman I Nick Rosenberger

Housing projects dominate Redmond development
The Spokesman I Nick Rosenberger

Elementary school to become rec center
The Nugget 

Best Regards,


Senator Tim Knopp 
Senate District 27

email: sen.timknopp@oregonlegislature.gov I phone: 503-986-1727
address: 900 Court St NE, S-309, Salem, OR, 97301
website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/knopp
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